@marvelvscapcom2 pretty much wrote what I was thinking.
Switch is going to struggle as a home console, but if can pick up the majority of the 3ds market then it will be a financial success.
I'm still mourning the Wii U. Too many haters in this world have killed off some amazing consoles. Go enjoy another round of Overwatch.
"Haters" didn't kill off the Wii U, the system failed entirely on its own lol
Can you elaborate a bit? Are we talking Marketing or actual quality? I agree if you are talking sales and Nintendo shooting themselves in the foot in marketing but I just wanted to know if you think Wii U is a failure as a console and that is honestly wasn't sabotaged by Sony fanboys? Because it truly was a victim of unfair hate.
Haters killed the Wii U in fairness. The system didn't fail off of it's quality. The overwatch twitch streaming, first person shooter, youtube commentary Leafy, CS:GO type community abuses every Nintendo console unfairly because they have nothing better to do. The Wii U was a very innovative console with a solid library of unique titles and it masterfully ushered in a lot of new ideas and titles instead of taking the Sony route and making PS3 2.0. It was a cold gen for gaming but all companies were affected. Nintendo the least imo. Nintendo made a lot of amazing memorable titles that we can always play and look back on. Really the ps4 should be the failure in sales when looking at it's titles but people still buy it because of marketing and some sort of brainwashing gaming is going through. PS and XB fanboys immediately doomed the Wii U to failure from it's launch till it's death. Making reddit posts, disliking videos. it started a propaganda smear campaign against the Wii U. When really it never sold awful quantities and Nintendo made just as much off Amiibos and 3DS as Xbox made off of the Xbox one or probably much more. People forget Nintendo Dominates in other areas too. Xbox and Sony sell more because they dominate 3 games. COD, Madden and Battlefield. Those 3 franchises alone outsell all other current gaming franchises combined. Nintendo will never win those fan bases so they will always sell less. But that doesn't equate quality. And outside of the first person shooter genre. PS4 and XB1 are extremely abysmal in third party support as well. No variety and a lot of filler.
I feel Wii U is a top 5 console of all time for what it brought. It perfected the interactive figure market, Miiverse, 40 or so Exclusive A tier titles and a console that can be played on TV or on the controller and also can use like 5 different types of controllers at once. Oh, and something that might as well be folklore now adays. backwards compatability!!!

lol. Which is amazing. It has the entire Wii Library, Its own Library as well as many E Shop classics from the past. It's library is monstrous if you look at it in that way. It will always be a success in everywhere other than sales in my eyes. I love Wii U for ever

. But we all have preferences