Author Topic: The Resident Evil Thread  (Read 3046 times)

The Resident Evil Thread
« on: January 22, 2017, 06:54:25 am »
*EDIT* Please no RE7 spoilers in this thread.  Once you play or beat it, you can talk about whether you liked it or not but keep all the story and character stuff out as much as possible.  I might open up an RE7 Spoiler thread once I beat the game depending on how I like it.

With RE7 out soon, I figured we'd do another one of these threads, talk about the games we liked, the ones we didn't, and what we might enjoy about RE7.

I'm in the minority of a lot of RE fans, in that I don't like any of the games before RE4.  Original and Remastered.  While I've dabbled in nearly every one of those early games, I hate how they play so much.  I even tried to get into the recent remaster bundle they put out on PS4 and I can't stand the controls.  They are just not fun to play for me.  Never have, never will.  A shame, because I love the ideas of the games.  It's big dumb b-movie nonsense, but it's entertaining.

Resident Evil 4 - Absolute favorite of the series, no contest.  I've played it at least a half dozen times between GC and PS2 and will probably replay it again once the guy making the HD texture pack is done on PC.  It's probably an all time top 10 game for me.  I wish it played slightly more like a regular third person game with proper movement and aiming, but that's just my very personal preference for having the best controls possible for myself lol

Resident Evil 5 - I've appreciated this game more as the years have gone on.  I haven't beaten it more than maybe two times, and while compared to RE4, it's not as good, it's still a good game.  It's just the start of the downfall for the series, introducing my most hated mechanic of forced co-op (Which was kinda busted on singleplayer for awhile) and was really doing more action segments.

Operation Raccoon City - I don't hate this idea.  I'm fine if they want to do an offshoot action game.  The problem is, this is a mostly bad third person shooter.  I never played the multiplayer, but I liked the idea of having kinda some unique characters with different gear types and such, running around in a non-canon RE setting.  It just was not good though.  I was actually kinda disappointed lol

Resident Evil: Revelations - I didn't play this on the 3DS, but I did play it on PC and just this past week actually beat it, because I never did before.  It's...not terrible.  It's a very shallow RE experience, essentially Resident Evil 6 Lite, introducing multiple sets of character with intertwining plots, but it doesn't work.  It's honestly kind of boring, though I like a few of the creature designs and the final boss is basically just Legend of Zelda Ganon.  Kinda dug that.  Though the co-op/partner element thankfully isn't obtrusive and annoying like RE5 or RE6.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - I actually don't have the best memory for this game, but it's not bad at all, I remember liking it.  Especially after Resident Evil 6.  I still am not fond of co-op in these games, but again, didn't hate it at all.  I think this is the only genuinely good RE game after 5 so far.  I'll replay it maybe after RE7.

Resident Evil 6 - Man this game is dumb and misses the point of RE by a mile.  3 co-op campaigns, 7 total playable characters, stretched across something like 30 hours of story, with just the dumbest action movie bullshit going on.  I watched someone replay Leon's campaign.  He comes out unscathed from a car crash, a bus crash, escapes a nuke, walks away from an airline crashing into a city, survives a crashing train, outruns a carpet bombing, survives a helicopter crash, and for good measure, one more jeep crash.  This just isn't Resident Evil lol I know Resident Evil is dumb, but this hit a new level alongside it's super awful story.

Umbrella Corps - ...moving along...

Resident Evil 7 - Now I've played the demo and while I hate the obscure PT level puzzle shit, it gave me a good feeling for the game.  I'm way into FPS gaming, it's a return to a smaller scale and definitely survival horror.  Initially I was worried, cause it's obvious they are adopting the ideas of the current modern horror scene, particularly Amnesia, Outlast, and PT for good measure.  I hate those games though, because they aren't fun to play, it's just running and hiding.  This though has actual combat in it.  You get guns and melee weapons, so that's a huge plus.  I'm really hoping for the best out of this as I'm not someone that regularly plays a lot of horror games, especially creepy ones.  I play tons of zombie games, but most aren't scary or very creepy.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 07:05:01 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2017, 10:48:46 am »
Nice idea, can't wait till Tuesday :D

Resident Evil - When this came out I was in my mid-teens, this was my second only current gaming machine (PS1) which I had from release, it was just magic. Sharks. Dog <> Window. Zombies. Magic. Back then it was like king of my gaming world. These days that particular sort of survival horror is too dated for my tastes.

