Author Topic: Two questions about your favorite consoles  (Read 6763 times)

Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2017, 10:51:33 pm »
1) The Wii. My very first home console, and still tons of fun to play. Nowadays I may rarely play on it, with the Wii U, my new gaming laptop, and even a bit of 3DS kind of taking over, but the infinite amount of fun I had with the Wii puts it at my absolute number one.
2) The DS. My very first handheld console. I know this may seem very biased, but I do think DS is the most fun to collect for. Keep in mind, I only collect for a few consoles (DS, Wii, and preparing for 3DS and Wii U), but for some reason I just really like collecting DS games the most. Maybe it's the huge variety of games that came out for it, or just my nostalgia towards those cheap 3rd party DS-quality 3D models, but DS games have a charm I can't deny, and I love collecting them.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2017, 10:55:14 pm »
1. Sega Genesis with the all of the Add-ons included. The Genesis was my first gaming experience that isn't a computer and I have adored it since I was a child.

2. It is a hard tie between the PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 as they both have a exciting and interesting library of games and I have always found the jewel case covers of the Ps1 games give off that late 90's/early millennia PC jewel cases.


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2017, 11:43:32 pm »
1) Gamecube, I love the system to death. I've been fond of it since I received it as a birthday gift. It doesn't have the library that the PS2 does, but I can't help but love the lunchbox.

2) PS2 is so much fun to collect for. It's one of the only console that tips over the 100+ threshold of games I want for a single system. Can't tell you how giddy I've gotten finding a rare/game I really want at a great price.


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2017, 02:26:35 pm »
1) What is your favorite gaming console ever?

That's kinda of a tough one for me. I'd probably have to go with the NES. I still have all my games in box from when I was a kid. And still play that thing on almost daily basis. And pick up games when I can find them cheap.

2) What console do you have the most fun collecting for?
I kinda take a shotgun approach to my collecting but I honestly always go after the mint Dreamcast games whenever I get a chance. I remember buying my DC brand new off the shelf and my friends going seriously ya brought a dreamcast. I love it's crazy library and hope one day to have every game made for it in America.


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2017, 01:36:32 am »
What is your favorite gaming console ever?
Sega Saturn

What console do you have the most fun collecting for?
PC Engine DUO-R

Growing up my first video game system was NES in the early nineties, I enjoyed playing the countless of stand-out titles eventually moving on to SNES which I considered the best gaming console ever for many years (and still do, I would say tied first) I greatly anticipated the release of NA Sega Saturn which was my first SEGA system to own. Around the early 2000s I decided to re-visit Saturn's JPN library which solidified my opinion on my favorite gaming console ever.

The past five years I've enjoyed playing games on systems I missed out on during the original release, Mega Drive, Mega-CD, PC Engine, and PC Engine CD software to be specific.


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #20 on: January 08, 2017, 11:57:52 am »
What is your favorite gaming console ever?
Sega Saturn

What console do you have the most fun collecting for?
PC Engine DUO-R

In my case, the PC Engine is a close second to the Saturn in the subject of having fun collecting. Both have some pretty expensive games, but since non-gamers usually don't know anything about them it is relatively easy to find good deals at recycle shops and Hard-Offs in Japan.

Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2017, 02:54:54 pm »
1) I have no idea... I'd say its a four-way tie between SNES, PS2, N64, and Gamecube.
All four of these I have spent much time playing on, and I don't think I could definitely say I like one more than the other.

2)At the moment, SNES and PS3.
I try to get complete PS3 games but don't bother with SNES games because I don't have $150+ to shell out on CIB games. SFC games are an entirely different story though... Since they're so much cheaper (Usually) I tend to buy CIB SFC games.


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #22 on: January 08, 2017, 05:20:23 pm »
1) I really don't know for sure. I may have to agree with PS1. But then I'm also in love with the PS Vita. I'll say favourite home console is PS1, favourite handheld Vita. That'll make things easier.

2) It's really hard to say, I sort of go through different moods for collecting for different consoles. Maybe Vita? Finding new games I'm interested in for it is always a great feeling. I think Saturn will be really interesting to collect for when I become fluent in Japanese too, since the number of good Japanese games compared to good English games on it is notoriously huge. I've already got a few on it that seem interesting, it'll be awesome to discover what else is out there.


