It's one of the most divisive discussions one could ever have

. Weather or not you want your roll facing in or out while you go to the loo is a very serious decision most make early on. A ancient debate with deep history. Their are the passionate vocal defenders of each side. Which side are you?
I myself am an under man. Its just less intrusive. More reserved and elegant. It's more convenient to roll out for me. It isn't in the way. With the under roll it feels more like the toilet paper is reclusive, and less disruptive or distracting. It's essentially being an introvert. It is not so intrusive in your space. While over is hanging over your knee, asking you how your day was. I don't need all that. Over is right there in your personal space. Any closer and it would ask for a turn in Fire Emblem. It's just too much. The strand of TP hanging too close for me. While Under is a arms reach away but still there and not dangling on your read. Under has boundaries and respect.