Author Topic: 7 New earth like planets discovered... Aliens soon?  (Read 1449 times)

7 New earth like planets discovered... Aliens soon?
« on: March 03, 2017, 06:22:11 pm »
The moment has arrived. Slowly but surely our space programs are revealing all the juicy details about what they have already known for thousands of years. It's all a calculated and prepared event. They will slowly push us into the realm of the master alien race they are already members of. To meet the givers of our DNA.  the aliens have walked amongst us for long before we could imagine.  in cloaks of ourselves. Our DNA was given to us from a source in an ancient scribe.  These beings come from outside.   Thought to be impossible or borderline mythological but now they are getting closer.

Now 7 earth like planets possibly harboring oxygen have been discovered. 3 of which appear to contain water in both liquid and solid form and also oxygen. The acceptable standards for us to live and its only roughly 2 light years away.  Far by today's technologies but a stones throw for the future of us.  Its a breath of hope.  They will delay this.  But the aliens already have a feast prepared. the event is marked.  We are the chosen and we are not alone.  we will be guests of honor.  The discovery is no coincidence. this is all a meeting they chose.    We have been destined to be ready.  The revealing will be slow.  we may not see it in our lifetime.  but we can hope its within 100 years.

The trappist-1 galaxy we found was never there before hence why we never seen it.  Aliens used invisibility cloaks to vanish but feel the time has arrived for us to discover them.  All the inner workings of our society are done by certain figures that know of the large scale of the universe. they brainwash us into thinking inside the box but expand our borders all around us daily. and only when we are ready we will be able to meet them.  They must have seen us invent the Nintendo switch and must have been taken back by it.  But either way.  We will be there soon.  amongst are alien brethren.

So my question is. 

What do you imagine they will look like if they do exist?

Would you go if offered the golden ticket to fly there?

I think they will look like the chu chu jelly monsters from Zelda of all different colors and will be able to teleport and speak millions of binary codes and languages.  Almost like demi gods.  far superior to us in technology but also oddly primitive and simple minded.  less capable of feeling anger and less easily provoked. more unified and intellectual.  a peaceful land.   I think we will ruin it.  hence why they don't show themselves to us.   I think they produce their own oxygen and food internally through photo synthesis thus not destroying their own habitat at all. Eco friendly, ultra beings far above our filth.   I think we still have many years before we are technologically capable or worthy of meeting them.

we have much to learn.  but maybe a great voice of peace will bring the galaxies together and make humans more passive and capable of living amongst the aliens.   Maybe one day....  :)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 06:25:22 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: 7 New earth like planets discovered... Aliens soon?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2017, 06:32:20 pm »

you need some guidance my friend!
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: 7 New earth like planets discovered... Aliens soon?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2017, 07:25:40 pm »
To be honest I don't think we'll ever come into to contact with them. 2 light years is a massive distance, will take ages even if we get anywhere near to the speed of light, I'm not if making such trips in a short enough time to make it worthwhile will ever be feasible.

Nevertheless it would be fascinating to see what life is like there. There could be so many new concepts unknown to us in every aspect of life: culture, language, law, religion, music, story telling, geography, nations, wars, martial arts and sports. If there was intelligent life, they could have very different ways of doing all of these. Also depending, on how old the planet is, there may be no intelligent life. "Intelligent life as in full sized animals has only existed for a fraction of the Earth's history, and the whole of human civilization has only existed for a miniscule fraction of that. If there was civilization, it could either be just beginning, extremely advanced, or have destroyed and build itself back up many times over.


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Re: 7 New earth like planets discovered... Aliens soon?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2017, 10:25:28 pm »


Re: 7 New earth like planets discovered... Aliens soon?
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2017, 11:40:08 am »

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy