Author Topic: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased  (Read 11262 times)


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #75 on: May 26, 2017, 10:27:54 am »
I just ordered Risk of Rain on Vita via Limited Run Games.


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #76 on: May 26, 2017, 05:36:21 pm »
Got Fire Emblem Echoes. I also downloaded Phantom Dust for XBox One. Free is free. :)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2017, 05:37:56 pm by spac316 »

Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2017, 05:42:27 pm »
Goodwill pickups for today:
MLB 2k10 ps2 cib PS2 1$
Guitar Hero 3 PS2 1$
MVP 07 Ncaa Baseball PS2 cib 1$
Tekken 5 PS2 cib 2.99$
Guitar Hero 2 case and manual free
ESPN NFL Football 1$
Xbox System with av cords and controller 12.99$
New Super Mario Bros Wii cib 2.99$
« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 05:56:26 pm by 98dgreen »


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #78 on: May 27, 2017, 11:32:49 am »
Pretty okay weeks

First of all mediocre deals

Shin megami tensei CE + soundtrack with the 6 art cards and other inserts 20 euro's shipped

Fire emblem CE 70 euro's shipped. Pretty steep price since most stores sell it for 100 euro's sometimes even without shipping, Never paid attention what was included so I was not suprised for the high retail price in most stores
Had to get the game early to be in the hype train I guess. lucky that the price wasn't to high in some stores else I wouldn't buy it. A bit to much fan service but nontheless quite enjoyable.

Game store deals for free all cib in nice shape


Giana sisters sealed
digimon world dusk


vieuwtiful joe 2
bujingai swordmaster
shadow hearts the new world
Xtreme xpress racing game with trains a worthy ad to the collection
warriors orochi 2
Armored core last raven ukv


sonic and the black knight took me way to long to find this game at a low price
Dragonball z budokai 2


Spikeout battlestreet


Hi octane
Raiden project  ;D  Finally managed to get my last game from the past. I was quite suprised to find it at a gamestore let alone at a pretty low price.
Wanted to pay ebay prices some long time ago but the inlay's and manuals were always in bad shape so I gave up.

Normal deals

Small xbox deal for free

Gun valkyrie

Strategy guide deal maximum 30 euro's loss shipped probably allot less. even for 30 It;s a win for me It;s not easy to find these

Mario party 3
smash bros melee
mario kart 64 with bumber stickers
super mario advance
Mario & luigi superstar saga

A small master system deal for free

New zealand story
Lose manual of alex kid completing my copy

An awesome gameboy deal for free

Baloon Kid FAH cib excellent shape   :D
Intersting gameboy box haven't seen that front on most nintendo suitcases a nice extra

An older sega deal.

Already made my money back and while this is an ex rental It's in nice shape and complete. Also a pretty great game and not easy to find in europe so yea

Saint sword sega genesis   :D

An intersting sony deal all for free cib

Ps3 controller
yakuza 4
ps1 unholy night a pretty intersting game no suprise since it was made by crystal dynamix.
and ofcourse the main reason Metal slug anthology ps2   :D

An excellent gamecube deal all for free cib

Yu gi oh falsebound kingdom + cards sealed
dragonball z budokai 2
Mega man x command mission

Wii DBZ Tenkaichi 3

Also came with excellent psp games for free

FF crisis core
dragonball z 2
sonic rivals
brave story

Some intersting other deal in wich I added many yu gi oh games for free to the collection all cib


Yu gi oh spirit caller with cards
yu gi oh world champion 2007
YU gi oh world champion 2008


yu gi oh tag force 4


digimon digital card battle


yu gi oh gx tag force

« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 02:48:32 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #79 on: May 27, 2017, 01:40:19 pm »
When I read a Sworddude pickups post:

Free,, FREE, FREE, free, FREEEEEEEE, Freeee, FRee.....Free!!


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #80 on: May 27, 2017, 01:44:04 pm »
When I read a Sworddude pickups post:

Free,, FREE, FREE, free, FREEEEEEEE, Freeee, FRee.....Free!!

What can I say else I wouldn't buy most games anyway I have seen to many deals to go back.

It's also a nice way to personaly see what I paid for the collection.

Besides I did spend money on a few items since i bought those lose, so not everything is added free to the collection   :D
« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 02:25:52 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #81 on: May 27, 2017, 11:55:18 pm »
Ah, the science of earning money by collecting games.

