Author Topic: The Nintendo Switch Discussion  (Read 23894 times)


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2017, 03:05:20 pm »
^ This is true. But that doesn't make me want to get a Switch any more. It does just the opposite, it confirms me not getting one at launch since I can already get the "must-have" launch game on my Wii U without paying for a new console.

Just because the Wii U is about done, doesn't mean I have to run out and get the Switch because there isn't anything on it I want (that I can't already play on another console).

Yea I understand, it's pretty steep when you have this more cost efficient alternative.  I keep going back and forth on getting this thing at launch.  I must contain myself, hold off until after launch (Fire Emblem, please have mercy!) Zelda's got its impact sure, but I'm not the biggest Zelda fan, not interested in limited editions or whatever.  I'm still going to get this for the Switch I'll get Bomberman, gotta give Konami the right message here. 

I just noticed that the limited editions of Zelda: BotW only come with the Switch version, ohh you sly devils

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2017, 03:15:19 pm »
For me, I can justify the Switch with plenty of games within just the first 9 months.  Exclusively there's Breath of the Wild (Sure, Wii U, but Nintendo exclusive lol), Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Still on the fence with this one as I need it to become more RPG, than MMO like X was), Super Mario Odyssey, maybe Fire Emblem Warriors if the game itself is good (And is out this year), and possibly ARMS if its good.  And that is just Nintendo only and there's guaranteed to be more announced over the following months and E3.  While it's not the greatest launch outside of Zelda, I feel like the Switch could have a good first year, more so than other consoles have had.  I know I bought my PS4 2 years after launch and there was barely anything I wanted to get for it.

And in unsurprising news, Super Mario Odyssey will be playable at E3.  With the Switch out by then, they might have a proper thing at E3, unlike last year which was only Zelda, though Reggie said E3 doesn't drive their consideration for things, which we've seen as they've kinda done their own thing in recent years with Nintendo Direct.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 03:17:52 pm by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2017, 09:25:27 pm »
I went in and pre-ordered at Walmart. Not sure if they will have a system for me knowing how broken Walmart is, but it was worth a shot. I saw the pre-order show back up on for 5 minutes, but by the time I put it in my cart it said not available. Someone must have beat me to it.

I really want the system, but I'm struggling with the price right now. I just had to replace my Vita (I bought a sealed OLED version because I'm anal), and I also know I need to pick up a game with the Switch or it is useless so that comes out nearly $400 with tax on top of the $250 I plunked down on my Vita.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2017, 06:34:19 pm »
OK so I've tried to ignore the Switch and various discussions about it, however, I have to vent some frustration with the damn thing. First off why on earth is it less powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One? That is all I wanted Nintendo to do, please Nintendo just show us that you are competitive.
I was recently reading an article here
What the hell?! Nintendo is basically sending you a nice big middle finger alongside your new console.
Of course none of this is set-in-stone, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Look, I love Nintendo, hell Nintendo is the reason I care about games (as I'm sure they are with most people on here.)
I can say in all honesty, I'm embarrassed for them at this point.
Before people start shouting at me that "how powerful the console is doesn't matter, it's all about the games!?" The reason I bring up the lack of power by the Switch because Nintendo is really touting the fact that they have some 3-party developers, I think that while other consoles will be able to support later games, Nintendo will be left behind again and in the same exact spot.
Unfortunately, there were only two games that caught my eye, Splatoon 2 and of course the latest Zelda game. I'm sure that weird real-world Mario game will be better than expected, but I'm skeptical about it.

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #34 on: January 16, 2017, 06:52:48 pm »
There was never a point that the Switch was going to be as powerful as the modern systems and completely portable at the same time, without being ridiculously expensive.  I thought they'd get close to the lower end of an Xbox One, there's nothing saying exactly where they place at the moment till people can open it all up and run tests, somewhere between a Wii U and Xbone I'd assume, but I think it's much less important for them to 1:1 compete with the other systems, and instead find other ways to capture the market. 

