Author Topic: PSX 2016  (Read 2198 times)

PSX 2016
« on: December 03, 2016, 12:52:28 pm »
Interesting possibilities showing up at the Playstation Experience today in 10 minutes.  Rumors of everything from Marvel vs Capcom 4/Reboot, Last of Us 2, possible FF7 Remake related stuff, Dissidia console announcement, it could be a fun time.  I'll do my usual live post of things.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.  Stars a woman from the series that I forget who she is lol  Almost thought they were already announcing another Tomb Raider lol

Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite.  Looks to be a return to older MvC style which is 2v2.  2017 release

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 available on PS4 today.

Wipeout: Omega Collection.

Crash Bandicoot gameplay shown.  Looks great. "Crash Bandicoot: N'Sane Trilogy"

This isn't from the event, but I just saw that Yakuza 1 is being completely remade for PS4 and will be out, in the west, Summer 2017. Renamed Yakuza Kiwami.  I get to go back to play these games like I wanted to.  This is out 2017, Yakuza 6 is out in the west 2018.

The Last RE7 demo is up tonight.

I believe Ace Combat 7 was already announced, but they showed kinda the story.  Visually it looks nice.

Street Fighter 5 is getting Akuma and an all new season of characters next year.

Pa Rappa The Rapper, Loco Roco, Patapon are being remastered for the PS4.  Demo for Pa Rappa available today.

So...Knack 2 lol Kinda surprised.  That game wasn't exactly beloved lol It does have co-op now, so maybe they are looking at making this a real series.

Something for Gravity Rush 2.  Raven DLC for the game for free.

GT Sport out 2017.

Ni No Kuni 2.  I'm actually abit more interested in this game seeing the gameplay.  I fell out of the first one, but this one seems like a more regular action RPG.  Out 2017.

Nier: Automata.  March 3rd. Ys Origin, February, out on both PS4 and Vita.

Dreadnought is a console exclusive for PS4.

From Grasshopper Studios and Gung Ho.  Let It Die.  I have no fucking clue what this is lol  Free to PS+ users today apparently.  Garou: Mark of the Wolves and Surgeon Simulator VR out today.  Lara Craft Go available today.

Wind Jammers coming to PS4 and PS Vita.  I think it's a new game? It's old school pixel style, but has online vs and such, so I'm assuming it's a new game.

Starblood Arena for PSVR.  Scifi ship combat arena battle game.  Psychobilly Freakout is the song for it.  Old Guitar Hero memories lol

Oh thank god, Baseball stuff.  Never been a better bathroom break time, though there was almost some whiplash going from Nioh to MLB lol

The Last of Us 2 confirmed.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2016, 02:11:32 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2016, 02:45:01 pm »
Haha, I think I remember Windjammers from the arcade era:
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FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2016, 02:56:00 pm »
Haha, I think I remember Windjammers from the arcade era:

Looks exactly like it to, which is why I couldn't tell if its a remake with an old style or just like a revamped version with added online play lol

Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2016, 03:29:49 pm »
That awkward and amazing moment when PSX is 10-times better than E3 2016!!!!


Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2016, 04:36:15 pm »
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, there was some confusion when this was first announced as being "Fully remastered from the ground up", to me this looks like a remake now.  I like the remade cutscenes with Cortex and N. Brio, though I really do hope that some of that in-game animation is unfinished though since Crash's expression seems vacant while running. 

Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2016, 04:38:51 pm »
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, there was some confusion when this was first announced as being "Fully remastered from the ground up", to me this looks like a remake now.  I like the remade cutscenes with Cortex and N. Brio, though I really do hope that some of that in-game animation is unfinished though since Crash's expression seems vacant while running.

Yeah it's definitely a remake from the visuals, complete overhaul which is great, because that way they can fix anything that might've been janky before.


Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2016, 05:11:00 pm »
I wonder if Ys Origins will have a physical release. I hope so.


Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2016, 05:34:28 pm »

So...Knack 2. That game wasn't exactly beloved lol It does have co-op now, so maybe they are looking at making this a real series.

Ni No Kuni 2.  I'm actually abit more interested in this game seeing the gameplay.  I fell out of the first one, but this one seems like a more regular action RPG.  Out 2017.

Nier: Automata.  March 3rd. Ys Origin, February, out on both PS4 and Vita.

Dreadnought is a console exclusive for PS4.

The Last of Us 2 confirmed.

So far these are the announcements that appeal directly to me.

Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2016, 05:39:41 pm »
The talk of what is coming and what I'm hearing about the games that are improved with the PS4 Pro definitely has me looking at upgrading soon.  I'm still excited for the Switch coming up, but the PS4 has me pulled in which Sony hasn't done since the PS2.


Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2016, 06:09:33 pm »
Yeah it's definitely a remake from the visuals, complete overhaul which is great, because that way they can fix anything that might've been janky before.
If you wanted to 100% Crash 2, there were a few levels which forced backtracking, it really doesn't feel natural and it only bogs down those select levels.  I hope they won't recreate those parts


Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2016, 08:10:28 pm »
I wonder if Ys Origins will have a physical release. I hope so.

I was wondering the same. If anything, it'll be done by DotEmu. I don't know much about them, but I know they're not well-loved by some gamers...
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2016, 09:20:52 pm »

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.  Stars a woman from the series that I forget who she is lol  Almost thought they were already announcing another Tomb Raider lol I haven't really got into the Uncharted series so this one didn't do anything for me

Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite.  Looks to be a return to older MvC style which is 2v2.  2017 release I am hesitant to get excited about this one. I love the first two, but thought the third was meh. Hopefully this one will renew my enthusiasm for the franchise.

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 available on PS4 today. See my feeling on MvC Infinite.

Wipeout: Omega Collection. I am oddly really excited about this!

Crash Bandicoot gameplay shown.  Looks great. "Crash Bandicoot: N'Sane Trilogy" This looks pretty good. To my great shame I still have not played the originals. Might be a good time to do so.

This isn't from the event, but I just saw that Yakuza 1 is being completely remade for PS4 and will be out, in the west, Summer 2017. Renamed Yakuza Kiwami.  I get to go back to play these games like I wanted to.  This is out 2017, Yakuza 6 is out in the west 2018. Very, very excited about this!

The Last RE7 demo is up tonight. I still can't make heads of tails of this game. Is it more Silent Hills or is it more of a traditional RE game? And WTF is it even supposed to be about? Maybe I need to research more into this game, but honestly it looks like RE is still having an identity crisis.

I believe Ace Combat 7 was already announced, but they showed kinda the story.  Visually it looks nice. Never have had any interest in this series

Street Fighter 5 is getting Akuma and an all new season of characters next year. I've been bored with Street Fighter V since it came out. I appreciate they are trying to add more content, but for me it is too little too late. Will take SFIV or the earlier ones over this one any day.

Pa Rappa The Rapper, Loco Roco, Patapon are being remastered for the PS4.  Demo for Pa Rappa available today. These all look pretty cool! Will definitely have to play them!

So...Knack 2 lol Kinda surprised.  That game wasn't exactly beloved lol It does have co-op now, so maybe they are looking at making this a real series. Had zero interest in the first, same goes for this one.

Something for Gravity Rush 2.  Raven DLC for the game for free. Just another reason I'm happy to have this preordered :)

GT Sport out 2017. I will wait for the reviews to come out on this, but the last two GT games were very underwhelming imo.

Ni No Kuni 2.  I'm actually abit more interested in this game seeing the gameplay.  I fell out of the first one, but this one seems like a more regular action RPG.  Out 2017. Really excited about this one. It looks very endearing.

Nier: Automata.  March 3rd. Ys Origin, February, out on both PS4 and Vita. One of my most anticipated games of the next year, it looks even more amazing than before! Day 1 purchase for sure! YS Origin...meh.

Dreadnought is a console exclusive for PS4. Looks pretty generic and boring

From Grasshopper Studios and Gung Ho.  Let It Die.  I have no fucking clue what this is lol  Free to PS+ users today apparently.  Garou: Mark of the Wolves and Surgeon Simulator VR out today.  Lara Craft Go available today. WTF.....

Wind Jammers coming to PS4 and PS Vita.  I think it's a new game? It's old school pixel style, but has online vs and such, so I'm assuming it's a new game. Really hoping this gets a physical release. Pretty excited about this one!

Starblood Arena for PSVR.  Scifi ship combat arena battle game.  Psychobilly Freakout is the song for it.  Old Guitar Hero memories lol Looks alright I guess.

Oh thank god, Baseball stuff.  Never been a better bathroom break time, though there was almost some whiplash going from Nioh to MLB lol Nioh YES!!!!! MLB, Boooo!!!

The Last of Us 2 confirmed.
 I am actually more excited about this game than I thought I would be. I can't say I'll buy it day 1, but it is something I have every intention of purchasing and playing someday.


Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2016, 02:08:18 am »
I just played Pa Rappa The Rapper 20th demo... This has to be one of the most disappointing demo. Extremely extremely short. The download felt long for such a short short demo.
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Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2016, 10:37:01 am »
My body is ready for Ace Combat 7! My fav gaming series all time!
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Re: PSX 2016
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2016, 12:08:11 pm »
I wonder if Ys Origins will have a physical release. I hope so.

I was wondering the same. If anything, it'll be done by DotEmu. I don't know much about them, but I know they're not well-loved by some gamers...

Uh-oh. What is it about this company that folks don't like?