Author Topic: The Nintendo Switch Discussion  (Read 23893 times)


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2017, 03:10:33 pm »
It's officially a 9th generation console right?


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Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2017, 03:13:38 pm »
I was actually really surprised to not hear any kind of achievement system announced. When totally worthless games like My Name is Mayo can sell insane amounts of copies just for people to earn a platinum trophy then it seems like Nintendo is leaving money on the table.

I still haven't pre-ordered, but I might be tempted if a store near me still has one available.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2017, 03:30:24 pm »
It's officially a 9th generation console right?

I would certainly say so.


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Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2017, 04:10:10 pm »
What do you consider Gen9?

Would it be PS Pro, Switch, and Scorpio?

The reason I ask is because I doubt anyone considers the New 3DS a separate generation than the 3DS.

Would Switch be the only 9th gen console for many years if not including more powerful iterations of current hardware?
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2017, 04:55:31 pm »
What do you consider Gen9?

Would it be PS Pro, Switch, and Scorpio?

The reason I ask is because I doubt anyone considers the New 3DS a separate generation than the 3DS.

Would Switch be the only 9th gen console for many years if not including more powerful iterations of current hardware?

I cant legitimately consider the Pro or the Scorpio any more of a separate generation than the "new" 3DS.

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2017, 05:17:21 pm »
What do you consider Gen9?

Would it be PS Pro, Switch, and Scorpio?

The reason I ask is because I doubt anyone considers the New 3DS a separate generation than the 3DS.

Would Switch be the only 9th gen console for many years if not including more powerful iterations of current hardware?

Pro and Scorpio are just slightly more improved versions of the standard 8th gen hardware, just like New 3DS isn't a separate generation.  I'd say Switch is the only 9th gen right now.  I'm not sure if a PS5 or Xbox4 would be 9th gen or not as it seems like they are wanting to try and remove the idea of generations by just doing slight hardware adjustments every couple years instead.  Might depend on when those release as its very possible the Switch could be the only 9th gen system.  The PS4 Pro and Scorpio muddy the generational waters.


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2017, 08:03:01 pm »
Sorry if this was brought up in the other thread, I'd just like to hear some members input. Do you think the Switch will implement some kind of achievement/trophy system this time around?

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2017, 08:07:47 pm »
Sorry if this was brought up in the other thread, I'd just like to hear some members input. Do you think the Switch will implement some kind of achievement/trophy system this time around?

I'm personally not expecting it, as I have no interest in them, but we've not heard anything related to it.  It's possible with a more connected online service now, they could implement them and that way you could like keep track of them through whatever the app is supposed to be, but not sure if Nintendo is gonna do it or not.


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2017, 09:15:19 pm »
I'm pretty much sold on this! Mario Odyssey looks great and Splatoon 2 I'm sure would be fun. Breath of the Wild  looks amazing...but we already know it will be since it was developed for Wii U first.
I'm glad that Mario Kart 8 is porting over with a proper Battle Mode. I just wish they updated the Wii U version but whatever.
If they do plan to port SSB4 to the Switch, they better combine the features of both the Wii U and 3DS versions into one package and a new/returning fighter or two. Then I would be sold on buying Smash 4 again...
And 1-2-Switch SHOULD be a pack in game. I don't see me paying full price in retail for that one. I'm sure it'll be fun and I'm not ragging on it. I just don't see it as a $60+ game.

It's Region Free! Awesome! If there are any foreign games not releasing outside that region worth getting, it's nice to know we could get and play them if we wish without modding the system.

I'm not to sure I'm happy with paying for a third service(among with XBL and PSN+) for a guy with multible consoles to play online. I understand they have to go that route, it's not the paying for it I'm mad about. They plan to have a free new game each month...but only for a month then you pay for it, or so I heard. That's STUPID! You don't see MS or Sony or Steam doing that!
I just may not bother signing for it then. If I could just take the system anywhere and play locally with others, that sounds like a better alternative to me. Unless it is a CHEAP price annually, then I may consider it. We'll see...

The top games I'm looking forward to the most are...
Mario Odyssey
Zelda:Breath of the Wild
Fire Emblem Warriors
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Super Bomberman R
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Ultra Street Fighter II
Splatoon 2


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2017, 10:37:25 pm »
No More Heroes 3.

I don't care about anything else, I'm sold.

Splatoon 2 also has me interested but it really just looks like a carbon copy of the original. A Switch-exclusive SMT game sounds interesting too. Hopefully it's dubbed this time.

