Author Topic: PS4 games with a lengthy installation after start or "stealth installs"?  (Read 853 times)


I've been wondering about what games have lengthy additional installations after you first start the game from the PS4 menu or so-called "stealth installs".

The only two examples I know of are Grand Theft Auto V and Bloodborne. In GTAV, you have to sit though a 35-minute installation before you can play.

In case of Bloodborne, you can't load your save game until the disc has "stealth installed" the game data. Apparently after a fresh start, the game only gives you data for the opening area and installs the rest in the background as you play. So if you have an save game for one of the later areas, the game keeps you in the main menu until the installation has finished. Bloodborne doesn't even clear tell the player that it's doing something in the background.

Any other examples like these in the PS4 game library? Either the stealth install kind or the GTAV kind?

It's not really an additional installation you're encountering. When games for the PS4 or One install, most will allow a player to play while the installation is ongoing, typically the first level or two, so the player can get started on the game quicker and with the assumption that by the time they finish the first area, the rest of the game will installed.

For those that don't allow play before the game is installed, like GTA or Overwatch, it's because they really can't break off a chunk of the game for early play, so the player has to wait until the installation has finished.


Yes, I'm aware of this. I was asking what other games do this kind of thing aside from GTA V and Bloodborne. Are there any? There must be, right?

Blooneborne is currently the only game I know of that doesn't let you load your old save straight away after a new install because of the stealth installation that is going on. GTA V is currently the only game I know of that has this very long installation after starting the game for the frst time.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 04:37:15 pm by Agozer »