I think the Switch is that.  They've already proven they are at the top when it comes with handhelds, so if they can deal with that market, combining it with their console market, they have a way to stick around, without just fighting a straight up 3 way battle with Sony and Microsoft, which they wouldn't be able to keep up with at this point and they would lose again.  Heck, the Wii was never as powerful as the 360 and PS3 and the Wii whooped their asses.

There could be an issue of third party ports and such, which has the possibly of being problematic for them like it was for the Wii U, but as it seems very much like their handheld replacement too, it has the potential for a real massive library once 3DS development starts winding down more.

One thing to add that I am worried about and can slightly piggy back off of the expensive accessories aspect, is that most of the games for the Switch are either full priced or close to it, of the ones announce at least.  1 2 Switch looks like something that should be a pack in game, or 10 bucks on the eshop, but that's a 50 dollar game.  Super Bomberman R seems okay, it's your basic Bomberman with a little extra and it's 60 bucks.  ARMS I heard is genuinely good from what people played, but seems fairly basic for the most part and that is 60 bucks.  Skyrim is 60 bucks, but that doesn't release till the fall and by then, Skyrim on PS4 and Xbox One are gonna drop in price.  Heck, one of the earliest available Switch games to pre-order was Lego City Undercover, a nearly 4 year old game, and that is 60 dollars.

I was initially gonna grab like Super Bomberman R, ARMS, and 1 2 Switch for the game meetups I go to with a local gamer group and that's gonna be stuff within the first month or so, with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe coming out at the end of April, but I can't justify 170 bucks for those games at all.  Combine that with the expensive accessories I'm likely to buy, the system might be getting off to a wobbly start, even if I think it has a pretty solid first year of games to get.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 07:32:58 pm by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #35 on: January 16, 2017, 07:47:31 pm »
i have to tell the news to everyone its a HYBRID CONSOLE! :D
(means more faster and better).

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #36 on: January 16, 2017, 10:53:55 pm »
I think the Switch is that.  They've already proven they are at the top when it comes with handhelds, so if they can deal with that market, combining it with their console market, they have a way to stick around, without just fighting a straight up 3 way battle with Sony and Microsoft, which they wouldn't be able to keep up with at this point and they would lose again.  Heck, the Wii was never as powerful as the 360 and PS3 and the Wii whooped their asses.
But it's such a weak argument to bring up the Wii and how it beat out both the 360 and PS3, besides die-hard Nintendo fans buying it cause it's the newest Nintendo console, most people bought it for the gimmick. Not to mention the fact that the PS3 was $600 for three years. Nintendo doesn't have that luxury anymore. They are literally competing against two more powerful systems that can be had for cheaper. Nintendo cant even tout their biggest feature. anymore..price.


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Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #37 on: January 16, 2017, 10:57:13 pm »
Nintendo should have started preorders now for a May launch. They should have packed 1 2 Switch with the system. Also had the new Nintendo network ready to launch with the system.

More third party launch titles would be available at that time. Nintendo then runs some promotional ties with a fast food place, run ads on networks and markets targeting 20-40 year olds, and gets some product placement on a few shows aimed at female adults.

You allow the system to post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and give out MyNintendo coins for activity in the launch window.

Clean house at NOA and bring in some new leaders that are ready to make this thing succeed in the west without Western developers.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #38 on: January 16, 2017, 11:17:02 pm »
OK so I've tried to ignore the Switch and various discussions about it, however, I have to vent some frustration with the damn thing. First off why on earth is it less powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One? That is all I wanted Nintendo to do, please Nintendo just show us that you are competitive.

I don't know if you've noticed, but the Switch is portable, it's smaller than both the new models of the PS4 / Xbone.  If you were expecting same specs from a home console portable hybrid THIS SOON, it would be boiling your hands, the battery would be terrible, you'd then be complaining about the high price and you're stupid.  This seamless switch into a portable is an inherent advantage over all of its competitors. 

I've seen a lot of hands-on impressions with the system, the main thing I've noticed from a lot of footage is that switching between docked and any of the other play modes is just as hassle-free as they presented in the trailers.  Maybe not quite as instantaneous to show up on the screen out of the dock, but by the time you take even one step back from the Switch dock, you're good to go!