But in all seriousness, maybe I'm dense or not paying attention but I don't get how it's free. I think it has something to do with flipping? That sort of thing confuses me. Somewhere, and somehow you exerted time and energy, and probably money. If you're flipping stuff enough to get free games all the time you're busting your butt in some way. Can't imagine where a place exists that there is still an abundance old games just drifting in the wild, in 2017. Definitely not around these parts.

Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #82 on: May 28, 2017, 12:31:11 am »
Ah, the science of earning money by collecting games.

But in all seriousness, maybe I'm dense or not paying attention but I don't get how it's free. I think it has something to do with flipping? That sort of thing confuses me. Somewhere, and somehow you exerted time and energy, and probably money. If you're flipping stuff enough to get free games all the time you're busting your butt in some way. Can't imagine where a place exists that there is still an abundance old games just drifting in the wild, in 2017. Definitely not around these parts.

I've known some very dedicated collectors and resellers, we're talking hunting for games a minimum of 2-hours daily, sometimes they'd hunt all day, and none of them could claim even 10% of their pickups were outright "free"

I'm guessing his definition of free is he purchased everything, but is selling stuff he found to make up for the cost of what he keeps, hence in the end he is spending nothing after recouping. If this is not the case, I'd love to know who just gives away $50+ games for absolutely nothing.

I've just always wondered how Sworddude gets nearly all his games for free. Sworddude?


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #83 on: May 28, 2017, 06:27:56 am »
Ah, the science of earning money by collecting games.

But in all seriousness, maybe I'm dense or not paying attention but I don't get how it's free. I think it has something to do with flipping? That sort of thing confuses me. Somewhere, and somehow you exerted time and energy, and probably money. If you're flipping stuff enough to get free games all the time you're busting your butt in some way. Can't imagine where a place exists that there is still an abundance old games just drifting in the wild, in 2017. Definitely not around these parts.

I've known some very dedicated collectors and resellers, we're talking hunting for games a minimum of 2-hours daily, sometimes they'd hunt all day, and none of them could claim even 10% of their pickups were outright "free"

I'm guessing his definition of free is he purchased everything, but is selling stuff he found to make up for the cost of what he keeps, hence in the end he is spending nothing after recouping. If this is not the case, I'd love to know who just gives away $50+ games for absolutely nothing.

I've just always wondered how Sworddude gets nearly all his games for free. Sworddude?

I never post my full pickups only the stuff I ad to the collection and you are correct. Obviously I don't get them donated for free.

For example the gamecube lot included many expensive games wich I already had, yet the selling price of the seller was really low. 5 - 10 euro's a pop for many expenive ps2 games but even gamecube games some reaching the 100 euro range  yet I already had almost everything basicly for free.

Same goes for the other lots wich are small or big, in relatively rare instances I purchase something lose if the price is great since chances are less likely to find these in lots.

For this gamecube lot It was not on the market yet so that explains the low prices for gamecube it only started with the yu gi oh and dbz 2 gamecube game wich I bought for 20 euro's shipped since those are hard to find yet not really expensive. afterwards the magic happened since he wanted to get rid of stuff and showed pics for those same prices  ???

« Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 07:01:43 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #84 on: May 28, 2017, 10:11:02 am »
I'm not good at mentally converting euros to dollars, so the wow factor gets lost there. I also don't think like a reseller. When I see a game I'm not interested in, I walk away from it. And lots? Most of the time are something I already have or full of games I don't want, so again, no sale. To me it's never seemed worth the effort to try and resell games and expect to get their full value.


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #85 on: May 28, 2017, 10:29:50 am »
I'm not good at mentally converting euros to dollars, so the wow factor gets lost there. I also don't think like a reseller. When I see a game I'm not interested in, I walk away from it. And lots? Most of the time are something I already have or full of games I don't want, so again, no sale. To me it's never seemed worth the effort to try and resell games and expect to get their full value.

obviously you should only focus down on the value titles since common 5 - 10 dollar ebay items are worth nothing and not worth that amount. Better sold of in whole lots for only a few euro's each or less wich sell fast when done that way but never really an influence in the price of a lot.

You are right most lots are not interesting at all, that aside in allot of times you cannot buy games lose + people give better prices when multiple things are bought.

