Every once and while I get hit with the itch to play an old game that I used to love, but sometimes what I really want the feeling of that old game but with a pretty new face lift. A while back I asked about Modern games that would feel like SSX. Now I've had the hankering to play some Gran Turismo 2/3. Figured I's start a thread to get some recommendations as well as open it up for other people to ask for modern game recommendations as well.
So! What game is going to give me the feel of my old GT 2 and 3, Does the newest GT hold up? are there better options out there for me?
AND what are some games that you miss playing but would love to find a modern replacement for?
This is only my opinion and I hope it doesn't come off as harsh but not only does the new GT not hold up to 2 or 3, It's a soulless money grab that should be avoided by anyone who truly loves video games as a whole. It's a pay to play, beta for 60 dollars scam and i'm surprised so many stood for it. And GT hasn't been king in 10+ years for that very reason of how it blindly robs it's consumer. It odds are will never return to it's glory due to greed. And the shady business practices GT as a franchise has partaked in with selling their consumer "prologues" and "demos" as full blown releases for 60 USD. It takes a level of audacity i'd say. And it's sad to see it happen. I miss the golden days of GT

GT 4 was a masterpiece imo, so were 1 and 2 during the PS1 gen and how they almost defined the genre. They pushed the consoles to their boundaries. I remember when Kanzanori Yamauchi's blessing was a thing to be revered. The 4-6 year wait for like a blink because of how diverse and unique each entry was. They utilized the console specs to make something that completely floored the world every time. It was magical and you could feel that they cared.

5 was pretty good, but it wasn't the same feel as the PS2 ones imo, it lacked the additions forza made like realistic damage, and all the cares feel like they have understeer a tad too much. 6 was like 5 but with less soul and a worst UI imo. But than Sport is an insult to the consumer. With less cars than most need for speeds, only a handful of tracks, and forced online play. It's sad to see what GT has become. But devs pretty much admit to selling their customers prologues and demos for 60 dollars and use words like "sport" to trick them into picking up their wallets because a word like Beta would be less appealing to spend 60 bucks on. It's shady.
To answer your question though. Forza is revered as one of the best racing sims of all time and is consistently amazing imo.

. But if you don't have Xbox i'd say Project Cars is a great sim as well. Astetto Corsa is supposed to be good but ive never tried it. The Forza Horizon series is amazing open world fun and the core series is like what GT should have been. Huge detailed track lists, car lists, and awesome customization. Cameos from professional drivers that act as narrators make it feel professional and legit. And they never sell half way games. I can't recall a Forza game that I wasn't happy to play for 100+ hours. And that's saying a lot of a franchise that's 3 gens old.

Hope this helps