Author Topic: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?  (Read 7547 times)


What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« on: June 22, 2017, 04:30:22 pm »
What games do you remember playing at sleepovers? Something you played all through the night with a friend/family that you have strong memories or that warm/comforting feeling about the game connected to it that you can find solace in still? I guess like that certain song? Not necessarily a cooperative game but could be.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 06:00:36 pm »
What games do you remember playing at sleepovers? Something you played all through the night with a friend/family that you have strong memories or that warm/comforting feeling about the game connected to it that you can find solace in still? I guess like that certain song? Not necessarily a cooperative game but could be.

Silent Hill 4 at my friends house throughout the night into the early morning.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 06:12:21 pm »
Mario Kart on the SNES, Ken Griffey on the N64, and EverQuest on the PC. Also used to take turns playing Final Fantasy VII. One would play to a certain part, then let the other play. That way we experienced the same things.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2017, 06:35:10 pm »
What games do you remember playing at sleepovers? Something you played all through the night with a friend/family that you have strong memories or that warm/comforting feeling about the game connected to it that you can find solace in still? I guess like that certain song? Not necessarily a cooperative game but could be.

Silent Hill 4 at my friends house throughout the night into the early morning.
Hell of a game to play at night.

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2017, 06:42:02 pm »
Call of Duty World at War was played at pretty much every sleep over i ever had lol.  The zombies with 4 people in that game was literally some of the funnest times i have ever had.  :D

I don't think i have had a sleep over that call of duty wasn't played at come to think of it.  While the series has taken a turn over the past few years in the late 2000s around 2008-2012 their was no other game dominating the way it was and all my friends no lifed it and i did as well.  World at war was my favorite.  especially for zombies.

  Some other games that frequented sleep overs were Fallout New Vegas, Need for speed most wanted, and some of the assassins creed games.    My friends were all into shooters and trending games.  they weren't nintendo fan boys like me so the traditional mario kart sleep overs never occured  :-\

« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 06:43:50 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


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Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2017, 06:49:49 pm »
Pokemon, Tony Hawk, Smash Bros


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2017, 06:50:07 pm »
Wondering if people did it back in the atari days. It's hard to imagine anyone playing any atari game for more than a hour.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2017, 07:37:32 pm »
Sam & Max Hit the Road

The characters, places, and story were so ridiculous that we couldn't peel ourselves away for a second.

This was before you could just ask Google for the solutions to all the puzzles. Hard to believe no one will ever have that experience again.

On edit: Also, either FF game on the SNES. I'd usually just watch and, more importantly, LISTEN. The sounds coming out of the SNES were like nothing we'd ever heard on a home console.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2017, 07:40:04 pm by scoobs22 »

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2017, 07:45:20 pm »
Oh, man, I got stories.

Mostly about my shitty little brother.

Had a bunch of friends over to spend the night with pizza and video games.  I think we mostly played Rugrats Scavenger Hunt for N64, my brother stomped on my pizza so I wouldn't eat it.  I think in the middle of the night one or two friends walked home, don't know if it was because I was sour because of the pizza or if it was because they were home sick or something, I know for one friend that was super common for him.

Another time it was Rush 2 and my brother went and microwaved the game when we went to play hide and seek outside.

Another time I think it was Rush 2049 and my brother walked into the room and peed on the floor of the entryway to my room so that I couldn't leave the room because I would have to walk in his pee to leave.

Other times it was Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Puzzle League, and taking turns playing GTA 3 trying to get each other killed.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2017, 08:26:31 pm »
Sam & Max Hit the Road

The characters, places, and story were so ridiculous that we couldn't peel ourselves away for a second.

This was before you could just ask Google for the solutions to all the puzzles. Hard to believe no one will ever have that experience again.

On edit: Also, either FF game on the SNES. I'd usually just watch and, more importantly, LISTEN. The sounds coming out of the SNES were like nothing we'd ever heard on a home console.
Sounds like hell. Well the point and click genre without a guide.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2017, 08:27:31 pm »
Oh, man, I got stories.

Mostly about my shitty little brother.

Had a bunch of friends over to spend the night with pizza and video games.  I think we mostly played Rugrats Scavenger Hunt for N64, my brother stomped on my pizza so I wouldn't eat it.  I think in the middle of the night one or two friends walked home, don't know if it was because I was sour because of the pizza or if it was because they were home sick or something, I know for one friend that was super common for him.

Another time it was Rush 2 and my brother went and microwaved the game when we went to play hide and seek outside.

Another time I think it was Rush 2049 and my brother walked into the room and peed on the floor of the entryway to my room so that I couldn't leave the room because I would have to walk in his pee to leave.

Other times it was Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Puzzle League, and taking turns playing GTA 3 trying to get each other killed.
Rugrats Scavenger Hunt? Didn't think anyone on the planet played that game more than 5 minutes even back then

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2017, 08:52:33 pm »
Oh, man, I got stories.

Mostly about my shitty little brother.

Had a bunch of friends over to spend the night with pizza and video games.  I think we mostly played Rugrats Scavenger Hunt for N64, my brother stomped on my pizza so I wouldn't eat it.  I think in the middle of the night one or two friends walked home, don't know if it was because I was sour because of the pizza or if it was because they were home sick or something, I know for one friend that was super common for him.

Another time it was Rush 2 and my brother went and microwaved the game when we went to play hide and seek outside.

Another time I think it was Rush 2049 and my brother walked into the room and peed on the floor of the entryway to my room so that I couldn't leave the room because I would have to walk in his pee to leave.

Other times it was Mario Kart 64, Pokemon Puzzle League, and taking turns playing GTA 3 trying to get each other killed.
Rugrats Scavenger Hunt? Didn't think anyone on the planet played that game more than 5 minutes even back then
Yeah that game is terrible


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2017, 10:59:18 pm »
I have 2 games that I remember on sleep overs. Scheherazade and Final fantasy III.


Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2017, 11:46:51 pm »
Mortal Kombat I and II NBA Jam TE Street Fighter II Championship Edition for the Sega
RE1 & RE2 for PS1
WCW/nWo Revenge for N64

Those damn dogs busting out of the window. Scared the piss out of us every damn time.

Re: What games do you remember playing at sleepovers?
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2017, 01:18:03 am »
Sooo many games I played as a kid were at sleepovers!

Zombies ate my Neighbors - played this at my friend Austin's house in elementary school
Virtua Fighter 2 and Nights - My friend Evan had a Saturn and it used to be more fun to play this than it was to hang out with him
Starcraft, Alien vs Predator, Quake III, and half life - games I used to play at my friend Austin's house in middle school
Grand Theft Auto III and Goldeneye - games Austin and I used to play at my house during middle school
Star Wars Galaxies - Played this while in High School, again at Austin's house