Resident Evil 2 - Even when this was first released I wasn't impressed - a couple of outdoor locations and situations which suggested something on an epic scale, only to be stuck back in a police station which felt suspiciously like a mansion. Same boat as RE when it comes to being dated, except I never liked it much in the first place.

Resident Evil 3 - On the one hand this was an evolution in terms of scale, on the other it had no new decent enemies (Nemesis aside) and the Nemesis' scripted appearances really didn't excite. Felt like a rush job.

Resident Evil Code Veronica - Loved the improved graphics and genuine improvement in scale, felt like a much larger game. Absolutely loathed the lack of new enemies apart from mini-tyrants with bendy arms (bandersnatches?) Still a very good RE game in my book.

Resident Evil Zero - Couldn't get into it, felt like a graphically superior RE1 clone with way too many enemies being thrown at you for the items and ammo available. The whole 'ammo is found here and here, every time' thing really felt old at this point.

Resident Evil 4 - I struggle to 'rank' games compared to each other, particularly as I like to play weird and obscure games alongside triple-A releases. RE4 however is in my top 3 of all time with Wonder Boy in Monster World (MD/GEN) and.. something else.

Resident Evil 5 - Apart from a few interesting areas this seemed like a massive backstep from RE4 - smaller, copy-pasta enemies, repetitive boss fights etc. The borked partner/share inventory system is another irritation.

Resident Evil 6 - Dear. God.

Operation Raccoon City - I've only played this briefly, but I struggled to get anywhere and just seemed to die a lot. Will revisit, since playing this I got into the Souls series, so may be prove to be a tougher player.

Umbrella Corps - Never played it, never will.

Resident Evil: Revelations - Just seemed to run out of ammo in this one, need to revisit.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - By far my second favourite RE game, took everything from Revelations and the main series and combined the best of it into a really playable game.

Resident Evil 7 - I'm getting this on day one, really looking forward to it. I haven't looked too much into it as I hate spoiling the surprise, but it does look like a combination of old-skool survival horror and run-and-hide SH, which reminds me of Haunting Ground, which is always a good thing :D

Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2017, 03:19:12 pm »
I've hardly played any RE games, but I'll put a few notes about those that I have. :D Also because I have very strong feelings about RER2 haha.

RE5: I played through this one quite a few years ago. What I did like about it is that it wasn't too scary... I am an absolute wimp when it comes to scary stuff, so I didn't mind this so much haha. I don't remember being particularly impressed by it... except for the Mercenaries mode. That was absolutely my favorite part; I would have rather just bought that as a standalone than bother with the main game. It had a nice risk-reward balance with the time markers (though as I recall you couldn't earn time indefinitely, which I think should have been implemented), and the pacing was good. Plus costumes are fun. I really don't know why they changed this mode so much in later releases, as I thought it was pretty great! Despite all this, I will forever hold a grudge against Game Informer and anyone else who gave this a 9/10. I'm not saying it was a terrible, trashy game... but in no universe would I give this a 9. As was mentioned, the forced coop shouldn't have been there, probably. It's certainly apparent by now that working with an AI in games is a design that is just asking for trouble (though, as I understand, it worked well enough in 4 when it was there? If that's the case, I don't know what went wrong.... too much AI, maybe).

