Author Topic: Android App - Current Version and To Do List  (Read 9687 times)


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Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2017, 10:59:48 pm »
Thank you Jason for keeping this app alive!

I use the old one almost every day, and other than a few bugs when re-opening it after the phone closes, it has served me well.

I tried the new version, and it's very slow and there's no list view (no pictures, just text, which i like). I like being able to scroll through my gigantic collection very quickly.

However, you are the man, so i'm sure your working on the above.  Can't wait to see this app in it's full release. 

thanks again!  ;)

Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2017, 08:23:05 am »
The app is kind of slow, might want to look into optimizing the process which loads the collection/images, possibly even store that locally on login. 

The platform text seems to be grey colored which is pretty hard to read over the black background.

Adding to collection seems to automatically mark an item as complete, as in it doesn't ask for condition and such.

Going back to the optimization, my collection is fairly sizable, so I'm possibly in a minority with this issue, but the fact that the app has to re-download my collection every time I hit "My Collection" the app downloads roughly 1MB of data every time that happens.  Understand also, that viewing an item in your collection and then going back to your collection, makes the app re-download your collection again.  I might be wrong about that 1MB, I loaded my collection, clicked on Splosion Man, and clicked back and my Data Usage jumped from 3MB to 12MB, so either individual pages cost multiple MB or my collection is actually a lot more and I'm just not letting it finish the download.

EDIT: Haven't touched the app or my phone since posting this message and now it has used 30MB.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 09:49:57 am by ignition365 »

Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2017, 07:50:38 pm »
Glad to see the app is still being worked on! Hope to see a full release someday!

...But sadly, I'm sorry to say I still can't get it to work. The original one did not allow me to log in. I know for sure I put in all my data correctly, but no matter what I tried it would not let me log in. In other words, that app was worthless to me.

So I just tried installing this new one, but I couldn't even do that. It didn't support my phone, or any of my phones for that matter. My current phone is a Wiko FEVER, and my old phones are a Huawei Ascend Y330-U01 and a Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S LT18i. Now with the Sony and Huawei I can understand them not working because they are super old phones, but my Wiko FEVER is a pretty recent smartphone running Android 6.0, so I really don't understand why it would not be supported.

Now of course I do understand that the app is unreleased, it's still being worked on, and compatibility is something that just needs work, but I figured I'd at least give you a heads-up that it doesn't work on my phones. Maybe it could give you some more insight into the compatibility of the app, but I don't know, I'm not exactly a programmer :3. Besides those issues though, I'm glad to see the app is not forgotten! I hope I can run it someday, and until then, keep up the good work!
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2017, 05:16:22 pm »
Is the app supposed to be region locked as it says it is unavailable in my region when I look on the Play Store in the UK? (the old version of the app doesn't have this problem but I gather I should be starting out with  the newer version).

Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2017, 04:06:15 pm »
Hi Jason!

It's great to see, that the app is still being worked on, really appreciate it!

I'd love to beta test for you. Unfortunately when I try to install it I get: "This app is incompatible with all of your devices." :(

I have a OnePlus X (my main device), Samsung Galaxy S4 and a Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet.

Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2017, 08:26:27 pm »
Is the app supposed to be region locked as it says it is unavailable in my region when I look on the Play Store in the UK? (the old version of the app doesn't have this problem but I gather I should be starting out with  the newer version).

Yeah I'm getting the same issue here in Canada.
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Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2017, 01:42:58 pm »
Yeah, unfortunately it looks like the early version of the app that I'm working on is region locked at the moment. Hopefully once I get a full release ready it will be more readily available and just in the US. I'm sorry about the inconvenience. :-(


Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2017, 11:20:57 pm »
I'm currently working on finishing up the Text Only Mode, as requested. I'm also working on adding filtering for the lists, so that they are easier to navigate with larger collections.


Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2017, 10:41:13 am »
I would like to see the "notes" field (or the checkboxes) to appear when viewing wishlist. Since it does not appear, I end up using the main site on the phone browser because seeing just the names of games on Wishlist is not useful to me since I use wishlist to put items I only needs parts for, not just whole games.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2017, 10:43:22 am by tripredacus »


Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2017, 02:13:45 pm »
I would like to see the "notes" field (or the checkboxes) to appear when viewing wishlist. Since it does not appear, I end up using the main site on the phone browser because seeing just the names of games on Wishlist is not useful to me since I use wishlist to put items I only needs parts for, not just whole games.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll add this to my to to do list.


Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2017, 02:15:51 pm »
I have just added filtering by Letter and Platform to the Collection. I have also made the default go to Text Only mode so that it doesn't accidentally use too much data.

If you'd like to help test it, please let me know.

Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2017, 08:15:27 am »
I have just added filtering by Letter and Platform to the Collection. I have also made the default go to Text Only mode so that it doesn't accidentally use too much data.

If you'd like to help test it, please let me know.
I've got a mostly busy week, but I'll try and make time to look at it soon.

Have you seen how most apps handle contact lists?  Where it essentially has the alphabet on the right hand side of the screen and you can scroll through the alphabet to jump to a specific letter.  Might be a feature worth looking at implementing.  I think this essentially replaces the standard scroll handle.


Re: Android App - Current Version and To Do List
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2017, 02:43:38 pm »
I'm currently finishing up the Browse functionality and Filtering for each list.