Bit worried about the battery life but I'll probably spend most of my time playing it at home with it on charge anyway. Sad about having to pay for its online play now but I guess it was going to happen eventually. Although I'm not really sure if it's a feasible thing to charge for since not many Nintendo games have online play. The one temporarily free game a month thing with it sounds like trash and isn't going to sell anyone on it.

I'm still going to pick one up for sure though, probably at launch. I need something fresh to play.

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2017, 10:49:43 pm »
As one of the few who adopted the dying Wii U I'm way too dedicated to Nintendo, but I will definitely pick one up as soon as I can afford it. Trying to talk the S.O. into splitting some costs heheh. My must buy titles are:

Splatoon 2
Puyo Tetris
Story of Seasons (Wow, I was starting to think I might never see another Bokujou Monogatari on console.)
Breathe of the wild
Mario Odyssey
and Fire Emblem Warriors
Gods and if Mother 3 actually comes out in English I'll buy that right up. Also, if there really is No More Heroes 3 I want that too.

I am quite fond of the designs and features so far, I just hope online isn't too pricey and covers all players on the console. I'd be upset if S.O. and I need separate subscriptions at some ludicrous $10 a month. I also wish 1,2 switch were a pack in like most gamers.

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2017, 01:57:05 am »
It's really a shame how weak the launch titles are. :l
I beg to differ, I standby Zelda Breath of the Wild as a solid launch title.  The problem is... that's it.  1-2-Switch totally looks like that 'dumb fun' game that would've been bundled with the thing, not a full retail game! 

Agreed, wholeheartedly. Heck, i expected 1/2/Switch to be a pack-in game, not a full retail release. Doesn't feel like Nintendo has much confidence in their system when it's launching with a lineup like this (while it may be great for an Eastern market, I feel like they're completely sticking their head in the sand as far as addressing the Western market appropriately).

I saw a few people mention that their Gamestops still had some preorders available. I went to one today (bought Ocarina of Time 3DS, since I never got very far in the Gamecube version when I borrowed it from a friend) and asked one of the guys working if they had any. That GameStop had already sold out of all their preorders. Also, a fun tidbit of info, He said that different GameStops are being allocated various numbers of preorders, so if your local one is sold out, others might still be viable.

I was surprised when He said that He didn't think inventory would be an issue. I mean, this IS Nintendo after all... :P


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Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2017, 02:23:23 am »
It's really a shame how weak the launch titles are. :l
I beg to differ, I standby Zelda Breath of the Wild as a solid launch title.  The problem is... that's it.  1-2-Switch totally looks like that 'dumb fun' game that would've been bundled with the thing, not a full retail game! 

Agreed, wholeheartedly. Heck, i expected 1/2/Switch to be a pack-in game, not a full retail release. Doesn't feel like Nintendo has much confidence in their system when it's launching with a lineup like this (while it may be great for an Eastern market, I feel like they're completely sticking their head in the sand as far as addressing the Western market appropriately).

I saw a few people mention that their Gamestops still had some preorders available. I went to one today (bought Ocarina of Time 3DS, since I never got very far in the Gamecube version when I borrowed it from a friend) and asked one of the guys working if they had any. That GameStop had already sold out of all their preorders. Also, a fun tidbit of info, He said that different GameStops are being allocated various numbers of preorders, so if your local one is sold out, others might still be viable.

I was surprised when He said that He didn't think inventory would be an issue. I mean, this IS Nintendo after all... :P

But even then, LoZ: Breath of the Wild isn't even exclusive to The Switch. If you already own a Wii U (such as myself), then that doesn't sway you.


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #28 on: January 15, 2017, 04:36:35 am »
But even then, LoZ: Breath of the Wild isn't even exclusive to The Switch. If you already own a Wii U (such as myself), then that doesn't sway you.

That being said, what's left after that for the Wii U? 

There certainly won't be anything interesting from Nintendo, absolute ZERO from third parties, maybe a couple more VC titles left? 
Indie titles are all that's left, even then Yooka-Laylee on the Wii U recently got cancelled, Bloodstained (Which will also be on every other major platform).  I looked up the list of Wii U games by release date on Wikipedia, I can't find 1 title I'm even vaguely interested in (Stranger Wrath HD looks like it's been dead in the water for about 4 years now)


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Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2017, 10:57:37 am »
^ This is true. But that doesn't make me want to get a Switch any more. It does just the opposite, it confirms me not getting one at launch since I can already get the "must-have" launch game on my Wii U without paying for a new console.

Just because the Wii U is about done, doesn't mean I have to run out and get the Switch because there isn't anything on it I want (that I can't already play on another console).