Author Topic: Genres you just aren't into anymore  (Read 5264 times)

Genres you just aren't into anymore
« on: June 29, 2017, 03:51:59 pm »
Are there any game genres that you used to love or at least enjoyed for the most part but no matter how hard you try now you struggle to play games of that genre anymore?

I am genuinely saddened by the fact that as much as I want to and as much as I used to love the genre, I just cannot for the life of me get into JRPGs like I used to. Back in the early 2000s, this was hands down my favorite genre of game, especially ones on the PS1, PS2 and Dreamcast. I used to love getting my hands on as many of these games as possible, however now I cannot bring myself to even crack the surface of these types of games. While I still find many JRPGs interesting, what ends up happening is I start a JRPG, play for a few hours and just lose all steam to continue playing. That's not to say I never am able to get really far into them, or on rare occasions beat them, but I find that games of this genre are a chore to play through more than something I genuinely enjoy. I have no idea what happened because I couldn't have been more the opposite when I was younger.

Anyone else have this experience with a specific genre of game?

Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2017, 03:56:39 pm »
Not that I can think of.

I know that I used to love reading lore inside of games.  Like reading the books in the Elder Scrolls games.  I can't be stand reading long winded stuff in games anymore.  I just don't have the patience for it anymore.  Sometimes I try, but I get so cranky and cynical about it.

I'd agree on JRPGs, but I've always had trouble getting into JRPGs.


Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2017, 06:36:36 pm »
I know that I used to love reading lore inside of games.  Like reading the books in the Elder Scrolls games.  I can't be stand reading long winded stuff in games anymore.  I just don't have the patience for it anymore.  Sometimes I try, but I get so cranky and cynical about it.

I have something similiar like this. The first few hours of a game I will read every book or piece of information but after that I just kind of skip it.


Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2017, 10:02:09 pm »
I'd have to agree use to love playing JRPGs for hours on end. True I recently started playing Earthbound and Chrono Trigger before but I have one of the new Tales games for my Vita and I can't get into that. I started to play it and I was like I don't give a rat's ass about these characters and haven't played it since. And it's probably an awesome game. I think Destiny ruined me when it comes to rich story and characters I want to care about.

Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2017, 10:15:28 pm »
I use to be more into racing games.  I was never into realistic racing games like Gran Turismo, but I loved the old Need for Speed 3, I would play like the Rush games on N64, I would eventually play the Burnout games on PS2, but as it's gone on, there have been less racing games recently that interested me.  I think the last ones that I have even really liked were Sonic All-Stars Transformed, Split/Second, and Mario Kart 8.  Even with them, I don't play them as much as other games.  I only get so much enjoyment out of them compared to other genres I do like.

JRPG's are becoming a mixed bag more these days too.  I fell out of Xenoblade Chronicles X and Tokyo Mirage Sessions, because they just became so boring, but I beat Final Fantasy XV and I'm enjoying my time in Persona 5 so far.  I think I'm just becoming much more particular about what I like these days.

Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2017, 10:16:27 pm »
I'd have to agree use to love playing JRPGs for hours on end. True I recently started playing Earthbound and Chrono Trigger before but I have one of the new Tales games for my Vita and I can't get into that. I started to play it and I was like I don't give a rat's ass about these characters and haven't played it since. And it's probably an awesome game. I think Destiny ruined me when it comes to rich story and characters I want to care about.
Actually Tales of hearts R isnt really a strong Tales game, it's regarded as a very mediocre title in the long running series.... they were actually using that game as a test to see if we'd buy tales of innocence (a way better game) and ofc it didn't sell well so we never got it. Thank god for the ds fan translation though. :)


Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2017, 10:31:37 pm »
I'd have to agree use to love playing JRPGs for hours on end. True I recently started playing Earthbound and Chrono Trigger before but I have one of the new Tales games for my Vita and I can't get into that. I started to play it and I was like I don't give a rat's ass about these characters and haven't played it since. And it's probably an awesome game. I think Destiny ruined me when it comes to rich story and characters I want to care about.
Actually Tales of hearts R isnt really a strong Tales game, it's regarded as a very mediocre title in the long running series.... they were actually using that game as a test to see if we'd buy tales of innocence (a way better game) and ofc it didn't sell well so we never got it. Thank god for the ds fan translation though. :)

Thanks for the heads up my favorite Tales game is Tales of Symphonia. I played the hell out of that game for my Gamecube. Dummy me trade it to a roommate many years ago. I regret that trade and I can't seem to find that game out in the wild in my local area.


Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2017, 08:25:06 am »
It is more a theme than a genre, but I am completely fed up with anything related to zombies.
I used to like games and movies related to it, but now, I just can't stand zombies anymore.
And this one of the main reasons why I don't like The Last of Us...


Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2017, 10:13:03 am »
I still enjoy JRPGs (and JSRPGs), but as a middle aged adult I can only play them so long before I have to take a break. I start getting antsy around two hours, and if I make it three hours I just have to do something else. But that applies to any genre really.

The one genre I was crazy about when I was in my late teens / early twenties was FPS. These days I am not nearly into FPS as I used to be. I might beat one or two FPS a year, but I have nowhere near the fervor for the genre as I did in my youth. Part of it is likely burnout, you can only play so many FPS games before you've seen all the tricks. The other is surely my FPS lust was being fueled by youthful angst back then.

I also find it harder to get into point and click adventure games these days. As a kid I loved those so much. As an adult with very limited gaming time, I run out of patience pretty fast.


Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2017, 10:17:54 am »
I really have been staying away from Real-time Strategy games for years now.


Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2017, 10:26:51 am »
JRPG's used to love them but now i prefur Western ones.

I did enjoy FFXV but it was more "westernized" IMHO

Also RTS, i love to play them but only with friends, and i dont get a chance to play much anymore.  Person i played SC2 with just had a baby so he is out for a while.


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Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2017, 12:48:27 pm »
I went through the "bored with JRPGs" faze as well.

I was super into them on the NES, SNES, and even into the PS1. But then I just got burnt out on them. And the PS1 had so much freaking variety since developers were still getting the feel of 3D gaming, that there was just so much more interesting stuff to explore.

But recently, I've gotten heavily into them again, starting with going going through the entire Dragon Quest series, then moving on from there. Mostly, though, it's because I have a lot of downtime at my work lately, and JRPGs are fantastic time-killers.

16-bit beat-em ups are becoming hard to go back to, now. I used to eat them up as a kid. Played them all and loved every second of it. But now when I go back, it's just repetitious and boring, and it usually gets me a little sleepy.


Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2017, 12:55:06 am »
Racing games were some of my favorites back in the day, but now I can't really get interested in them anymore. It kind of seems like they don't make as many now, or if they do there's just no hype behind them anymore.

Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2017, 01:58:47 pm »
Racing games were some of my favorites back in the day, but now I can't really get interested in them anymore. It kind of seems like they don't make as many now, or if they do there's just no hype behind them anymore.

I am on the fence about racing games. I used to really, really be into cars which made racing sims like Gran Turismo highly enjoyable to me, with Gran Turismo 4 being my all time favorite from the series. I even enjoyed games like NFS Hot Pursuit 2 through Most Wanted (2005), however most of the racing games I've tried in recent years, including the newer GT games have really not done it for me. I also tried the newest NFS Hot Pursuit game a few months back and really didn't care for it either. I'd say I've almost completely lost interest in the racing genre except for the fact that I still really, really enjoy Mario Kart 8 years after it came out. I probably spent 10-hours just in the past week playing it on the Switch lol

Re: Genres you just aren't into anymore
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2017, 08:49:18 pm »
Sometimes you just need to play a video game that your either never played before, or something else. I find that once I get used an old video game that is all I want to play. Because it is vary frustrating to play a new game for the first time learning all the controls and everything. in which IS why I have so many sports games. Sometimes it's hell getting off the first stage or level on a game you never beat or played before.

OK people pay attention. Chances are if you are a video game collector like myself. then I suggest even though is supper hard to learn a new game. We  all should take some off our old games. That we are used to. and put them back in storage. just play something new or something we haven't played in ages other wise your collection is just going to waste :(

If you sick of one genre then play another
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