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #39 on: January 16, 2017, 11:46:09 pm »
Yeah I honestly don't get how people are expecting a portable priced at $300 to beat the XB1/PS4 in terms of power considering it has a modified and upgraded Tegra chipset from the Nvidia Shield and a smaller form factor.

I'm pretty sure they had to go this route considering they had a ton of developers from the 3DS side, and that they always play it safe on the business side.  Trying to do a ps4/xb1 console would probably lose them additional money and wouldn't help with market share if their competitors decided to make the pro/scropio the base platform for games due to the demands of increased power.

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #40 on: January 16, 2017, 11:54:50 pm »
But it's such a weak argument to bring up the Wii and how it beat out both the 360 and PS3, besides die-hard Nintendo fans buying it cause it's the newest Nintendo console, most people bought it for the gimmick. Not to mention the fact that the PS3 was $600 for three years. Nintendo doesn't have that luxury anymore. They are literally competing against two more powerful systems that can be had for cheaper. Nintendo cant even tout their biggest feature. anymore..price.

The biggest feature of the Switch is its portability.  That could be a pretty big deal and the only way Nintendo stands out in the market.  Sure, you can get a PS4 for the same price, but that PS4 ain't going anywhere.  You can take your Switch, a proper console, with you at a moments notice with no downtime to any location.  That's a pretty big selling point.  Sure, the Wii had things in its favor and the Switch has much less, but like you said, the gimmick, is what sold it.  The gimmick now is portability and we'll have to see if that puts them back into the market.

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2017, 08:58:46 am »
Look, I love Nintendo, hell Nintendo is the reason I care about games (as I'm sure they are with most people on here.)
I can say in all honesty, I'm embarrassed for them at this point.

But it's such a weak argument to bring up the Wii and how it beat out both the 360 and PS3, besides die-hard Nintendo fans buying it cause it's the newest Nintendo console, most people bought it for the gimmick.

I guess all i can say is that I completely disagree...

'embarrassed' is such a strange word to use.

and at what point is motion control no longer a 'gimmick'? like how many generations does it have to be in and how many awesome games need to use it and how many zillions of consoles need to be sold before its no longer a gimmick... not to mention VR kinda hinges on motion control in some ways, which according to 'people' VR is the future.. oh, who to believe?

btw, i'm not arguing that they are taking the 'right' approach (how is that measured?...don't say 'sales' lol) , i'm just saying that the switch appears to be an incredible piece of kit that is extremely unique. not embarrassing to anyone lol
Nintendo Network: sloan011

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Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #42 on: January 17, 2017, 09:41:38 am »
So, I was pondering the many facets of the universe this morning and I had a little bit of of and epiphany. 

Since the Switch isn't going to be able to court those AAA type games that people want, they should aggressive court indie/small developers.  They should make Nintendo the place to be for all the Shovel Knights, Shantaes, Broforces, Limbos, Spelunky-s, and Undertales.  Make this less powerful system the EXCLUSIVE console home to showcase these cool games. 

I like these games better most of the time anyway. It really seems like a match made in heaven.


Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #43 on: January 17, 2017, 11:28:22 am »
I was recently reading an article here
What the hell?! Nintendo is basically sending you a nice big middle finger alongside your new console.

unfortunately this is not necisarily the case. sure it looks bad with breath of the wild being 13Gb and the system only having 32Gb but you forget that with the games being on cartridges that the ONLY thing you should theoretically have to download to system memory would be any updates.

of course I still believe with them only giving you 32Gb base that they are telling you to fuck off. could of at least given us 100Gb. but then again we as collectors are more likely to get the physical editions of everything so 32 gb should give us a lot of memory to work with.
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Re: The Nintendo Switch Discussion
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2017, 12:16:02 pm »
Preorder hell. Ah fun, I'm on a call list at my local Gamestop because I live in the boonies with no where else to turn that doesn't require you to pay in full upfront. For once can't Nintendo put out enough of something? Did put a deposit on Breathe of the Wild at least.