Which would you rather have? A cute cuddly brown but soon to be ginormous, towering, heart stopping relic from the past thought to be extinct elephant ancestor from prehistoric times, the beautiful and strong and ambitious wooly mammoth back from the ice age. The last known in the world right in your parlor as a baby. Young and full of wonder and cuteness. But with the potential to grow and be your most feared and beloved protector. Complete with saddle trained to be docile and a protector of your abode

or would you rather have a personal helicopter. No helipad. Just a helicopter on your front lawn for you to fuss about and figure out the odds and ends. A pretty nice one too.

Both come with a big learning curve and both have a lot of needs that need to be fulfilled. Wooly eats about as much cost in food as the helicopter uses in fuel. Helicopter needs a helipad. Wooly mammoth will needs a gigantic stable and a lot of land. Which would you rather have outside? A big prehistoric buddy or your own helicopter
