Author Topic: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?  (Read 2320 times)

Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« on: June 16, 2017, 07:46:14 pm »
Which world has had a better line up of illustrious video games all time? :D.

Batman or The Simpsons family?

Batman has the renouned arkham city, arkham origins, arkham asylum and all of the next gen games.  As well as a solid sega and super nintendo outing,  a amazing NES game and even a tell tale series story book style game recently :)

Simpsons have all the Bart games, some of which were mediocre, they had the 4 PS2 games.  Simpsons skateboarding which was mediocre,  road rage which was fun,  hit and run which is iconic and the simpsons game which was mixed reviews. :D.   Along with bart's nightmare for sega and super nintendo,   The few gameboy games.  Bart vs radioactive man and even the simpsons arcade game which we all knew and loved...

Which line up of games would you rather play.  Batman games as a whole or simpsons games as a whole?   :)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 07:51:42 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


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Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2017, 08:37:26 pm »
Batman has a bunch of awesome games, many of which you already named.

Simpsons had the arcade game and the Crazy Taxi rip-off...and that was about it for good Simpsons games.

Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2017, 12:56:15 am »
None of the Batmangames ever really pulled me in. Sure the arkham games are good but they all seem way to similar. But with the Simpsons hit and run pulled me in a kept me there for hours but no other simpsons game did that. So if you were saying based on who has the best single game it would be The Simpsons, but that isnt what you're asking so i'd have to go with batman because more of that franchise were good games.

Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2017, 06:54:11 pm »
Batman by far

Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2017, 07:43:32 pm »
I think there's only like two good Simpson games, so Batman basically wins by default.  The Arkham games alone are all better.  I like the arcade game, but it's nothing particularly amazing.  I'd take the Batman lineup in an instant.


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Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2017, 11:16:10 pm »
Batman by far. The Arkham games, the NES games, and Batman Returns on SNES are all fantastic games.

The simpsons have a great arcade game and Hit and Run. Those are both fantastic, but the 99% of the Simpsons games are trash


Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2017, 01:25:31 am »
Why Bartman of course! 8)


Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2017, 12:44:17 pm »
Why Bartman of course! 8)

Damn it you just remember me that I still need to find my copy of this title about the original topic even when I do love the Simpsons and I do have some of their titles have to pick Batman  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2017, 10:58:14 am »
It's kind of an unfair question considering the high production values of Arkham Asylum and all the titles after.

Maybe it would be better ask: Batman or Simpsons from NES through PS1 eras?  If that were the case, I could go either way because both have good and bad.  I'll play Simpsons arcade any day!  I'm a sucker for those 4p beat-em-ups.


Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2017, 12:04:40 am »
still prefer The Simpsons developed by Konami, never could get into new Batman games.


Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2017, 01:23:53 pm »
The Simpsons Game wasn't bad, but it's meant to be fan service. It's more difficult to make a game about The Simpsons than it is to make one about Batman.


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Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2017, 12:11:17 pm »
It's kind of an unfair question considering the high production values of Arkham Asylum and all the titles after.

Maybe it would be better ask: Batman or Simpsons from NES through PS1 eras?  If that were the case, I could go either way because both have good and bad.  I'll play Simpsons arcade any day!  I'm a sucker for those 4p beat-em-ups.

The quality of the Arkham series outdoes the entire library of Simpsons games by itself.
But if we're just doing NES through PS1....I still pick Batman.
I love the Simpsons arcade game, but 99% of the rest are trash. Batman and Return of the Joker on NES, Batman Returns and Adventures of Batman and Robin on SNES, and Batman on Genesis are all good or great.


Re: Who has had better video games. Batman or the Simpsons?
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2017, 01:52:41 pm »
Well the Simpsons weirdly did get a BBS door game*  and Batman did not (to the best of my knowledge anyway, at least not stand-alone) so the Simpsons win, in the BBS arena, by default... Default? The two sweetest words in the English language! De-FAULT! De-FAULT! De-FAULT!

Batman, of course, wins overall. This was inevitable considering one is based on one of the biggest names in superhero comics, while the other is based on an animated family sitcom. But that does not mean that batman didn't lay an egg, or twenty, along the way. There are some truly bad Batman games out there, at least one for every gem.