Author Topic: A Year in Review - 2016  (Read 4253 times)


Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2016, 08:27:09 am »
I added my top 10 to my list up at the top.

Haunting Ground made the cut? For some reason I thought you didn't care much for it.

Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2016, 09:38:53 am »
I added my top 10 to my list up at the top.

Haunting Ground made the cut? For some reason I thought you didn't care much for it.
No, I rather enjoyed the game.  Sure there were some aspects that were frustrating, but I never really dreaded playing the game, and it is one of my few experiences in the survival horror genre.

I may re-do the order though, I just kind of slapped it together.


Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2016, 09:19:20 pm »
Favorite 2016 Release: Tough, going to go with Mount & Blade: Warband for the PS4, totally unexpected genius.

Least Favorite 2016 Release: Either Lost Sea or Breach & Clear Deadline on physical by Limited Run Games. Lost Sea is just... such a meh experience. B&C Deadline I actually loved, but a game-breaking bug stopped play. Limited Run's got potential, but I hope they get more interesting releases and actually bug-check their own damned games in future.

Favorite Game Played in 2016: Mount & Blade: Warband

Least Favorite Game Played in 2016: Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault (PS4) - interesting take on tower defence, just a shame they drowned the basic gameplay in flavourless textual filler and cookie-cutter characters by the bucket.

Sleeper Hit of 2016: Mount & Blade: Warband - seriously, I've played nothing but this hardly for a month now, haven't been hooked by a game like this since Diablo 2 and Age of Empires 2/3, that's quite something for a jaded old fart of gaming.

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2016: Watching the lifeless bodies of my polygonal enemies fall off siege ladders in M&B:W or playing through Dungeons II's campaign on the PS4, fantastic stuff.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2016: Trimming the fat while continuing to pick up cheap, fun games and adding collectible titles to my game library through trade-ins.

Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2016, 01:10:28 am »
Favorite 2016 Release: Titanfall 2. I was a big Call of Duty player through high school and have continued to play competitive shooters on pc from CS:GO to my close second favorite of the year, Overwatch. I got Titanfall on a whim hearing all of the praise it was getting, I didn't play the first release, and I'm not all that interested in futuristic/sci-fi shooters, at least the way CoD has portrayed them. For me it was really the movement and platforming found in Titanfall that puts it in another league. I enjoyed the campaign for what it was, disappointed in the lackluster and uninteresting story overall, I still rolled through it on both Hard and Master difficulties, and found that the changes required tactically for Master made it a bit more interesting. The multiplayer has been a hell of a lot of fun as well, bringing me back to those late nights staying up playing CoD with friends.

Least Favorite 2016 Release:  The only title I've played that was released this year would have to be Street Fighter 5. I'm not a big fighting game player, I've played plenty of them in the past, but have never taken the time to invest in the nuance and strategy involved in actually getting good at them. I got Street Fighter hoping to maybe get into that experience a bit, and learn how to actually play it. I only had the game for a few weeks before I resold it. Buying it semi early, the lack of features, missing story mode, and just the incomplete feel of it all left me displeased to say the least. I had no expectations really going in, and knew about a lot of the issues, but they proved too much for me to overlook so I moved on. On a side note, even though I haven't played it yet or purchased it, my biggest disappointment was probably No Man's Sky, if only because I'd have loved for it to be great and to have had a reason to purchase it beyond the general hype around it. Maybe when it's out of early access next year! =D

Favorite Game Played in 2016: I'll have to put this up as a tie between Titanfall 2, Overwatch, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate on the Wii U. For me Titanfall scratched a nostalgic itch for me that was a one time a yearly ritual, driving to the city to purchase the yearly CoD release, and enjoying some fast paced and fun mutliplayer while occasionally finishing up a campaign mission. Overwatch really took over as my replacement for CS:GO, logging my 1000th hour in that late last year, me and a group of friends online decided to try out the new kid on the block and were quickly hooked. Monster Hunter was my biggest surprise of the year (more on  that later) and easily became one of my favorite gaming experiences over the summer.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2016: This is essentially a throw away category for me since I didn't really invest time into any titles that I disliked! Mountain Bike Adrenaline. I didn't play this back when it came out on PS2, I had never heard of it until I purchased a PS2 Slim off of Ebay and this game was included among a few others. All I can wonder is if anyone else has played and enjoyed this game.

Sleeper Hit of 2016: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Alright so, I'm a huge Dark Souls, and fan of the Souls franchise in general. I've played through to completion all of the titles from Demon's Souls up to Bloodborne, have not completed Dark Souls 3 yet! One thing I have had recommended to me though time and time again has been the Monster Hunter franchise. Well when Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate was released, I picked that up for my 3DS XL. . . and hated it. Playing with just a single analog stick absolutely ruined it for me, the inability to use a simple lock-on command like in the Souls games, coupled with the inaccurate camera controls relegated to hitting the Right Trigger button to center the camera, had me boxing the game back up and reselling it. Fast forward to this summer when I was able to get my hands on a Wii U for free (reward perks from my job). Mario Maker was the only title I picked up for the Wii U at the time, but browsing through Gamestop I caught sight of Monster Hunter 3 U. I grabbed it, hoping to give the series that still interested me a chance, and boy am I glad I did.

