Author Topic: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me  (Read 3819 times)


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I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« on: December 09, 2016, 09:00:40 pm »
or i think i am in love with import games?

At first i was not going to ask it here & i thought what the heck and ask you all on here allow me to explain before you answer this question i do have favorite games here in America too as well & i do have favorite American games too as well and i admit some of my favorite games i admit is import games.

As 1 of the examples I'm sure some of you might agree with me is that Japan have some great & fun games and before you ask me only region free games of Japanese games i have so far are Record Of Agarest War & Onechanbara Bikini Samurai Squad for Xbox 360 as 2 of my favorite games and only region free consoles i have so far at the moment is my PSP3000 & PlayStation 4.

& well i thought of asking your advice because i mean what if any import games is in my collection including the ones that i don't have the system for it & what if i love it as 1 or more of my favorite games even though i do have favorite games here in America too as well.

& i do have favorite American games too as well honestly i don't know should i hide this about me from everyone including from my family including my parents,my friends,girls & women because i don't know how will they react to my line up of my entire collection including my other collection including my favorite games.

Another good example is there's a artical online saying about you're a traitor to your country if you're American & if you're playing Japanese games and not playing American games then you'll get why am i asking about hiding this about me and if you want.

I'll gladly include then you'll get why am i asking about hiding my games if any of them is import games anyway I'll leave it here or at least for now thanks for reading,thanks for your understanding & thanks for your answers :).
« Last Edit: March 06, 2018, 12:09:26 am by lordscott »

Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2016, 09:09:15 pm »
There's no need to be so insecure about your gaming hobby.  You are not a traitor to your country if you play imports.  Whoever said that was either trolling or an idiot.  Games are games no matter where they come from and a large number of games have never left their home country.  I own two Japanese Zelda games cause they are cool to have.  Would love to pick up more some day since they tend to have alternate packaging.

Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2016, 10:33:23 pm »
I love imports. I'll shout it from the freakin rooftops if I have to. No shame whatsoever.

Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2016, 12:15:03 am »
I highly doubt anyone would care unless you're going full weeaboo about it.


Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2016, 01:04:36 am »
Wait, a second. This has already been mentioned multiple times that its ok to like whatever you collect.


Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2016, 05:14:29 am »
or i think i am in love with import games?

At first i was not going to ask it here & i thought what the heck and ask you all on here allow me to explain before you answer this question i do have favorite games here in America too as well & i do have favorite American games too as well and i admit some of my favorite games i admit is import games.

As 1 of the examples I'm sure some of you might agree with me is that Japan have some great & fun games and before you ask me only region free games of Japanese games i have so far are Record Of Agarest War & Onechanbara Bikini Samurai Squad for Xbox 360 as 2 of my favorite games and only region free consoles i have so far at the moment is my PSP3000.

& well i thought of asking your advice because i mean what if any import games is in my collection including the ones that i don't have the system for it & what if i love it as 1 or more of my favorite games even though i do have favorite games here in America too as well.

& i do have favorite American games too as well honestly i don't know should i hide this about me from everyone including from my family including my parents,my friends,girls & women because i don't know how will they react to my line up of my entire collection including my other collection including my favorite games.

Another good example is there's a artical online saying about you're a traitor to your country if you're American & if you're playing Japanese games and not playing American games then you'll get why am i asking about hiding this about me and if you want.

I'll gladly include then you'll get why am i asking about hiding my games if any of them is import games anyway I'll leave it here or at least for now thanks for reading,thanks for your understanding & thanks for your answers :).
Superior product, or getting something you cant from one market.


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Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2016, 08:01:30 am »
Wait, a second. This has already been mentioned multiple times that its ok to like whatever you collect.

If i already post this question i apologize since i didn't know that or i forgot or if someone else already asked this question i didn't know i apologize since i didn't know that :).


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Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2016, 10:05:47 am »
Yes you freak...AMERICA!

Joking, of course.

If it makes you happy, who cares.

Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2016, 06:00:23 am »
Seriously? Is this even something that crosses any of your minds? That is matters where the game was made? For my own sake I couldn't care less. I don't feel extra proud playing a swedish game (just because I happen to be swedish). The important part is that you like the games you are collecting and playing, nothing else matters :)


Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2016, 06:02:36 am »
Collecting import games is a lot of fun. Especially if you collect for the sake of collecting and not for playing, otherwise you may be disappointed by the language barrier. I really enjoy collecting for the japanese GBA. The form factor of the boxes are just perfect for collecting as they don't take much space and are nice to look at, plus GBA is still dirt cheap. Who knows what it looks like in another 10 years?  ;)


Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2016, 11:42:34 pm »
I've imported quite a few games.  A bunch of which are RPGs, and I can't read Japanese so that wasn't too bright.  But no nothing to be ashamed of. 


Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2016, 08:23:32 am »
I love import gaming. I study Japanese and being able to see my work pay off by playing a game that never received a translation feels rewarding.

Don't hide it. In fact, be proud of it.


Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #12 on: December 12, 2016, 11:06:12 am »

I like sports games. I'm the real black sheep of the collecting community. Don't fret about your import game fetish.  ;)

Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2016, 06:40:56 pm »

I like sports games. I'm the real black sheep of the collecting community. Don't fret about your import game fetish.  ;)

Yes, this is way, WAY worse than collecting imports :p

Re: I'm in love with import games should i hide this about me
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2016, 08:46:48 pm »
I like importing japanese games (Mostly because the don't have a NA counterpart) or because the boxes/cases are sweet or I like the game. Nothing to be ashamed of, really. I brag about my snes/sfc collection to one of my friends occasionally.