Author Topic: All my pick ups for 2016  (Read 3475 times)


All my pick ups for 2016
« on: January 08, 2017, 02:41:51 am »
I thought I'd share all my pickups I got in one year again.
Going through all the pictures I'm always surprised just how much I get in one year.
Many new game consoles where added to my collection and I get my first arcade cabinets this year.
There's a lot of pic's so enjoy this recap of all my pic ups in 2016.

A fellow collector sold me this Atari Computer for cheap and I finally got Magic Girl which I pre-ordered 2 years ago.

Finally was able to find a copy of Rodland and thank god I picked up Devils Third at the time.

This was that day I found a stack of CIB games at my local used game store for the price of a loose game.

A rare Japanese game console entered my collection and many cool homebrews.

2 more rare and obscure consoles entered my collection, (still love that Wondermega) and this is when I found Streets of Rage 2 and Castlevania Bloodlines for only $2 at a thrift store. Also got the last Dreamcast game I needed to complete my collection.

So glad I pre-ordered Fire Emblem Special Edition and got the first of the Limited Run Games.

Finally broke down and bought a Retron 5, why? because it was on sale for $80. Still never used the thing. lol

Thrift store fines galore, the day I found a stack of Dreamcast games at a thrift store for $2 a piece. Also picked up a ROB box from a local game store. It's in rough shape but I still love displaying it in my game room.

The same week I find even more great games at that same thrift store.  :o

MORE games I picked up that day from that same thrift store. I have NEVER found so much games fro one thrift store in my life.

Some random pick ups. A few NIS collector's editions.

The cool Anniversary Pokemon 3DS and the Hitman Collector's Edition. This game never did get a Physical Release.  :-\

Found a Gizmondo for cheap so I could have both versions. I kinda regret buying all the Animal Crossing Amiibos.

When I bought 150 Super Famicom game lot for $100.

More to the Super Famicom Lot, I'm thinking of trying this again in the future.

Last of the Super Famicom lot, even though many of the games where not in the best shape, can't beat under a dollar a game.

That neon is hanging in my game room and those weird Japanese porn games. I love the reactions I get when people see the cover to the one game. Yet the game itself is almost impossible to play. (maybe that's a good thing) lol

Another one of those weird Japanese porn games and I finally find a Giant Yoshi Amiibo. lol

The first finds from a garage sale, I Wii U box full of Nintendo toys. lol Also picked up a silver Gameboy Advance player.

This was from a add on a resell app, if I recall I got everything in this photo for $60.

My pickups from the MGC. I loved that I found bunch of MVS carts. They guy gave me quite a deal.

My first Arcade Cabinet.  :D

Some cool Collector's editions and at this time the last PSP game released.

Garage sale finds and had a huge clearance on Wii U and 3DS games.

Garage sale finds and a homebrew I had to buy just because of the name. lol

Found all three of these at a garage sale, I got all 3 for $600. I have been offered 1500.00 for that Simpson's Arcade alone. (yes I still have it, not selling it) lol

Some awesome garage sale finds.

I think the only thing in this picture not from a garage sale was Dead or Alive Xtreme 3.

an AWSOME SNES lot I picked up from a garage sale.  ;D

This was from that 90+ subdivision garage sale event. This came from one sale.

Just when I think I'm done buying arcades, I get a chance to buy these for about $400 a piece. I couldn't say no. lol

Some cool collector's editions and some random pickups from clearance tables and garage sales.

Found a PS3 (slim) for $25 and found Xenosaga III at a garage sale.

The NES/SNES game lot came from a guy who just heard me ask about games at a garage sale, I went to his house and he sold them all for like $25. Also Titanic on the NES... Yes this exists. lol

More random garage sale finds, People love that sweet tooth truck. lol

Even more random games picked up for random garage sales.

This was from one garage sale. He was a Genesis collector who was getting rid of his collection. He sold it all on Ebay and what he couldn't sell he sold at this garage sale for $1 a piece.

Another great garage sale haul. A cool SNES lot for cheap, but that N64 lot was one of the best I found this year.

