Author Topic: What would your heaven/Dream world look like?  (Read 1574 times)

What would your heaven/Dream world look like?
« on: March 11, 2017, 04:36:03 pm »
If you could create your own heaven or utopia out of anything of your imagination with limitless boundaries and your dreams would become reality instantly, What would you create? :)

My heaven starts in the sky, When you arrive the clouds ingulf you in warmth, they are fluffy slightly hot but not burning hot cotton candy that warms your feet as you walk and smells of pure sugar and love, the air smells of fresh spring, childhood and grandma's cookies, blue and pink and green swirls everywhere. You can eat as much cotton candy as you want but never get fat as with all other food.  you can eat them endlessly. You walk down cotton candy road until you find a glistening blue circle of blue bright leds, where you stand and the sky turns yellow with blue clouds.  Then their is a giant gate made of solid golden bricks with 1up murshrooms engraved into them that generates out of thin air. You are met by Kirby and Yoshi who both are larger than you. Almost like live statues. who hand you a ticket to heaven.  the ticket includes a giant diamond encrusted key with your name on it.   When you open the gate.  You hear the famous jingle from Zelda when you solve a puzzle successfully. Then a giant light erupts as the gates open blinding you momentarily. 

 But then it fades and you slide down a giant water slide through a vast oasis of pure melted chocolate water falls and when you reach the end of the slide you meet the god of oreo cookies.  A giant 8 foot 500 pound oreo cookie.  A oreo than you can eat and it regrows its bitten part back.  You are wearing a pure white silk outfit that feels like nothing.  It never gets dirty even if you try.  Its perfection.   Then you walk through the kitchen area where all the food was, from pizza to bacon mountains, to carrot cake towers, to nutella rivers and sprite fountains and are greeted with the game room entrance. The door way has a giant platinum statue of Mr. Miyamoto and one of You in one of your proudest gaming moments.  The sign reads,  (Insert your name)'s gift.

The game room is where all your friends and family are and where the most fun is. You can make endless new friends because of how deep and expansive heaven is.  Its endless essentially. So you will never be alone if your still waiting on someone you love to come.  its a game room but essentially the main section of heaven where everyone is but your family as all other families would have a section. my god would be sat on a golden recliner with his feet up playing wii u. hes always open for a mario kart 8 session or some marvel vs capcom 2. hes always there for the awesome gaming sessions.  he spends his days playing windwaker HD.  he's pretty much what you would imagine as an ultimate person :D.  you can seek him anywhere anytime mentally.  he is everywhere at once.  each heaven has their own.  whatever you seek he supplies. he's a walking strategy guide for any game. His amiibo collection is massive.  Here you would find a giant jumbotron with flawless screen resolution. a giant pikachu statue would be supplying its electricity while pikachu himself runs around with dozens of pichu and raichus singing cute songs.  the resolution is better than the human eyes. It has a interface where you just think the game you want to play and a controller forms in your hands and you are able to play any game from any console at any level ever made.  You can essentially mod the games code and change the games levels to your fitting as you play or you can play the originals of any game.   God sits with his friends and all your family who have passed talking about stuff. its an extremely fun and comfortable environment. free of judge and hatred.  the room is massive.  its the main room of heaven.   God is wearing a green shirt with a gold tri force on it.     He offers you to challenge him in Mario Kart 8.   He whoops you something bad.  Hes extremely competitive.  But only on your birthday he lets you win.  Which is nice of him.  :)

The room is far more epic than could ever be imagined, its essentially anything you can dream and imagine.  all gaming heroes from Link to Samus are here in all their glory.  The gaming worlds of every game you have ever played is here to be explored,  the options are endless.  if you imagine it it becomes an extention of the original room.  you travel by teleportation. 

Then their is the sleeping quarters.  every single resident has their own. again to your desire. you think it and it becomes.  complete with a genie.   Your guardian angel resides here. the angel that protected you your whole life protects you in these quarters.  She protects you in the dream world and makes sure that you dont wish for something that will kill you in your dream world.  your dream world is the only place in heaven you can die.   your guaridan angel makes sure you dream or imagine safe and benefitial dreams.  thus she cures you of nightmares. she protects you where you cant protect yourself much like she did when you were alive. she also doubles as a friend and advice giver.   you can become a guardian angel was a job for god where you will not be paid but have a reason to do something awesome for a live person on earth.  it will give you purpose if you seek it.

Their are different planets that you can explore that others have invisioned through heaven.  the highest rated worlds that people create will be offered to you first like a mario maker level.  you can make your own worlds.   the limits and rules are almost non existant.   the only rule is that you can not hurt another heaven resident or attempt to ruin someones world or do any evil intent with your powers.    But that goes without saying :D 

I would wish for a giant pool of fruity pebbles the size of earth and for dolphin fins and gills and then swim through the fruity pebble ocean.    I would wish for a new Tomba.   I'd hug Mr. Miyamoto and thank him like i always wanted to do.    Heaven would be awesome   ;D

And most importantly, i would be with my family happy :)   

What would your dream world look like?   What kinds of things would you wish for with endless possibilities.   ;D

« Last Edit: March 11, 2017, 05:15:14 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: What would your heaven/Dream world look like?
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2017, 09:14:54 pm »


Re: What would your heaven/Dream world look like?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2017, 04:42:33 am »
This must be what it feels like to be sky high and on cloud nine.

Stay in school kids.


Re: What would your heaven/Dream world look like?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2017, 08:28:08 am »
I mean, Lordscott's been silent for a while, gotta compensate by doubling up on mindless longwinded blabbering about Marv's subject of the day

Re: What would your heaven/Dream world look like?
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2017, 09:01:56 am »
I mean, Lordscott's been silent for a while, gotta compensate by doubling up on mindless longwinded blabbering about Marv's subject of the day


Re: What would your heaven/Dream world look like?
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2017, 11:06:12 am »
That's a tough one. I don't really know. I guess, it would be like my life is already, except none of the problems, limitations, or suffering. The deceased would return to living and nobody would get sick, or grow old.