Almost becoming a different game, I fell in love. This game surprised the hell out of me, not only did the combat and movement feel good, but damn near every weapon I've tried I've enjoyed using to some degree. I think at this point the hammer and long sword are my bread and butter, but I had a hell of a time taking the hunting horn for a spin and knocking the hell out of the Great Baggi. I put in a ton of time during my couple weeks spent with this game. I haven't "completed" it yet but I've made it to the 4th and final area of the game and still plan to return to make my way through some of the end game monsters.

Favorite Gaming Moments/Achievements in 2016: I've added my favorite gaming achievement to this category because I feel they go hand in hand for me this year. I feel that my biggest achievement this year was finally completing Final Fantasy X. I had played all the way up to the beginning of the final battle with Sin in the past but had not completed the game at that point. One of my favorite moments from that experience was. . . getting that damned celestial weapon for dodging 200 lighting strikes, my god. In reality it only took me 2 failed attempts, both over 100 dodges, to complete it, but it was still nerve wracking. I delved into some late game content before completing the final boss fight, and actually turned the final boss fight from something I was really struggling with in my first attempts, to a joke where I rolled over all phases of it.

Successfully hunting Qurupeco in MH3U. Even though this is only the second (I can't remember exactly but I think its the second) monster you face in 3U, I feel like of all of the monsters I've faced, this was the most difficult. His attacks can range from slow with a big windup, to quick and with succession. I struggled early on against him, especially since I didn't know any better and was wearing Great Jaggi armor, making me weak to his fire based attacks. The first fight I was well under-prepared and ended up having the hunt drag on to the 45 minute mark before I barely managed to kill him. I turned what should have been a straight forward fight into a slug fest for both sides. I won though, and I have the hunting horn to prove it =).

Finally and most recently, getting the platinum trophy in Titanfall. Even though it wasn't particularly difficult, I really enjoyed getting it for this game. The last achievement I unlocked was completing the game on Master difficulty. I ended up doing this on Thanksgiving day before going with my family to my parents house for dinner, but the night before, I had finished the time trial achievement, running the training course at the beginning of the game, I spend nearly 2 hours grinding on this course, running trial after trial, stopping each time I made a single mistake and restarting. When I finally managed it, I only got there by .05 seconds, and lost my shit. I had been ready to give up for the night for a good 30 minutes but just kept telling myself 1 more try!

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2016: I went to Portland Retro Gaming Expo! This year has really been the beginning of my game collection, of older titles at least, I managed to get my hands on a few systems, one that I remember wanting so bad when I was growing up, and still remember, for some reason, the day my mom told me that it was going out of production, the N64. Even though my memories of this system are very much focused on Zelda OoT and F-Zero, it still felt like a big deal holding that console so many years later and knowing it was finally mine.

And finally in no particular order, a short list of my favorite games I've played this year, regardless of release.

- Overwatch (PC)
- Titanfall 2 (PS4)
- Final Fantasy X HD (PS4)
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U)
- Dark Souls 3 (PS4)
- Planet Coaster (PC)
- Pillars of Eternity (PC)
- Battlezone 98 Redux(PC)
- Stellaris (PC)

« Last Edit: December 03, 2016, 01:13:32 am by hawk767 »

Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2016, 06:17:10 pm »
Redid my Favorite 2016 Release by replacing Overwatch with Final Fantasy XV.  There's just more overall stuff to like in the game, even with its problems, though Overwatch is still a fantastic multiplayer shooter I'll keep playing for years.

Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2016, 06:08:21 pm »
Favourite 2016 Release - Uncharted 4

Easily the best game in the franchise and a perfect end to it all, it does everything so much better. Fluid control, open and fast combat, great level design and traversal and an amazing story.

Least favourite 2016 release - Mirror's Edge Catalyst

I haven't played that many 2016 releases so this is by no means a bad game, in fact I think it's good fun. I just feel the open world detracts from the experience and takes away emphasis from the free flowing of the previous game. Not to mention Faith was a wet sponge in this one, plus cliffhanger ending.

Favourite old game played in 2016 - Silent Hill 2

I decided to make this a non 2016 game and there are so many I could choose from, but boy does this deserve a mention. I've been getting into survival horror recently so I decided to get a PS2, and this game proved that was an amazing decision. This game is a masterpiece, creepy atmosphere, tense gameplay and mysterious yet intriguing story. Where has this been all my life.

Least favourite old game played in 2016 - Red Dead Redemption

My god was this game a disappointment for me. I've heard universal praise for this game, so I expected more than sloppy gunplay, poor controls, tedious cow herding missions, more than 2 tolerable characters and cutscenes that aren't completely cringey.

Favourite gaming moment in 2016

The chapter "Marooned" in Uncharted 4. I had seen the gameplay demo of it multiple times before, but it was so much fun to actually play for myself.

