Author Topic: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?  (Read 2218 times)

I haven't sped run before but I have been binge watching speed runners and I want to try to dedicate myself to a game and speed run it.  I was thinking Mario 64 or Breath of the wild because I have been playing those two lately. :) 

Does anyone here speed run or have been to speedrun conventions like AGDQ?   :D
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 06:43:51 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2017, 07:05:41 pm »
I always hated time related objectives, so speed running never appealed to me. I do enjoy challenge runs for certain titles though. Couple examples being no upgrade runs of games like Mega Man, and Yakuza. AGDQ/SGDQ are awesome though, I tune in every event if I can.


Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2017, 08:21:48 pm »
The only games I've ever done a speedrun of were Silent Hill 2 and Shadow of the Colossus. One was to get a ten star ranking, and the other was to get the platinum trophy.
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Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2017, 08:10:33 am »
Super Mario Bros. I can't get under 7 min. I'm entering a challenge today to do 1-1 the fastest and finish with fire Mario. Wish me luck

Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2017, 08:47:36 am »
Never tried and don't think I ever will. I respect speed gamer but it just isn't my type of way to play.


Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2017, 09:34:28 am »
I enjoy watching them, don't think I could pull it off though.  1-2 Gen Pokemon games are pretty crazy to watch glitched speed runs.  Mike89, SMK, Werster, MexiricanBassMonkey, Shenanagans, these guys are great! 

I adore the Time Trial mode in Crash Bandicoot: Warped, that involves the same process of routing each level to trim off seconds wherever possible. 
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 09:39:52 am by indenton »

Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2017, 10:05:23 am »
I haven't sped run before but I have been binge watching speed runners and I want to try to dedicate myself to a game and speed run it.  I was thinking Mario 64 or Breath of the wild because I have been playing those two lately. :) 

Does anyone here speed run or have been to speedrun conventions like AGDQ?   :D

I might suggest starting with something less lengthy, like as was mentioned before, the original super mario bros. What you're going to run into with speedrunning a game like BotW/Mario 64 is that you have to input a LOT of time for a single playthrough (assuming you're doing a full run, not these 5 minute deals), while having very little experience. Progress will probably be a bit slow, and you may not see improvements in great strides due to the length a single run requires.

Instead, start with something much more simple. If you begin by speedrunning the first level of super mario bros. (as was mentioned), or even just completing all of world 1, there are several benefits.

1. A single playthrough requires very little time. Therefore your rate of improvement has the potential to be much greater than having to spend 2 hours just to finish a single speedrun (if you can finish and learn from 10 speedruns in the time it takes to finish 1.5 mario 64 speedruns, you're potentially seeing many more small improvements in the same amount of time). This will be much easier on the morale, and for someone just starting out, it's important to have more steady improvement, I imagine.

2. If you fuck up a speedrun completely in a short game, no big deal, a very small investment. Fuck up your Mario 64 speedrun 45 minutes in and you wasted a lot of time. That's going to feel like a big setback, I imagine. Again, morale.

3. I think starting small is going to teach you more about speedruns faster than a marathon. After all, speedruns (in games like Mighty Switch Force at least) are all about shaving those little seconds; games with shorter runs demand that every millisecond be saved. You'll have to pay attention to details, and get really tight on the controls; one mess up in any game is going to potentially cost you a lot of time. These transfer well to longer runs I imagine. as they demand the same strategies over a longer period.

3.5 - Also consider that with something short, there are only a limited number of ways it can be ran at the fastest time. This means it's very easy to watch a speedrun (or your own) and take notes, or even read another person's analysis. What techniques do they use to shave off time? Are they conventional or unconventional? What kind of skills do they require to perform well? Are there any methods of practice they use to perform consistently? Consistency for longer speedruns is key, so you also have to focus on perfecting the basics as well.

TL;DR - I feel as if tackling a game like BotW/M64 is like trying to run a 50 mile race when you've never ran a marathon before. Instead, start with a 5K. Work your way up. Of course, only you know what games you like and don't like, and to what degree you can handle these learning curves, how fast you learn, etc. I would just think it would be better to start with something small, short, and sweet, then build upon it.

