Author Topic: Favorite vs Non Favorite Millitary Based Game  (Read 3064 times)

Re: Favorite vs Non Favo carefrite Millitary Based Game
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2017, 09:28:08 pm »
The first one to come to mind was Jane's Longbox FX. Delta Force was pretty good also.

There are many bad ones. And one I can't remember the name of is my least favorite. It was a first person shooter set in Vietnam. The issue with the game that made me quit was the fact that the enemies would spam grenades, and since it was in a jungle you would never see them first. It was very frustrating.

hey, I might own that Vietnam game. Was it called "VietCong Purple Haze" for PS2 or maybe Xbox? Or PC? That game takes careful planning and strategy. it is also buggy too.  all it takes is to read the vary interesting manual or research about the real Vietnam so called war, or conflict. in the first couple levels and throughout the game. you are in a vary heavy jungle. the enemy has bobby traps in marked locations. your suppose to order your Asian soldier guide you and tell you where to go. By walking up him and press x on PS2.  follow him, if he sees a trap  he will stop.

and say something automatically ONCE. when he see the camouflaged trap. You than must proceed carefully forward telling your squad to hold, and shoot or manually disarm the traps yourself. than tell you point man to go to the next place. the radar tells you where some of the enemies are located. shoot through the bushes. The vets of that conflict called that spray and pray. This game is not action packed as most wanted it is a challenging yet fun simulator. I'd sure as hell enjoy this game more than the old NES games. It's actually EASY it's fun. if I were you and wanted to try something new for a change I'd highly recommend re adding it to your video game collection. even if you only have it to sell it later. It's COLLECTIBLE :D
« Last Edit: May 08, 2017, 03:44:51 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Favorite vs Non Favorite Millitary Based Game
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2017, 08:20:24 am »
I just recently played MOH Frontline which was enjoyable, though I really don't play a lot of military shooters other than the occasional COD.
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Re: Favorite vs Non Favorite Millitary Based Game
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2017, 09:40:15 am »
I was a big COD3 and 4 fan back in the day.  That was before everyone only sounded really young but they had sex with my mother. 


Re: Favorite vs Non Favorite Millitary Based Game
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2017, 11:25:39 am »
It may have been VietCong Purple Haze. I played it on PC many years ago.


Re: Favorite vs Non Favorite Millitary Based Game
« Reply #19 on: May 08, 2017, 03:04:36 pm »
Favorite: Valkyria Chronicles.

Not favorite: Too many to list.