Author Topic: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased  (Read 11088 times)


Am surprised that May thread hasn't been created before :o

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


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Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2017, 03:09:20 pm »
I'll Start!

I got Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.  It's still Mario Kart 8.  I still rule at it.  Now, it's mobile!

Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2017, 08:32:41 am »
Some was from last month but I only know 1 for sure.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (NS)
Little Nightmares (PS4)
Sunset Riders (SNES) <-- Another great price item from online
Lethal Enforcers (SNES)
Tinstar (SNES)
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling (N64)
Reservoir Dogs (PS2)
Reboot (PS2)
Silent Scope Light Rifle (Xbox) <-- Been wanting this forever and found it CIB in the wild
Toejam and Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Gen)

So for the past week or so, both USPS and UPS have been having daily delivery delays on all of my packages.  Little Nightmares was originally out for delivery last friday on release day, but every day came with a delivery delay until last night.  All other packages were in similar situations, no freaking clue what's going on, but hopefully it stops.


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Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2017, 01:30:01 pm »
Hustle kings
Here they lie

Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2017, 07:07:02 pm »
Starting off the month with a small batch:

Turok 2
WWF Warzone

NHL 10
Spongebob's Surf & Skate
530 titles to go...

Toys to Life
Marceline (Lego Dimensions)
Kanan Jarrus (Disney Infinity 3.0)
Gryphon Park Observatory (Skylanders Imaginators)

DC Deck Building Game Crossover Pack 1 - Justice Society of America
DC Deck Building Game Crossover Pack 3 - Legion of Superheroes


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Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2017, 10:46:55 am »
Black Gamecube, with indigo and black controler. (no cables) but it had mario party 5 in it!! 15 euros
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2017, 12:29:30 pm »
Having been dreading this project for a while after backing it (had originally assumed it wouldn't even get fully funded), the "collector's edition" finally arrived. I didn't even know what it was because the shipping box was so slim. Here's what was inside the shipping box:

And that's it. Supposed to come with a manual, physical soundtrack, and physical artbook.

As you can see in this unboxing vid screenshot, it didn't quite live up to what we expect now for that description:

I've been burned on a few Kickstarters, and I knew this was going to be one of them soon after they'd collected my pledge. I'm a lot more wary now (it's been over two years since this one ended), so I'm hoping this will be my last bad crowdfunded experience *fingers crossed*. Just sucks to be out that money.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2017, 12:41:47 pm »
Shit, I remember this, I almost backed it.


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2017, 02:58:36 pm »
Went to my local haunts hoping to find a Star Wars game I didn't own. Didn't find it but did find a few things off my want list for cheap so I'm not upset.

Gameboy Color:
Pokemon Pinball

Forsaken 64
Supercross 2000

Sega Genesis:
Barkley Shut Up and Jam! (loose)
College Football's National Championship (missing manual but was only a buck for the box copy)
College Slam (CIB)

Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2017, 05:10:18 pm »
Another nice little batch:


Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?


All Pro Football 2K8
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare: Day Zero Edition
Dance Paradise
Dead Space
F1 Race Stars
Madden 13
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
XCOM: Enemy Within

521 titles left for a complete 360 library. I'm also just about ready to breach the bid 7-0-0 milestone for my collection for the system.


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2017, 09:20:19 pm »
In my area there were going to be a great number of yard sales. Mother nature decided otherwise, give it to Ohio to have 50 degree weather with high winds and rains in May. So I ended up going to all my favorite haunts and using my yard sale money for some stuff off my wish list.

Mr. Nutz

Bill Walsh College Football
Jeopardy! Sports Edition
MLBPA Baseball
NHL Stanley Cup

autobili Lamborghini
Perfect Dark (CIB) (hard to say no to a cheap complete n64 game)

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Sega Rally 2

Bust-a-Move Deluxe
Coded Arms
Loco Roco

Castlevania Judgment (had a gift card at gamestop that still had money on it so it cost me after the gift card 57 cent)
Red Steel
Red Steel II

Outlaw Golf 9 More Holes of X-mas

Xbox 360:
Midway Arcade Origins (been wanting this one for awhile)
Perfect Dark Zero Limited Collector's Edition


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2017, 01:08:30 am »
Who hoo! Garage Sales where in full force this weekend and I had some great finds. I even found a $100 game I needed for only $5.  ;D ;D ;D
Also got another rare game console from Japan.

First the store/online buys...

- Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

- Dariusburst CS - Limited Edition
- Flint Hook

- Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 ($11)

- Ray Gigant

Atari 2600
Saw someone selling this homebrew and figured I'd buy a copy.
- Bigfoot Family Search

I found a Japanese seller who was selling a console I've been wanting in my collection for a long time, this version is rare and people usually want over $500 for this. I was able to get a deal on the system and 2 games.
- Sharp Twin Famicom (red version)
- City Connection
- Castle Excellent

And now onto the garage sales...  ;)

These where the 1st find I had, at $1 each.
- Q*Bert
- Mission Impossible
- Activision Classics

Hit a small subdivision sale and I saw a PSP on the table, Nothing I wanted so I asked if they had anything else and the young girl said they had some Xbox 360 games. I tell her "Sure, I'll see what you have" and she runs inside.
She comes out telling me she couldn't find them and was holding a stack of Gamecube games. I ask her can I see those? and she looked puzzled saying "You want these?" Then tells me she has Wii too. I tell her to go get them. lol
She brings out a tub with about 25 Wii games and says she wants to keep some and she pulls out all the Dancing games and Wii Fit games (thinking to myself, ya you can keep those) lol Got everything here for $15.
- Carnival Mini Golf
- Cabela's Survival
- WordJong Party
- Igor the Game
- Animal Crossing: City Folk
- Pikmin: New Play Control
- Super Mario Strikers
- Wario Ware,Inc.
- Mario Party 6

Saw a box full of PS2 games for $5 each. I pick out 3 and get a deal for $8 for all 3.
- Sega Bass Fishing Duel
- The Bouncer
- Champions of Norrath

At a sale I ask about games and the guy said He thinks he might have some Wii games. He comes out with a small stack of Xbox games and said he couldn't find the Wii. I see two games I'm missing and offer $2 and he tells me I can have them all for $2. lol
- Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures
- Rapala Pro Fishing
- Ghost Recon 2
- Cabela's Outdoor Adventures
- NCAA Football 2003
- NCAA Football 2004

Saw these on a table for $3 each and get them for $4 for both.
- Rapala Fishing Frenzy 2009
- Family Game Night 4

I see a table full of games, most where XB and PS2 scrap titles for $5 each. Nothing I needed.
I see some DS games I didn't have. I got them for $1 each. Then I see a game under the table, I pick it up and see it's just and empty case. They gave this to me for free.
- Tiger Woods PGA Tour
- True Swing Golf
- Final Fantasy III (case & manual only)  :-\

I see a 2DS on a table, next to it was Pokemon Moon, they wanted $30 for just Moon. I passed on that. The 2DS was marked at $60. I see one game in the slot. I ask if they would take $40 and they did.
- Nintendo 2DS (Blue) with charger
- Brave Default

Next I find a table full of 3DS, PSP, Wii, and PS3 games. They where all marked different prices.
I collect the ones I'm interested in and it came out to $32 at the prices they where asking. I ask if they would take $20 for the bundle and they except it.  :D
- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
- Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3
- Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Step
- PBR: Out of the Chute
- Jillian Michael's Fitness Ultimatum 2010

A sale advertised "Video Games" so I hit it and even though they advertised the sale starting on Saturday they opened on Friday. So I get there early to find out most where sold the day before.  :-\
They guy was a reseller and had higher prices, most was newer stuff, but I saw a stack of CIB Game Boy games and got all four for $10.
- 4-in-1 Funpack
- 4-in-1 Funpack Vol. 2
- Asteroids / Missile Command
- Space Invaders

I hit a small neighborhood sale with maybe 8 sales. It was all nothing til I hit the very last sale. I ask the lady about video games and she tells me no. Then as I was looking at the rest of the sale I hear her talking about her grand kids like to play her Nintendo when they come over. I if she might want to sell any they don't play? She says she doesn't have much, just a small canister of games. (so I'm thinking maybe 5 games) to my surprise she said she'll show me what she had. She comes out with a large tub FULL of SNES and N64 games. There must have been close to 100 games in this thing.  :o She starts to go though them and pulls out about half of them saying she knows she couldn't sell these. (mostly the classics, Super Mario World, Mario Kart, DKC1, 2, 3, Star Fox, etc.) I look at the left overs and ask what she would sell the rest for? She thinks a minute but says she really doesn't want to sell them all because she's not sure what others her grand kids play. So she tells me she'd sell me only 5 of the games. I pick out five and she tells me she'd sell those 5 for $25. I payed her before she changed her mind. lol
Here's the ones I got, (You should have seen what I had to leave behind.) I was lucky to get these.
- Brutal: Paws of Fury
- Mechwarrior
- Street Racer
- Ninja Warriors  ;D ;D ;D
- Snowboard Kids 2 (label is torn, but it's a rare game)

