Author Topic: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread  (Read 8716 times)

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2017, 10:48:37 pm »
That's a pretty sweet setup, nice and neat.  Definitely look into getting some covering for those windows.  Sunlight does a number on plastics.

Thanks.  Yeah, I have heavy shades.  Pulled them up just for the pics.

I don't know why but I'm not surprised.  With a set up like that especially since everything is very meticulously organised, it would only figure you would have thought of that.  It never hurts to suggest though just in case.

I could only hope that I can get my video game/trading card game collection under control like this.

Yeah, I've been collecting a lot of different things for many many years.  I agree it doesn't hurt to make sure collectors know.  I still see very nice collections sitting in direct sun light.  Thanks for looking out.

On a side note, I completed my original Atari clean up tonight.  One project down.  It came out really nice.  Almost looks brand new again and I found out her birthdate!




He's no good to me skinny.


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Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2017, 10:17:29 am »
Welcome to the site!  That's a really nice set up.  It's neat and clean.  I dig it. 

The other podcast fauxshot was talking about is Our Parents' Basement.  Check it out!

Welcome to the site.  It's a great place to hang out on the interwebs.

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2017, 01:45:00 pm »
Welcome to the site!  That's a really nice set up.  It's neat and clean.  I dig it. 

The other podcast fauxshot was talking about is Our Parents' Basement.  Check it out!

Welcome to the site.  It's a great place to hang out on the interwebs.

Thanks and thanks.  Lot's of friendly people here.

The pod cast title is funny in and of itself.  I'll let you know if I get a chance to listen.

On a side note, I started selling off my comic collection last week and I've almost made enough money for my next major purchase already, which I'm pretty excited about.  I just gotta get my wife's buy in.  If all goes well, I should have an update in the next month or two.

He's no good to me skinny.

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2017, 03:54:53 pm »
Great room! Your story indeed does sound a good deal like my own. This is inspiring, I may dip over to the game room-room and post my stuff for feedback.

On cleaning and fixing games, I've really taken to refurbishing consoles and cartridges myself. My soldering skills are getting better by the day! A store owner saw me inspecting the contacts of a NES cartidge recently before purchasing it and he remarked "If it needs cleaned I'll clean and test it for you," but I replied, "That's half the fun!" That's bad advice though, always test them before you buy... It was a $2.99 Dragon Warrior cart, so I wasn't too worried if it didn't work.

Good luck!

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2017, 07:06:31 pm »
Great room! Your story indeed does sound a good deal like my own. This is inspiring, I may dip over to the game room-room and post my stuff for feedback.

On cleaning and fixing games, I've really taken to refurbishing consoles and cartridges myself. My soldering skills are getting better by the day! A store owner saw me inspecting the contacts of a NES cartidge recently before purchasing it and he remarked "If it needs cleaned I'll clean and test it for you," but I replied, "That's half the fun!" That's bad advice though, always test them before you buy... It was a $2.99 Dragon Warrior cart, so I wasn't too worried if it didn't work.

Good luck!

Thanks.  What's the game room?

I've only cleaned so far.  N soldering for me.  However, this summer I will attempt to fix my YOLD on my PS3.  That'll take some time and a little more skill.  Hopefully Dragon Warrior had no issues.
He's no good to me skinny.

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2017, 09:17:42 am »
I realized I forgot to post a pic of my small collection of games.  Only the Atari and NES games shown were purchased by me on the secondary market.  Now begins the task of finding and obtaining all games that I used to own or would have like to have owned.

I also received my latest purchase, top labels for my N64 carts.  I think the guy that designed them did a nice job.  It makes it so much easier to find the N64 games I want to play that I might have to pick up a few extra titles just to use up some more labels.

He's no good to me skinny.

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2017, 09:44:38 pm »
A few updates.

There was finally a VR title I was interested in enough to purchase (not counting Batman, since it was a glorified demo).  I was able to stretch the VRs legs a bit.  It was worth the wait.

I told a long time friend about my project.  He said he wanted to contribute to it and brought over a bunch of stuff.  I never owned, nor played Super Mario world for SNES, but it was on my want list.  I never heard of Colossus.  He said it was must have and gave me both titles.  He also wanted to give me his Sega Dreamcast system and about 10-15 titles (I never owned a Sega system).  I told him there was no way I could take all that from him.  He said it will just sit under his stairs.  If that's the case, I may take him up on his offer at a later date.

