I'm sure a lot of people on here use Craigslist or Offer Up to score good deals for videogames and for the most part I've always had great success at reaching out to sellers, organizing a time to meet and actually meeting up with them and getting the games. But today, I finally had a bad experience and I am curious to hear from others about deals that never materialized from flaky sellers and what awesome deals people missed out on.
Today I messaged a seller about a bunch of in box genesis games, (shadowrun, streets of rage 1 and 3, blades of vengeance, shinobi III, sonic spinball, good titles) no price listed but the ad says he knows what they are worth but is not expecting anywhere near that so send any reasonable offer. I shoot him an offer of $100 and i get a text from him saying that if I can meet him immediately, the games are mine. I ask for an address and he says head to a spot and then when I get there, he'll send me his home address. He says this is because he is tired of giving his address out to flakes who never show up. We commiserate about flakes and I tell him I'll be there by 5. He says great.
I look up the address and see it's far away. I look for other potential deals to help make the drive worth it and I see a guy selling a bunch of rpg ps2 games for cheap, I send a message out to him and he responds immediately as well saying I could meet today. I decide the drive is worth it (about 45 minutes) and I get in my car. I send the genesis guy a text telling him I'm 30 minutes out. He says great. Then I get close to the spot and I text and I don't hear back. I wait for 5 minutes, call, no response. I never hear back from the guy. After all that talk about how much he flakes and he ends up ghosting me, I had to appreciate the irony. I'm sure he got a better offer, I just found it funny that he flaked after telling me all that.
Luckily the other guy did not flake and I end up getting Romancing Saga, Drakengard 2 and Shining Force Neo for $40 total!. The guy ends up telling me that his 80 year old father was the owner of the games and they looked like they had never been used. They are the cleanest "used" games I have ever seen in my whole life. What an interesting day.