And now the last pick up I had this weekend. I found out about a town wide garage sale event to late, It started on Thursday but I didn't find out about it til Saturday. It was in a small town 40 miles away. I almost didn't go but saw one of the sales listed "Video Game Stuff", so I figured what the heck and drove to the town. I hit the sale that advertised video game stuff and see nothing. I ask and they tell me they had a Guitar Hero and Rockband set. I hit all the sales finding a few of the stuff I listed above (the PS2, XB, XB360 and NDS games) but nothing great. Again the LAST sale I hit I ask about video games and the guy says "I just sold a Sega Genesis yesterday".  :-\
I was disappointed and ask him what games it had? He tells me it had no games because it was an extra, He still had his Genesis inside. I ask if he'd sell anything he wasn't playing and he thinks a second them tells me he'd go look. He brings out a case full of PS1 and PS2 games. Most where nothing special, I pick out a few PS1 games then he comes out with a HUGE box. I open it and see a Sega Genesis, Sega CD and 32X mixed in with a bunch of other random electronics. I pull out all the stuff belonging with the Sega systems and ask him if he's selling it all. After some talking we agree at $45 for everything here.  ;D 8)
- Sega Genesis (model 1) (with 2 6-button controllers and even all it's paperwork)
- Sega CD (model 2) (has adapter and even the model 1 extender)
- Sega 32x (all cords)
- Pac-Man 2 (with manual)
- Flashback (CIB)
- Madden 96 (CIB)
- NHL 94 (CIB)
- Joe Montana's NFL Football (with manual)
- Formula One World Championship: Beyond the Limit (CIB)
- ESPN National Hockey Night (CIB)
- Golf Magazine 36 Great Holes
- Motocross
- Virtua Racing Deluxe
- Slam City with Scottie Pippen (CIB)
- Road Rash 3D
- Hexen
- Crash Bandicoot 2

First real weekend of garage sales and I found some great finds, makes me excited to see what I find next weekend.  ;D ;D

« Last Edit: May 07, 2017, 01:16:30 am by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2017, 09:57:12 am »
I went to a yard sale yesterday and picked up nine games for two dollars. Most of them are complete, and the ones that aren't are only missing their manual. I tested them and they all boot up the first level!

Not super great finds, but for two bucks, HOW could I pass that up?
« Last Edit: May 07, 2017, 09:59:10 am by Schoolboy »


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Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2017, 12:45:43 pm »

I finally get to post in this thread again after a successful yard sale yesterday! Yay!

Raiden Project has been high on my wishlist for a LONG time, since the Raiden series is one of my all-time favorite shoot-em ups, and this has the only home version of Raiden II (along with the first game).

I already owned DQ VIII on PS2, but it's nice to have a portable version since I have downtime at my work sometimes, and never did get around to playing my PS2 version.

I also got a Wii pistol accessory, only to find out it isn't compatible with a regular Wii Mote, that you need a certain Nyko Wii Mote for the trigger to respond properly. Stupid. I've had my eye out for one of these for a while, since the Official Nintendo Wii Zapper is a monster. Oh well, at least I got it at GameStop, so easy return.


Re: May 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2017, 12:49:18 pm »

I finally get to post in this thread again after a successful yard sale yesterday! Yay!

Raiden Project has been high on my wishlist for a LONG time, since the Raiden series is one of my all-time favorite shoot-em ups, and this has the only home version of Raiden II (along with the first game).

I already owned DQ VIII on PS2, but it's nice to have a portable version since I have downtime at my work sometimes, and never did get around to playing my PS2 version.

I also got a Wii pistol accessory, only to find out it isn't compatible with a regular Wii Mote, that you need a certain Nyko Wii Mote for the trigger to respond properly. Stupid. I've had my eye out for one of these for a while, since the Official Nintendo Wii Zapper is a monster. Oh well, at least I got it at GameStop, so easy return.

Youll have to let me know how Dragon Quest is like ya I have it on PS2 and I love that game so I'm on the fence bout buying the 3DS version to keep me busy at my work during downtime.