Proudest collection accomplishment of 2016

Getting my Last Guardian Collector's Edition, it's beautiful and the first CE I've ever had.

Best 2016 Releases
Uncharted 4
The Last Guardian (almost finished)
Ratchet and Clank
Pokemon Sun and Moon
Rise Of The Tomb Raider (New for a lot of us)
Mirror's Edge Catalyst

Still have to catch up on
Fire Emblem Fates Birthright
Dark Souls 3

Top 10 old games I've played in 2016 for the first time
Silent Hill 2
Crash Team Racing
Brothers A Tale Of Two Sons
Velocity 2X
Pokemon Omega Ruby
Fire Emblem Awakening
Gravity Rush (Remastered)

Way too many for this one.

Overall a pretty damn good year for gaming.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2016, 06:58:04 pm by throughtheiris56 »

Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2016, 03:01:24 am »
Favorite 2016 release  Pokémon Sun/Moon
I love the plot and feel, I love the look, I love the island setting and the alola forms and all the amazing little changes they made. It feels like a whole new RPG while still keeping the Pokémon formula and feel. The kahunas have more charm than the Gym leaders of previous titles did for me and the SOS method for catching shinies makes thing easier. Its truly a masterpiece and the most captivating game of 2016 for me. It might be my favorite pokemon game of all time passing Yellow version on my list.  :D

Least favorite 2016 release  No Man's Sky
Another log on the fire lol

Favorite old game of 2016  The last of us
Truly one of the most breathe taking games I have ever played, a masterpiece in every way and I am happy I played it. :D

Least favorite old game of 2016 Mary Kate and Ashley's get a clue
Its actually not that bad lol  ;D.  Its playable but I haven't played much bad games this year so I choose this one as the bottom. :)

Favorite gaming moment of 2016  Black Friday with my brother and getting new 3ds and ps3.  two systems I waited too long for. Two of my favorite consoles :)

Proudest gaming accomplishment Getting my first shiny ever in a pokemon game :).  I had never seeked them before and for the first time I tried for one and it was so amazing when one finally appeared.

Best 2016 releases
Pokémon Sun/Moon
Battlefield 1
Kirby Planet Robobot

Still have to catch up on
The bouncer
Mario and Luigi dream team
Battlefield 1
Final Fantasy XIII

Old games played in 2016 for first time
Godzilla destroy all monsters melee
The last of us
Little Samson (At a friends house)
Mega Man X3
Final Fantasy X-2
Okage Shadow King

Sleeper hit of 2016
NES Classic Edition Mini 

I wish this got more exposure :) . it was relatively quiet and stores had so much difficulty selling them and they sat on shelves. Didn't get the credit or attention it deserved. real hidden gem. :D


Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2017, 07:41:40 pm »
Redoing my list one more time with just the 2016 games so I have a more completed list of what last year was for the new stuff, adding Last Guardian, which I just beat and since making the list, I did beat Doom and FFXV.

1. Final Fantasy XV
2. Overwatch
3. Dark Souls 3
4. Titanfall 2
5. Battlefield 1
6. Last Guardian
7. Uncharted 4
8. Doom
9. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
10. Attack on Titan

Rise of the Tomb Raider, once I beat that, would likely be a good game for the list, but I count it as a 2015 game that just happened to release in 2016 for PS4.  Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 are kinda interchangeable.  Titanfall 2 has a real good singleplayer game, and the multiplayer can be pretty fun, but I don't have the interest to play it too often.  Battlefield 1 has so-so singleplayer, with good multiplayer and I've played it a good bit.  Attack on Titan is almost more of a filler entry as I couldn't figure out my last one, even if I did genuinely enjoy the game.  The gameplay, and a lot of the missions, can get repetitive, but the games movement and doing its best to create what would be the feel of maneuver gear was so good, that I just loved my time with it, even if it's not the best game.  Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is sort of the same way, though that game has a lot of issues simply being a lackluster sequel and that my love of Dragon Ball Z was the only thing that kept me playing and so I can't justify it being put on the list.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2017, 07:44:57 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2017, 09:44:36 pm »
I'm a little late to the thread, but here's my year in review. :)

Favorite 2016 Release: Overwatch (PS4) :D A lot of fantastic games released this year, but Overwatch was my favorite and by far my most played.
   Runner up: Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X (PS4/Vita)

Least Favorite 2016 Release: Touhou Genso Rondo: Bullet Ballet (PS4) I had very little in terms of expectations for this one, but was disappointed regardless.

Favorite Game Played in 2016: Tales of Graces F (PS3)
   Runner up: Pikmin 3 (WiiU)

Sleeper Hit of 2016: God Eater 2: Rage Burst (PS4)

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2016: The Nintendo Switch reveal. It was nice to finally know what the NX was after so long.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2016: It felt great to get the rest of the North American Fire Emblem releases I was missing from my collection. Now I'm working on the Japanese releases and I only have a handful left.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: A Year in Review - 2016
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2017, 08:26:12 am »
Favorite Game Played in 2016: neverwinter ps4 version