Author Topic: Which would you rather be? A police officer, a fireman or a paramedic (EMT)?  (Read 2571 times)

Real super heroes don't wear capes and growing up while we all had our video game mascot that brought sunshine to our day.  When we were in need we always counted on our real life heroes to save us and protect us.   3 professions that keep the world and order :).

If you had to choose one profession to pursue and become out of these 3.  Which life of being extraordinarily giving and brave would you most rather lead?  :D
Fireman (Fire Fighter)

Some of the most brave and amazing people you could ever know.  Fire fighters put their own lives in jeopardy to make sure that a family doesn't lose their loved one in flames. They give amazing amounts to charities and they hold rallies and fund raisers for local community children.  They have Fire truck tours for children and drive big red amazing trucks.  And when not on duty they have amazing family bonds with their fire fighting companions and they make awesome Fire house chili.   Burly, strong,  axe wielding, hose spraying heroes.  :)

Paramedics  (EMT)

Our next heroes are the brave men and women who are there when someone has a heart attack or when someone is bleeding or attacked.  The breathe of new air in a dying helpless soul. :D.   Trained Emergency Nurses and Amublance Technicians are prepared to rush to the scene and save a life. With amazing tools and medicines as well as years of training under their belt.  College degrees and a lot of school has prepared you to be the most amazing life saver.  And without them the world would be a very scary place.  They give peace of mind in knowing they will give their all in saving you.  :) 

Police Officers (Cops)

Last but not least are the people who are around you every day,  keeping the entire world from becoming a scene out of the purge movie. Keeping law and order in a vast community of violence and dangers.  They are who you will call to when your being attacked or held up at gun point.  They are there to defuse hostage situations, robberies, domestic violence  and they are there to keep you and your family safe from hazards.   They have the most unfair portrayal by media who want to paint all of them as hateful or unlawful racists.  But many cops have pure hearts and a very tough job keeping our streets clean for the youth. :) 

3 amazing roles and all of them are so valuable and equal to the world.  And these underpaid and under appreciated people deserve so much more and so many thanks :).    But out of these 3 choices.  Which would you wanna be most?   A cop,  a fire man,  or a EMT?   

I think i would choose EMT because it's the safest and i always loved the field of medicine. Although being a fire captain is probably the coolest :D.     


Thanks for bumping me with off your all-important input Marv

Nonetheless, punch that fire in the nuts!  My answer is a Fireman
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 12:26:50 pm by indenton »


When I was a kiddo always wanted to be a Firefighter dunno why but always have admired these brave dudes and for the same unknown reason didn't became one, at this day wanna believe that it's because is more exciting helping and rescuing people than being in front of a fucking computer the whole day helping some morons with their problems  >:(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Firefighter, or someone like Henry from Firewatch.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Fireman for me, applied a few times, however sadly I'm colourblind otherwise I may of had a decent chance :-(