Author Topic: Sheep born from an artificial bio uterus? Human child birth in 2035...  (Read 1876 times)

A baby sheep was grown from a pre mature fetal state to full maturity in 2017 without a mother to replenish or birth it. :).   Raised in an artificial plastic bio bag uterus by humans.  With a irrigation system and electrolyte substance.  It's truly ground breaking. :D.

By the year 2035 the modern advancements in science will become so advanced and the technology will become so accepted from the exposure that it will make it so that humans are ready for the unvealing of the ability to be harvested in a similar manner like the article states. But not just from premature state.  But grown through the entire cycle of birth in the bio bag. Grown like mammals but in precious customizable biobags that sync to the mothers heart rate and size.  No longer carried for 9 months but rather implimented in the bio bag as a scientific creation. It can be a very healthy and practical alternative to women with health problems who still want to experience child birth but are unable to or for various other reasons who can use the artificial means to birth a child while still supplying her genes and DNA into the babies biological make up.  It could be an optional safe means of raising a child without the dangers and draw backs.  No more premature babies and no more exposure to harmful toxins such as class A carcinogens that are all around us daily.  But rather houses in a filtered air enviroment in a science lab with the bio bag.  100 percent sterile and with a far less mortality rate.   A simplistic, painless and scientific way to raise an embryo healthily and at the apex of human ideology.  2 party insemination and newly found cellular division or biomolecular innovation added to the formula will cause human embryos and even fetuses to be raised to maturity in the same way a human body would through irrigation systems and modern science. By the year 2035 we will discover how to develop human life from the cellular level.  Artifically raised in a bio bag.   Giant cultivation centers will be announced.  These giant human baby farms will allow two parents to visit, and monitor their baby through the bio bag.  Speak to it and see it grow.  This will eliminate the need for child birth and all the intensive pain from labor and all the risks of a normal child birth.   It will be a scientific miracle but also a touchy subject that will lead to many disputes, arguments, religious conflict and possibly world war 3.   

But it will most likely never come to that because modern sciences although very evolved are often hidden in secrecy by government elitists.

The technology has existed since world war 2.  It is only now being slowly leaked into the public as to not scare of cause paranoia among the people.  But the technology to artificially birth life into existence as well as revitalize or rebirth the dead or fetal state has been a science long studied by the soviets and americans since early 1900s.  The releasing of this data shows scientists are ready to release this information as part of some scheme to either make money through the business of human growth artificially or to cause a distraction from something bigger. 

If you were having a child, and your suggnificent other left the decision to you. Would you apply to share the two reproductive materials needed to form a artificially grown baby in a bio bag to be born as a test subject for modern science?  Or would you rather birth it naturally?     :D

« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 05:54:06 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


your a bloody legend..
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Off to the cum and joke mines of Mars men go.


Giant cultivation centers first read to me as a center to cultivate giant babies. I imagined a mother and father visiting their 15 foot baby crawling around a farm and it made me smile. However, as for the actual meat of the issue...

Would I have a baby this way? Probably not. The first major barrier is I don't want kids, but forgoing that, it would still be a low priority over natural birth just for the experience. Problems like infertility, poor health, or even a woman not wanting to experience the pain of childbirth or even wanting to maintain a figure would be fine reasons. It also depends how far along the technology is. If we are at the point where you can manipulate the fetus' genetics to make it the perfect Aryan uebermensch completely healthy and free of genetic diseases I have heard arguments for how it would be immoral to not go this route, to which I agree to a certain extent. In a future where babies could not only be healthy, but manipulated to have the eye/hair color, size, etc. you want there are a lot of options... and I have no moral issues with this because the process is just goop turning into different goop to begin with, nothing magical. However, in a time when this is the safest way, you will absolutely have hipster parents who want to go against the norm, but mostly religious fundamentalist who will be gripping harder than ever to their ideals with this technology making it harder and harder to justify their idea that humans are some special, chosen thing.

Off to the cum and joke mines of Mars men go.

I know it was a quick quip from South Park, but let's explore this, as I do so love exploring things. This tech would actually have the opposite effect. Because of the way birth works women have always been genetically more valuable than men. A man can impregnate 100s (or 1000s, or millions, talk about a player) of women at a time, but a woman can only carry once at a time in a process that takes months. This has been levied into the way our society works because it makes sense biologically - men typically provide for women because that uterus is valuable, much more so then our expendable sperm. Nearly everything about our society and attitudes stems from this. However, you replace the biological need and women in their primary biological role become as expendable as men. From a biological standpoint, the expenditure of resources to a woman is to create offspring, but now that a womb is not required it makes much more sense to expend those resources on your offspring and yourself. Now it wouldn't change overnight, and men would still want sex, but the societal role of women will change drastically overtime. Their value would drop significantly, and less men would put up with providing for them. The reason men are so competitive and have shorter, longer bell curves for most abilities was always about gaining female attention to reproduce, which caused us to evolve that way.

Societally, I don't think women would lose basic rights, but many of the privileged treatments they receive would likely dry up. Then once sex robots show up (if they haven't already assuming the tech we are talking about) they would have the true equality that all (modern) feminists will fight tooth and nail to stop. It probably doesn't go the other way because if we created artificial sperm women would still want the provisions from men which was historically what they got in return for child rearing (and sex), as even highly educated women overwhelmingly choose to marry up to someone making more.

(Disclaimer: Men & Women are equal in rights and almost all levels of potential. It's current year, and people get offended by everything, so I felt this was necessary.)
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


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« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 12:45:43 pm by totallycrushed »


@Moderation or @Admin, How the fuck do I remove Marv's bullshit from my page? I really don't need to see this shit on a VIDEO GAME COLLECTION SITE.

I mean, you clicked on the thread.  You could always just umm, oh what was it now...

Ignore them?


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« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 12:46:14 pm by totallycrushed »


A baby sheep was grown from a pre mature fetal state to full maturity in 2017 without a mother to replenish or birth it. :)

Da fuck is wrong with the people these days ?, for me it means No Sex, No Babies, No More Mothers, No More Milfs seriously this isn't the movie Demolition Man  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


NVM, found a solution. Have fun.

Bye, Felicia. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.