1 euro is like 1,1 $  around 10 % more than the dollar value.

To me it's worth it, I have however seen people with very low profit margins finding it to be worth it wich I cannot understand. Especially with snes, nes, n64 and gamecube lots.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 03:15:24 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #86 on: May 28, 2017, 04:37:16 pm »
After last week giant haul. I tried to restrain myself this week because that (and I'm actually in the early stages of closing on a house). So I went to my favorite haunt and only spent like 30 bucks.

Battle Clash

Dark Rift
Monster Truck Madness 64

Major Minor's Majestic March (friend gave this to me because he loves watching me play bad games on my twitch channel)

Playstation 2:
Breeder' Cup World Thoroughbred Championship(same friend gave this to me for the same reason as the Wii game. Joke is on him we are going to co-op this ones)
Friends The Game

Namco Museum Battle Collection - Greatest Hits

Game Gear:
Shaq-Fu (one more for the gameboy and I have every version of this game)

Tee off (#121)

Nightmare Before Christmas Oogie's Revenge


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #87 on: May 28, 2017, 04:51:35 pm »
Had some great luck at the garage sales this holiday weekend. There was a town wide garage sale advent with over 100 sales one area alone. Even though the resellers where out in full force I was still able to find some treasures.  :)

First the store / online pick ups...

- Fire Emblem Echos: Shadows of Valentia - Limited Edition

- Blue Rider - Limited Edition
- Mutant Mudds Deluxe
- Mutant Mudds Super Challenge
- Final Fantasy XIV Online: The Complete Experience ($10)

- Mutant Mudds Deluxe
- Mutant Mudds Super Challenge
- Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception - Launch Edition

Found this at a thrift store for $2.50
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Found this at a different Thrift store for $15
- Nintendo DSi (white) with charger, box and 1 game in it.
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem

My local Gamestop had a bunch of classic stuff out for sale,  one was a deal I could not say no too.
- Breath of Fire
- Lufia: The Ruins of Lore
- Mega Man Legends 2 ($35)  :o

A used game store got in this game I needed for cheap.
- Third World War

I had to order this homebrew.
- BS The Legend of Zelda

Found this at my local used game store sealed for $5.
- Super Battletank

And now onto the garage sales...  8)

first sale I stopped at had a PSP lot for $20.
- Sony PSP (Blue 3000) with charger
- G-Force (loose)
- Little Big Planet (loose)
- Madden NFL 11 (loose)
- Invizimals (loose)
- NBA 2k10
- FIFA Soccer 10
- NCAA Football 10
- Army of Two: 40 Day

And the last sale I hit, I ask about games and the guy says he might have something and brings out a small stack of PS4 games. I only bought one for $10.
- Fallout 4

At a sale I ask about games and the lady said she hadn't put them out yet and grabs a box full of 360 games. I got these three I needed for $5.
- FIFA 14
- WWE 12
- The Amazing Spider-Man

Found so much Wii this weekend from many different sales. lol
- Shaun White Skateboarding ($1)
- Conduit 2 - Limited Edition ($2)
- Mario Kart Wii ($4)
- Super Mario Galaxy ($4)
- New Super Mario Bros. ($4)
- Crash of the Titans ($2)
- Monster 4x4 World Circuit ($2)
- Build-A-Bear Workshop: A Friend Fur All Seasons ($1)
- Chuck E. Cheese's: Party Games ($3)
- Myth Makers: Super Kart GP ($2)
- Coraline ($3)
- Major Minor's Majestic March ($2)
- Ten Pin Alley 2 ($1)
- GT Pro Series ($1)
- Yamaha Supercross ($1)
- Little League World Series Baseball 2008 ($1)

Saw a bunch of scrap DS games for $5 a piece was able to get this one I needed for $2.
- Jigapix: Wonderful World

Found a table full of PS2 sport games for .50c a piece, found one I didn't have.
- UEFA Euro 2004

Lady had a small container full of scrap DS games for $1 each. Picked out the ones I needed.
- Top Gear Rally
- X-Men 3
- Tarzan
- Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
- Arcade Advanced

