It's really a shame how weak the launch titles are. :l
I beg to differ, I standby Zelda Breath of the Wild as a solid launch title. The problem is... that's it. 1-2-Switch totally looks like that 'dumb fun' game that would've been bundled with the thing, not a full retail game!
Agreed, wholeheartedly. Heck, i expected 1/2/Switch to be a pack-in game, not a full retail release. Doesn't feel like Nintendo has much confidence in their system when it's launching with a lineup like this (while it may be great for an Eastern market, I feel like they're completely sticking their head in the sand as far as addressing the Western market appropriately).
I saw a few people mention that their Gamestops still had some preorders available. I went to one today (bought Ocarina of Time 3DS, since I never got very far in the Gamecube version when I borrowed it from a friend) and asked one of the guys working if they had any. That GameStop had already sold out of all their preorders. Also, a fun tidbit of info, He said that different GameStops are being allocated various numbers of preorders, so if your local one is sold out, others might still be viable.
I was surprised when He said that He didn't think inventory would be an issue. I mean, this IS Nintendo after all...