Something else...namely Chinese. Depending on how we're feeling, sometimes we'll go to a buffet (which tend to be SUPER crowded) or we'll order take-out. Pretty sure we're doing take-out this year. Last year we went to one of my favorite Chinese buffets and they were packed to the gills with people. The upside to that is everything was fresh from all of the replenishing they had to do.

Growing up it was generally Ham (which I despise) because we did Turkey on Thanksgiving. When it came time to eat on Christmas, I would generally just fill up on a bunch of sides or if I was lucky my mom would make me something like a chicken breast. I never could fathom my disdain for ham as I am quite fond of pork products overall including pulled/shoulder, tenderloin, chops, side and back ribs as well as bacon (strip bacon, not that "Canadian" nonsense). I'm guessing it must be a texture issue.