And last the two best pick ups from that town wide sale.
A couple hours into the sales it felt like a lost cause, mostly hearing "Your the third person to ask that." when I ask about games or even "I just sold it all just a few minutes ago." I was mostly picking up the scraps I listed above. I finally stop at a sale and ask about games and the lady said you'll have to ask him, pointing at her son. He tells me he has a bunch of stuff. He first brings out an arm full of controllers, all off brand and from NES, SNES, PS1 & PS2. I ask if he had any games. He said He had so much and to follow him into his house. He takes me down stairs and he has boxes full of NES, SNES, PS1 & PS2 games.  :o
He said he didn't want to sell them all and starts to go through them and picking out the ones he would sell. He makes a pile of NES & SNES first. A few times He even put one in the pile to sell then changed his mind.  ::)
He even found a couple GB games and tossed thim in the sell pile. Then asked me to see if I wanted any in the PS1 & PS2 games. I looked but only picked out two PS1 games. I ask about a price and he said $20 and I give him the money. But I wasn't done, I saw one other game I had to try to get, I tell him I'd give him another $20 just for one more game. I show him the game and he thought about it and said sure and took my money.  ;D
Here's all I got.
- Road Rash
- Crash Bandicoot
- Mortal Kombat
- Mortal Kombat II
- Rambo
- Solomon's Key
- WWF Wrestlemania The Arcade Game
- WWF Super Wrestlemania
- Spawn
- Mortal Kombat 3
- Super Pinball: Behind the Mask
- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
- Mutant Chronicles Doomtroopers
- Ultimate Fighter
And the one I offered $20 alone...
- Mega Man 7  ;D

Late in the day I stop at a sale and I ask about video games, she tells me her son's had a huge PC setup and she bet their gaming setup was better then anything I had. So I tell her I'll take that bet. lol  8)
She looked at me strange, I tell her I have pictures to prove it. She backed out of the bet. lol
I show her the pictures of my game room and her jaw dropped, she started yelling at her kids to come out and see this. After everyone looked at it and they all couldn't believe someone had so many games. I ask the kids if they had anything like Nintendo, Sega etc to sell and they said no. They where into PC gaming.  :-\
The mother said her dad has a bunch of that stuff at his house when she was a kid, let me take your number and I'll call you if he still has it. I give her my number, I wasn't expecting a call back (90% of the time they never do.) Later that day I get a text saying she found a bunch of stuff and sends me a picture. She said she'll have it the next day. So I travel back to her sale and she pulls out a box FULL of gaming stuff. After looking through it all, we talk price and we agree on $70 for everything. After I leave she texts me back asking for pictures of my game room, she wanted to show her dad who bought their games. lol  :D
Here's what was in the box...
- Sony Playstation (model 1 ver.2) with a copied Tony Hawk disc in it. (modified? Haven't checked yet)
- Sega Genesis system (CIB)
- Sonic Spinball
- A Game Boy Battery Pack (doubt it works) lol
- NES with 2 controllers and all hook ups.
- RBI Baseball
- Nintendo World Cup
- Blades of Steel
- Bases Loaded
- Double Dribble
- Roger Clemens MVP Baseball
- Tecmo Baseball
- Tecmo Super Bowl
- The Black Bass
- Tecmo Cup Soccer Games (kind of a rare game)  ;D
- Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt
- Super Mario Bros. 2
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (x2)
- Top Gun
- Breakthru
- The Adventures of Bayou Billy
- Double Dragon
- Double Dragon II
- Paperboy 2
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
- Punch-Out
- Mega Man 2

« Last Edit: May 28, 2017, 05:29:40 pm by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"

Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #88 on: May 31, 2017, 12:00:12 am »
Finishing the month with a nice, little stack of 360 titles.

George of the Jungle

The Beatles: Rock Band
Fighters Uncaged
Kung Fu Panda 2
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2
Need for Speed Shift
Body And Brain Connection
Dante's Inferno
Project Gotham Racing 4
Wipeout: In The Zone
Zumba Fitness: Join the Party

Exactly 500 games to go...

The Manhattan Project
DC Deckbuilding Game Crossover Pack 5: The Rogues
Dominion: Prosperity


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #89 on: May 31, 2017, 09:33:44 am »
I pre-ordered the Alchemic Jousts LE (PS4) last night from Play Asia. While ordering, I tossed The Sexy Brutale (PS4) is my cart. I'm pretty excited about those!