This NES lot was from a garage sale where I asked about games, she told me to come back tomorrow she might have something and when I went back I see a giant stack of games and she only asked for .50c a piece.  :o

Some more nice random garage sale finds, and a collector's edition to one of the worst games of the year. lol

A nice NES lot from a garage sale and I finally find the last two .Hack games I was missing from my local used game store and they had them way under priced.

Most all of this (except the 2 RPGs) came from a discount book store that had a sale for $1 for everything in the store.

Bunch of random Wii and DS garage sale finds and a cool handheld space invaders.

More Garage sale finds.

Two nice N64 lots I picked up from a Garage sale.

More random garage sale finds and Odin's Shire Collector's Edition.

Some garage sale finds including a Legend of Zelda Famicom cart that opens up to be a Calculator and a nice lot of Xbox games.

A great SNES lot from a garage sale.

Ah that collector's edition from the UK I picked up that the statue was broken in several pieces because they didn't pack it right. Thank god that shipped me a new one.

A few decent handheld lots from garage sales. Also a set of Burger King Gameboy toys.  :P

A lot of mostly SNES goodness, everything in this picture was in one bag at a garage sale for $30.

A bunch of random goodness from garage sales. Even a Wii for $5. lol

A nice garage sale find. A HUGE Colecovision lot for $30. I remember this guy was really on the fence about selling it but his wife was pushing him to get rid of it. lol

This was a surprise find from a garage sale. A lady told me to come back the next day and when I came back her husband wouldn't sell his SNES or any of the games, but he did show me this I could have for $5.  ;D

More garage sale finds and some other cool collector editions.

A great Atari and an awesome N64 lot from a garage sale.

Pickups from the VGS and I can't believe I found a Tiger R-Zone at a garage sale. lol

Disney Infinity was on clearance EVERYWHERE.

Some garage sale finds and my local used game store got in some Saturn games I needed.

More random garage sale finds, more Disney Infinity clearance and Limited Run games.

A nice NES lot from a garage sale (Ninja Gaiden III) and I finally get a PC Engine Duo-RX in my collection.

Some cool Collector's editions (I remember everyone wanted the No Man's Sky CE. now no one wants the game. lol)

I finally find a deal on a Select-A-Game Machine. Also found some Saturn games I needed from my favorite used game store.

Everything in this picture was in one box at a garage sale for $25.

some CE's and some random garage sale finds. Those mats where in a free box. lol

This was the Genesis lot I had to out race a Reseller for. He wasn't happy with me. lol

This was one of the finds of the year. At a garage sale I talked to a lady about my collection and showed her pics, she asks her husband and he brings out a bag FULL of random retro games, I asked a price not even knowing what was all in this bag and she says $20. I pay her and find Chrono Trigger, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Contra Hard Corps and Splatterhouse 3 just to name a few. Also got a NES lot that I again had to beat a reseller too and thanks to my long arms I got it.

Some cool deals, Limited run games and some cool Collector's editions.

"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2017, 02:42:09 am »

Another AWESOME NES lot, even another Ninja Gaiden 3.

A Vs. Hogan's Alley for $50. Still need to get it working.

The last garage sale pick ups of the year. Still can't believe I found hack NES games from a Garage sale. lol

Got my PSVR and finally found a reproduction of Hong Kong 97. It;s so bad I had to play it for myself. lol

I finally got my Lucina Amiibo, I almost broke and paid $40. glad I waited.

Oh the NES mini, how I waited five hours in the cold to get you. lol

Found a Purple N64 at a used game store. I had to trade three regular N64's to get it. lol
Also finally completed my SSB Amiibo's. Again thank god I didn't break and pay $40 on Ebay.

The cute Famicom Mini and Black Friday deals.

Some Cyber Monday deals and a couple awesome collector's editions.

And we end the year with an extremely rare game console from 1977. It's been a good year for gaming for my collection.  8)

Hope you guys enjoyed seeing what I pickup in one year. Here's to a good 2017. I already found a $60-$100 game for $2 this week. I also picked up another rarer gaming console. What are they? You'll see in my next pickups post in January's pickups next week.  ;)
« Last Edit: January 10, 2017, 08:40:37 am by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"

Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2017, 03:27:33 am »
You continue to be a game collector madman lol

Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2017, 12:08:22 pm »
So much random stuff. Is that really collecting or just hoarding?

Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2017, 02:40:06 pm »
Makes me wish thrift stores around where I live have decent stuff...

Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2017, 07:18:53 pm »
the last two pictures were the same btw


Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2017, 07:43:31 pm »
Impressive as usual. :)
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)

Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2017, 07:57:23 pm »
Good god! Very impressive, I'll give you that! Simply too much to go through!

It has been a good year for me overall too. While nowhere near your accomplishments, I did finally manage to get a Wii U, a gaming PC, and many different great games, including ones I had been dying to play for a few years (cough cough Smash 4 and Bayonetta 2 cough cough). But damn, you sir, you are on another level.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2017, 10:44:11 pm »
You're a beast, man!


PRO Supporter

Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2017, 12:00:19 am »

As always that is all amazing man!


Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2017, 03:00:09 am »
I would end up in the same ball park if I would actually post my full pickups :D Even in the older department I had some huge cib lots. might even be more except for NES

But than again to much work and most of it sold before I get to post it anyways.

great deals Flea especially some huge N64 and snes lots for absolute bargain prices, Pretty hard to beat. O well a zelda's adventure cdi times 2 for 7,50 a pop kinda lessens the pain of defeat 8)

Keep it up man posting full pickups, interesting to see.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 03:05:03 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2017, 10:24:26 am »
Step 1: Be Filthy Stinkin' Rich...  ;)

Seriously, I always save the Monthly Finds thread to be read last in the hope that there's a theflea haul to read about. The Goodwills/Salvation Army locations here are all picked clean by the flippers/scalpers. The same goes for clearance games in retail stores. Yesterday we were at one of the local flea markets and in one of the booths a lady was putting up new games on her shelf. She had two copies of Tintin for 3DS in her hand with Target clearance stickers on them. I pretended not to notice while she was pulling the stickers off.  :P

So much random stuff. Is that really collecting or just hoarding?

As someone with a sizeable collection (but nothing compared to theflea's) I'm pretty sure it's a little bit of both.  :)

Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2017, 08:28:04 am »
wow,so many games...

you are crazy.that take a lot of money


Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2017, 09:14:31 am »
Oops sorry for the repeat pic, It took a long time to go through all the pics for this forum. Fixed now.  :P

A lot of people think I'm rich, the answer? No, I have a well paying job. But not rich.  ;)
I'm ALWAYS looking for deals, I rarely just go on Ebay and just buy something at full price.

Collecting is if its organized and I only buy extras at garage sales so I can sell or trade it to get other games or consoles I want. It makes a game that costs $100 only cost maybe $25.
Hording is when it takes over the house, You keep EVERYTHING. My game collection is all in the basement and if you came in my house you wouldn't even know I was a collector unless I took you down there.  ;)
There's a lot of gaming stuff I try and stay out of, most anything PC or MAC. I try and stay away from Standies and I don't buy every "video game" related toy I see unless its on sale, its something I really like or I find it at a garage sale for like a quarter. lol But I remember saying I'd never get into arcades, and this year I fell down that rabbit hole. lol
I still only buy arcades if its something I like and its under $500. Also I gotta be picky because of space. Again don't wanna be a "hoarder". lol

Honestly In my area there are a TON of resellers I have to contend with. There's also many collector's in my area.
So I'm as surprised as you are when I find something great from a thrift store or even garage sales. You just have to keep checking and one day you'll see that amazing find. To me it's those finds that keeps me going to the thrift stores and getting up early going out and stopping at as many garage sales as I can.

I'm glad you guys enjoy reading and seeing my finds, I try my best to tell any stories on how I got the games entertaining.
While you guys may enjoy reading about me fighting and competing with resellers, I personally find it frustrating. lol
I also enjoy reading all your finds too.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2017, 09:16:02 am by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


PRO Supporter

Re: All my pick ups for 2016
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2017, 10:33:46 am »
It's good to see that your basment isn't full yet. I could fill a room with your 1 year pickup's  :).