Author Topic: Sorting Wishlist On Mobile Site  (Read 5801 times)

Sorting Wishlist On Mobile Site
« on: May 31, 2017, 09:12:54 pm »
I am not sure if this is already in the works but just wanted to throw it out there that it would be a huge help to be able to sort my wish list by system on the mobile site like you can on the desktop version. When I'm at the games store it makes it a lot more difficult to figure out which games I want on a given system when I have to page through the wish list. If there is a way to do it and I just missed it then a point in that direction would be greatly appreciated. I did try downloading both of the VGCollect apps on my android phone but I couldn't login to the first one and the early access one didn't seem to have a login option yet.  Anyway, love the site but figured I would ask about this potential feature. Thanks.

Re: Sorting Wishlist On Mobile Site
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2017, 08:23:21 am »
I am not sure if this is already in the works but just wanted to throw it out there that it would be a huge help to be able to sort my wish list by system on the mobile site like you can on the desktop version. When I'm at the games store it makes it a lot more difficult to figure out which games I want on a given system when I have to page through the wish list. If there is a way to do it and I just missed it then a point in that direction would be greatly appreciated. I did try downloading both of the VGCollect apps on my android phone but I couldn't login to the first one and the early access one didn't seem to have a login option yet.  Anyway, love the site but figured I would ask about this potential feature. Thanks.
If you are looking at the mobile site through a web browser on your phone you will see a series of 3 dots on the left hand side when you are on your main wishlist page.

Press on the series of 3 dots and it will expand and show the side bar with the list of platforms just like the desktop site.

Just for your info, there is no "mobile" site, the site is just mobile friendly.  I would assume it is using bootstrap, so it can automatically resize the page for mobile devices.

Re: Sorting Wishlist On Mobile Site
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2017, 11:29:24 pm »
Thanks. Somehow when I use the link I saved to my phone for the site there are no buttons on the left so I didn't know what you were talking about. I did manage to work my way back to the homepage though and navigate to a page that actually has the three dots you mentioned. It made my trip to the retro game store much easier today.

Re: Sorting Wishlist On Mobile Site
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2017, 09:59:51 am »
I'm not so sure I would refer to the site as 'mobile friendly'. More than half the time I click on a link from that menu and end up going to a broken link with an extra %20 slapped in somewhere. I also do not understand why I have to be logged in to sort the page, why doesn't that menu show up if I'm not logged in? This menu should be contained in an easy to use select menu(drop down) at the top of the list. I also have noticed that certain elements of the site seem to appear and disappear at will, including those 3 dots and the submit new item button. Looking for help with data entry and creating content(news/reviews).