I got this fun little light to add to the VG theme.  If you're not familiar with it, when you "hit" it on or off, it makes the familiar coin sound. 

I still plan on fixing my original fat PS3, but in the meantime, I picked up this slim from one of my employees.  I got a good deal on it, so I couldn't pass it up.

And my last update...I got this light up sign so those entering my mancave know what they are getting into.

He's no good to me skinny.

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2017, 06:47:14 pm »
Picked up a couple of Atari games for $1 each.  More importantly, my cocktail arcade was finished.  I've wanted an arcade cabinet forever.  I found a company that would build a custom one for a reasonable price.  I designed the control panel.  I think it turned out pretty nice.  I paid a little extra for the light up joysticks...yellow for pacman and four blue buttons for the ghosts.  It has 412 games total and it's fun for the whole family.  I'm making custom stools myself as well to fit the pacman theme.  I need to wait for some warmer weather to make them.


« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 06:50:17 pm by bobofatt »
He's no good to me skinny.


PRO Supporter

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2017, 01:13:31 pm »
DAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMNNNNNNNN!  Nice cocktail!  I'd like to get one of those, but I just can't make myself pay for a built one.  I built my own upright cabinet, but I just never finished it.

I love the cabinet.  I hope your family enjoys it.  When y'all get sick of it, I'll take it off your hands.  ;)


Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #24 on: March 08, 2017, 11:43:29 pm »
Wow that cabinet is dope!  :o
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2017, 02:45:25 pm »
Thanks guys.  I've been having a ball with the cabinet.  Although I think my youngest enjoys it more than me.  Ever since he saw Man Vs. Snake, he's been obsessed with Nibbler.

Lots of new stuff.  I hit up a local exchange and picked up a lot of retro games I had when I was younger and a couple of titles my oldest or I wanted, but didn't buy upon original release.

I've always wanted a 3DS.  I figured I should pick one up since they are harder to come by new.  Best Buy also had one Switch, so I figured I should grab it now.  The Raiders, Star Wars, and Jedi Atari titles were my neighbors.  I was telling him about my collection and he was kind enough to give them to me for free.

I had a number of handheld games when I was younger.  My mom asked me a year or so ago if I wanted them back.  I stupidly told her no and she promptly through them out.  It figures that now that I want them in my collection, I'm finding out they cost hundreds.  This Donkey Kong hockey wasn't too expensive at least.


I never bought or used a skin before.  I figured it was a good idea to get one to protect my new 3DS.  Since the 3DS may be my last handheld purchase, I figured it be fitting to skin it with my first handheld game I ever owned.

All the current handhelds together.

Thanks for looking. More stuff to come.
He's no good to me skinny.

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2017, 09:22:01 am »
Looking for some help from some fellow experts.  Online searches have not been fruitful. 

I got a slim PS3 when my fat died.  I redownloaded all my Rock Band 1, 2, 3 content.  I want to export the RB1 and RB2 libraries to RB3 to have my massive music library like I did on my original PS3.  I was able to also redownload the export key. 

So the steps I found were to go to RB3>main menu>>get more songs>redeem codes>input the code on the back of RB2....this is where I get stuck.  I have a 16 character code for a 12 character space.

Are these the right steps?  If so, what code should I be using?  I didn't get rid of anything I owned, so I should be able to accomplish this like I did years ago, unless something changed?

Any help is appreciated.
He's no good to me skinny.

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2017, 09:12:06 pm »
Anyone know?  I could really use the help.

He's no good to me skinny.

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2017, 02:17:48 pm »
Still looking for help if you have an answer for my question above.  In the meantime, I have a couple of updates.  I got a Nintendo club USA reissue Game and Watch Ball handheld.  It not exactly like the one i had as a kid, but it's close enough.  I had also been searching for stools or chairs for my cabinet.  I really couldn't find what I wanted, so I decided to make my own.  I was happy they came out just as planned.

He's no good to me skinny.

Re: BoboFatt's collection and question/answer thread
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2017, 04:56:12 pm »
My dad found some more of my original Atari games, so I cleaned them up and added them back into my collection.  I also picked up some custom stands for my handheld systems.  I added some color to the laser etching to make them stand out a little better, no pun intended.  I also picked up Cave Story 3D (not pictured).

He's no good to me skinny.