Author Topic: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here  (Read 2755 times)


Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« on: June 13, 2017, 01:57:56 am »
For as far back as maybe when this site was made, I was here under the name darkragnorok with the exact same Alucard avatar however I took it upon myself to closed said account. It had nothing to do with this site or the people in it but rather what I liked to call an inner conflict with my collection habits as well as my impulse buying habits which I guess you can say reached a breaking point. You see after so many years of buying games on the notion that this looks good and i will get to it, it just wasnt going to be and as a result I was going down this rabbit hole of buying so much and doing absolutely nothing that it was becoming overwhelming. With that, I was just like I didnt even want to see what I wanted and went away for a couple of months. Since then I have sold off a good amount of games that either I didnt need nor care anymore or games I never started or glanced on eye to. Maybe somewhere down the line they will get my time but as of now, they needed to go and stuck with games I know wanted to keep whether they be something I cherish or something I know I will get to. Since then I have felt let cluttered and my impulse buying habits have subsided and I have only been buying games knowing that I want to and not because it was cheap. Like nowadays I go to place where they sell games and quite frankly I dont have it me to get anything right there and there. Its weird but at the same time refreshing.

I went on a bit more than I expected and this turned to a mini rant so I apologize but yeah I decided to come back and made a new account which also means re adding my collection which now smaller which is nice except for the digital games, I cant keep track to those <_<

Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2017, 05:51:36 am »
Welcome back!  8)


Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2017, 08:12:36 am »
Welcome back! I love that Alucard avatar.


Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2017, 08:46:59 am »
Welcome back! I got sad when I saw your old name drop off from my messages since I bought some things from you. Good to have you back :)
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Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2017, 10:24:49 am »
Welcome back! 

Nothing wrong with your revelation. Collecting can get out of control. It can take over an entire room if you let it.  :o

Glad you came back to the forums. It's a great place to hang out.


Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2017, 10:46:32 am »
Welcome back I remember seeing you around. Just collect/play the way that makes you the happiest.


Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2017, 12:47:36 pm »
Thank you all and a bit surprised that there was atleast 1 person and in this case 2 that recalls me being here. Collecting has gone on a downturn and yeah I rather buy what I want and keep what I want and if certain games I feel dont meet that criteria then it is gone as I now dont see a point in trying to stay with every single game I have so even though I have taken alot out, I feel that there is still something within my collection that wont be around depending on how I feel about it when I get to but only time will tell what those will be.


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Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2017, 12:49:59 pm »
Ready for a controversial statement?  Buy what you want to own.  If you just kinda have interest in something, emulate it.


Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2017, 01:35:49 pm »
Ready for a controversial statement?  Buy what you want to own.  If you just kinda have interest in something, emulate it.

I started doing that when I setup an emulation machine using both the Wii and the OG Xbox but also I took it one step further to play NES,SNES and GEN games on the hardware so over the holidays, I took to buying Everdrives for those 3 consoles and have since not bought any more games for them. Now thats not to say I wont buy anything for them anymore as I would like to get those carts however I wont feel compelled to pay ridiculous prices for them.


Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2017, 12:15:09 am »

I can totally relate, although I don't have the stones to actually sell off my shelf-filler or stuff I never really intend to get to. I've bought less games this year than any year since I started.

IMO a curated collection of any sort >>>> an anything/everything collection. Filler nags the crap out of me, even in my own collection. Ideally I would just have the games I like, and nothing else. But until I actually play them all, I can't know which they are, or aren't.


Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2017, 12:22:01 pm »

I can totally relate, although I don't have the stones to actually sell off my shelf-filler or stuff I never really intend to get to. I've bought less games this year than any year since I started.

IMO a curated collection of any sort >>>> an anything/everything collection. Filler nags the crap out of me, even in my own collection. Ideally I would just have the games I like, and nothing else. But until I actually play them all, I can't know which they are, or aren't.

This in general is something that would be ideal but alas its something you have to kind of work towards to. The closest to this I have is I know of a couple of games I havent played through that I would like to but not actually keep after the fact but of course whether or not I will play until its conclusion is another thing.


Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2017, 05:22:11 pm »

I can totally relate, although I don't have the stones to actually sell off my shelf-filler or stuff I never really intend to get to. I've bought less games this year than any year since I started.

IMO a curated collection of any sort >>>> an anything/everything collection. Filler nags the crap out of me, even in my own collection. Ideally I would just have the games I like, and nothing else. But until I actually play them all, I can't know which they are, or aren't.

This in general is something that would be ideal but alas its something you have to kind of work towards to. The closest to this I have is I know of a couple of games I havent played through that I would like to but not actually keep after the fact but of course whether or not I will play until its conclusion is another thing.

That really doesn't matter much to me, if I beat a game or not. Just as long as it's a fun or memorable experience, then I would say it stays. Otherwise, it should probably go. I don't want to get rid of something I like, who knows when I might want to give it another go. Even if I never do, I think a game I liked is worthy of being perpetual shelf-porn.


Re: Hello my name is DROAA and I am not new here
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2017, 01:11:43 am »

I can totally relate, although I don't have the stones to actually sell off my shelf-filler or stuff I never really intend to get to. I've bought less games this year than any year since I started.

IMO a curated collection of any sort >>>> an anything/everything collection. Filler nags the crap out of me, even in my own collection. Ideally I would just have the games I like, and nothing else. But until I actually play them all, I can't know which they are, or aren't.

This in general is something that would be ideal but alas its something you have to kind of work towards to. The closest to this I have is I know of a couple of games I havent played through that I would like to but not actually keep after the fact but of course whether or not I will play until its conclusion is another thing.

That really doesn't matter much to me, if I beat a game or not. Just as long as it's a fun or memorable experience, then I would say it stays. Otherwise, it should probably go. I don't want to get rid of something I like, who knows when I might want to give it another go. Even if I never do, I think a game I liked is worthy of being perpetual shelf-porn.

That is something I have to wean off of honestly. I like to reach games to their final conclusion but you know sometimes its not meant to be whether it is boredom or well other things but shouldn't ignore any fun you may or may not have had with it during that time. I remember trying to play through Forced Unleashed 2 and I never finished it because it got to a point where I didnt care but I was fine with it. Normally I would force my way through it but its okay. I wanted to reply to this but honestly didnt know how to respond and this came out and probably makes no sense so yeah.