Raccoon City: Here's the simple summary... it had good bones in terms of what was there, but they failed to flesh it out, which is part of what made it so terrible. Also, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too short of a campaign; I think I beat it in like 5 or 6 hours. RC could have been a good game if it were further developed, refined, and tweaked; what we got felt more like a beta, and may God have mercy on those who pre-ordered it for a full $60. For more, you can check out my review I wrote many many years ago:

Revelations 2: I know people have mentioned loving this game before, but much like 5, I will fight you on it haha. ;) I bought this for basically full retail price while overseas, and that was a huge mistake. I don't think I got through the first three chapters, because I found the game to be so boring and tedious. I just couldn't invest myself very much in the story (though to be fair, I haven't played any of the other games really, so it'd be hard to get invested). I tried playing with a friend, with no improvements. I couldn't imagine having bought these episodes separately for the price they wanted originally. Kind of like Racoon City, I felt like there was potential, but the game was just poorly designed and executed. When a game that is basically made for couch play doesn't improve when played on the couch with a friend, there's issues.

I could, however, overlook all of this if the Mercs mode was good (since that was basically the reason I bought it)... buuuut it's not that great. It's not terrible, but it needs improvement; it doesn't feel very compelling to play. More random enemy generation would be nice, and again, I'd really like to see the time trial stages return. I just don't get why that was eliminated. Also, if you play with two people, you have to be incredibly careful about ammo consumption.

Also, better costumes.

I'm skeptical about the new one, but we'll see.


Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2017, 03:35:19 pm »
I've only played and beaten Resident Evil: Deadly Silence and Resident Evil: Revelations.
While Deadly Silence isn't the best way to experience the original, it was quite a good port (even though it looked like shit). Revelations was decent at best, I think I played the Mercenaries mode more though  :P

I bought Resident Evil 1-3 on PSN quite some time ago and Resident Evil 4 in the Steam Autumn Sale last year, but I still haven't touched them. I should really start playing those some time  :o

Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2017, 04:07:55 pm »
Weird entries into the series for sure to start out entirely handheld lol


Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2017, 05:10:52 pm »
Weird entries into the series for sure to start out entirely handheld lol

Haha yeah, I got both for cheap so that is one of the reasons I started out on handheld  ;)


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Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2017, 05:43:22 pm »
RE2 is the greatest in the series, without a doubt. It was the perfect zombie game. It felt just like a rollercoaster-ride zombie movie of the 80s, and I relished every moment of it! RE3, Code Veronica, and RE1 falling behind in that order on the scale of which ones I like.

RE Remake on GameCube is the one that probably had the most wow-factor for me, as it really showed off what the GameCube could do. Those lighting-effects!

RE4 was a fun-detraction from the series, that I genuinely enjoyed, though not as much as the originals. But at the same time, I hate the game, because it's what caused the series to fall so far from what it used to be. RE5 was just terrible. RE: Operation Raccoon City was a bad attempt at an action-oriented third-person shooter.

RE Revelations 1 & 2 were both a step in the right direction, thankfully, but still not as good as the first 4 games, IMO. RE Revelations 2, being the better of the 2.

RE 7 looks promising and I'm excited to play it, but part of me is still disappointed that it's not a return to the zombie-genre I already loved so much in movies.

Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2017, 09:33:12 pm »
Here is my take on the ones I have playedand also the order which they rank as my favorite to least favorite in the series:

1. Resident Evil (Gamecube): This is one of the best games I have ever played and the game that got me into RE, AND survival horror as a genre. Since playing the REmake on Gamecube I have yet to play a game in the series that scared and entertained me as much.

2. Resident Evil Code Veronica (Dreamcast): Definitely the hardest RE game I've ever played, I still have very fond memories of playing this game, even if I got completely stuck towards the last 2-years of the game and had to literally start over due to not having enough ammo for one of the bosses.

3. Resident Evil 2 (PS1): I remember having a blast with this game and still to this day it is fun to play through. I don't hold it in the same regard that others do, but it is still very worth its praise.

4. Resident Evil 3 Nemesis (PS1): I didn't like this one as much as RE2, but almost just as much. Nemesis as a villian was particularly awesome and he scared the shit out of me more than once throughout the game.

5. Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube): I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with this game; on one hand, yes, it is a great game, but a tad bit overrated imo. On the other hand I blame it for being the beginning of the end of the franchise as a legit survival horror series and more of a creepy action game with guns.