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2017, 10:32:49 pm »
I totally misread this question as "what are your two favorite gaming consoles".

I dunno. I've had fun game hunting for all sorts of consoles. Any console where's there is a ton of variety, and the games are relatively easy to come by.


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2017, 10:48:32 am »
1. My favorite gaming console ever is the PlayStation 2. It was the first console that I bought with my own money, so it was truly "my" console. The day I bought it, I didn't realize just how many gaming possibilities opened up to me. The RPG library is massive, but there are so many other great genres on it. I feel like each day I go searching for a new game to buy, I always find something I never heard of and it's on the PS2.

2. Again, the PlayStation 2 is the winner. I have no desire to collect every game for it, but I can see myself getting pretty close due to how much I adore the console.


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2017, 01:40:25 pm »
What is your favorite gaming console ever?: Without a doubt the NES even when it wasn't the first that I ever played because that was the ATARI 2600 it was the first that took my life/time away  ;D
What console do you have the most fun collecting for?: Same as above even when am not planning to have all of them (this isn't Pokemon) want to have all those titles that enjoyed when I had hair at my head.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2017, 01:55:46 pm »
NES, to both questions.

Though I must admit, my modern consoles like my Wii U, XBox One, and Wii get more use simply for the apps (as well as the games).


Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2017, 05:52:18 pm »
Favorite Console: Atari 2600 (Handheld would be Lynx)

It may not be powerful and its games may not have much in the way of story (unless you read the instruction manuals or DC Comic books that came with  them) and often those stories were seemingly unrelated to gameplay. But from a technical standpoint of what developers were able to get out of the console between 1977 and 1991, not to mention modern homebrew, is astounding. Here is a console that was designed to possibly have 20 or so titles over its expected lifetime of a Christmas or two and it had over 700 games made and was in production in three different decades. Entire games that kept me memorized as a kid fit on a 2kb cartridge. Most video game genres and controller styles were developed during this time. It makes a nice snapshot of not just the beginning but also the maturation of home game consoles, even if it wasn't able to fully realize just about any game it attempted to replicate from the arcades.

As for the Lynx, in that you had a handheld with most of the power and capabilities of a the SNES in system that was released a mere month after the original Game Boy and a year (two years in US) ahead of the SNES. With an updated screen the games on this system still look comparable to any 2D handheld from Nintendo. I wanted this system so bad when it came out, instead I got a couple Tiger Electronic handhelds. It wasn't until 2015 that I finally got one and it exceeded expectations.

Most Fun Collecting for: Atari 2600 (and Lynx)

I love walking into a game shop, getting a towering stack of games and being told "that will be $15. Could I get them all in emulation or as ROMs? Sure but where's the fun in that. Getting 40 year old games to run again and introducing them to new generations of gamers is far more fun for me.

As for the Lynx, it has a somewhat limited library and hunting the games down, for a reasonable price (I rarely spend more than $5-$10 for anything on any console that isn't current) is a nice challenge. Plus I love that most clerks have no idea what I'm talking about and the surprise on their faces when I point out that they have what I'm asking for in the store. I've had a few fun discussions about the system with some of those clerks.

With Atari being out of favor with most collectors it makes collecting for the systems that much more fun for me. The games are dirt cheap when I find them, finding them can be a challenge and often takes me out of my local area. Plus more often then not, when I do find something it brings a nostalgic smile to the face of the clerks, be it a game shop, a thrift store or some other random seller as they recognize the Fuji symbol and wax nostalgic about their childhood. This probably won't be the case much longer so I'm enjoying it while I can.


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Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2017, 05:43:23 pm »
1) I have no idea... I'd say its a four-way tie between SNES, PS2, N64, and Gamecube.
All four of these I have spent much time playing on, and I don't think I could definitely say I like one more than the other.

2)At the moment, SNES and PS3.
I try to get complete PS3 games but don't bother with SNES games because I don't have $150+ to shell out on CIB games. SFC games are an entirely different story though... Since they're so much cheaper (Usually) I tend to buy CIB SFC games.
i do like the PS3 but is a mention ile stick to the PS2 and the Gamecube.

Re: Two questions about your favorite consoles
« Reply #29 on: January 18, 2017, 01:15:04 pm »
as of right now, i'd have to say the SNES is my favorite console. i've been having a lot of fun collecting for the NES recently, though.