Of course, again, I guess these games can be completed in a short amount of time depending upon what is achieved in the speedrun, if there are glitches, etc. But I'd highly advise starting small if you can help it. I like Mighty Switch Force; levels don't take any more than like 3.5 minutes, and controls are limited and tight, so you can very quickly learn how to shave time off your runs as you practice over and over, and learn to hone technique (learning how many shots different enemies take for instance, and using the exact amount as to not waste any extra time, for example).


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Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2017, 02:24:16 pm »
I find speed running fascinating. The way the runners essentially have to out smart the game is really interesting. Especially with longer games. For example, I watched a speed run of the original Kingdom Hearts that they completed in a little over 3 hours. The little tricks they did to eliminate large portions of the game were unexpected.

I've tried to speed run Frogger Temple of the Frog on Game Boy Advance. I can get my time down to around 40 minutes.
The game Adventure on the Atari 2600 can be finished in under a minute. There's even a trophy/achievement in the Flashback Collection for beating it in under 40 seconds.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 02:30:14 pm by Limeface »


Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2017, 04:06:32 pm »
Personally I dont enjoy training for long periods of time for minor improvements, maybe for some short games.

I'd rather take the time to enjoy a game with the free time that I have.

I would not recommend anyone to attend speedrunning unless you have plenty of free time. Speed running is really time consuming and can be frustating at times. I find it pretty insane that some people train sometimes for months or years to shave a few seconds to break a new record. quite some dediciation for some people who have the patience to do so but definitely not for me or even people who have the skills since again it is really time consuming on the very same thing again and again.
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Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2017, 04:34:11 pm »
I've done a few speedruns in the past, but never really got into it seriously. Some speedruns are pretty fun to watch.

Personally, I prefer scoring runs just because some of the games I've played in the last year are interesting when you need to change your strategies from basic survival into additional points ( for each more resources in the end or for additional loops).


Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2017, 11:21:26 am »
I do speed run games. But not competitively. However, for 8 bit and 16 bit games, I like to have them mastered to the degree that I can beat them really quickly. Most of the games are set to be beat under an hour once you know how. And it is nice to sometimes come home from work and pop in Sonic 2 or Comix Zone and just blast through a game I have mastered.
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Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2017, 11:50:04 am »
I used to speed run Mega Man 2 when I was younger only to prove my friends and my cousins that was able to beat the game faster that all of them, damn even saved the whole thing at some VHS tapes, honestly I practically remembered every damn bit of the game so guess it's because of this that I decided to never do it again, there is no fun in just running without taking the time to enjoy every aspect of the title  ;D

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Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2017, 02:39:05 pm »
Nope, never. I love video games. And I play them. But I'm not good at them. I'm good enough, that if I pluck away at a game long enough, I can beat it. But I'm not good enough to do hard modes, or 100%-ing a game, or crazy stuff like that. And even harder games like Castlevania (NES), forget it, can't beat those.

Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2017, 03:32:18 pm »
Before anyone gets too butt hurt, this is my opinion and you are completely allowed to have whatever opinion you want about Speed Runs, but without further delay here are my thoughts.

I think speed running, while it gives certain games extra value in being able to play them in a way that wasn't necessarily intended, is typically dumb as shit since either speed running decreases the value of the game significantly (story is completely ignored, as are a lot of parts that make the game great or speed running is most a contest of who can exploit loose code in a game better to get to the end. I have little to no respect for the hobby, and think it is just dumb.


Re: Does anyone on here speed run? Have you ever thought about trying?
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2017, 03:58:24 pm »
If people are getting butt hurt, then they're not doing it right. They need to relax all of their muscles and breathe properly. XD

I digress. The only game I'll do a speed run for is Mega Man X4 since I know it backwards and forwards. I won't be competing in any competitions any time soon, but I do impress myself with just how well I know the game.