6. Resident Evil Outbreak (PS2): This game may have been enjoyable with others online, however I did not have my PS2 connected to a network so I was stuck playing with the braindead AI in this game that was already not that great. The conecept was cool, but the execution was way off. I got so frustrated with this game I don't even think I ever beat the first level of the game.

7. Resident Evil Dead Aim (PS2): I was very hyped for this game prior to purchasing it and a new light gun for over $100 on a minimum wage salary at the time. What this game ended up being was a total piece of crap that is still one of my least favorite games I have ever played. With maybe the exception of survivor which I hear is pretty bad too, I think even 5 and 6 are masterpieces compared to this turd.


Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2017, 08:00:51 am »
I've only played Resident Evil 4, and that game rulez. I haven't finished any of the others yet, though I've dabbled in RE5 and have REmake on the GameCube.
Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2017, 08:39:53 am »
I'm in the minority of a lot of RE fans, in that I don't like any of the games before RE4.  Original and Remastered.  While I've dabbled in nearly every one of those early games, I hate how they play so much.  I even tried to get into the recent remaster bundle they put out on PS4 and I can't stand the controls.  They are just not fun to play for me.  Never have, never will.  A shame, because I love the ideas of the games.  It's big dumb b-movie nonsense, but it's entertaining.

I'm right there with you. Since day one, I couldn't stand the series because of the awful controls. I gave them a fair shot, but nope. They weren't fun. Period. That said, I did enjoy watching others struggle play them. It was kind of like watching a really bad horror movie, which has a certain level of charm to it.

Resident Evil 4: There isn't much left to say about it. The action was intense, Leon was a likable hero, and each situation made you think about how to conserve ammo. Plus, it was fun to play. It really reinvigorated my interest in the series.

Resident Evil 5: Eh, it was alright. I mean, Chris was sexy AF and Sheva was a cool chick, but there was absolutely nothing scary about it. I did like that it took place in Africa; more games need to represent that continent.

And...that's really about all I can comment on. I've watched people play RE, RE2 and RE0. I played the rail-shooter games on the Wii. But RE4 and RE5 were the only ones I finished.

As for RE7, I have no plans to get it.


Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2017, 04:58:37 pm »
I'm thinking of getting RE7 but the only games in the series I've played are Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: Revelations. Hope it's better than Revelations lol
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 23, 2017, 05:14:36 pm »
I'm thinking of getting RE7 but the only games in the series I've played are Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil: Revelations. Hope it's better than Revelations lol

Yeah Revelations is not good.  I just played it this past week and it's just really boring.  You can tell its a handheld port, because it just feels kinda empty.  It also adopts what would become a mess in RE6, the multiple characters you play as in an intertwining story that's just kinda dumb.  I also hate the scanner.  Initially, it's a cool idea, but then you realize you have to use it in every room of the game to make sure you can get ammo and hidden gun parts.

I would still play it over RE6, but oof...not good.

Also, lets keep this thread spoiler free for Resident Evil 7 for the future.  I'm hearing good reviews, it's releasing tonight, and I think the mystery of this game could be pretty good, so we can talk about things we like, but keep it as vague as possible related to plot and characters.  At least for a good week or so.  We can always start up an RE7 spoiler thread for anyone that beats the game.

Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2017, 09:06:55 pm »
Looks like most of the reviews are very positive, with a few outliers.

Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2017, 09:43:32 pm »
Yeah I'm keeping myself spoiler free as possible, not even glancing at parts of a review, other than one that I saw a great number on and a youtuber who says its awesome, so I'm pretty excited to play in about 2 hours.  Keeping myself reasonably fresh, at least as fresh as I can as someone that reads a lot of gaming news.

Re: The Resident Evil Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2017, 01:40:49 am »
Yeah I'm keeping myself spoiler free as possible, not even glancing at parts of a review, other than one that I saw a great number on and a youtuber who says its awesome, so I'm pretty excited to play in about 2 hours.  Keeping myself reasonably fresh, at least as fresh as I can as someone that reads a lot of gaming news.

Let us know what you think of it!  ;D