Author Topic: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)  (Read 1978 times)

Their has been so much Buzz following E3 2017 and a lot of the companies are showing their best of the best. I can't believe some of the things i have seen lol  :D

Kingdom Hearts III with a physical release on an Xbox Console?  Ahahaahahha.  ;D    Good one Square Enix...  Who woulda know they had jokes like that.  Kingdom Hearts on Xbox ahahahahaha.  My sides hurt.....    Wait it's serious?    Are you trying to tell me the game i have waited for over 10 years for is finally here to grace my life once again.  My most beloved franchise ever.  And not only that...  it's on Xbox One?    What satirical comedian came up with this?  let me guess Jak and Daxter 4 is coming out for Switch?  The level of anarchy lol.

With that said,  Kingdom Hearts III is easily my most anticipated game. 

Here is my top ten most anticipated upcoming releases.

1. Kingdom Hearts III
2. COD WW2  (Boots on the ground finally, and WW2 Call of duties have always been my favorites.  Hope it lives up to the buzz)
3. Mario Oddysey (Back to the 3d platformer glory, plus on the go.  I hope it has depth and amazing level design but most mario games do)
4. Far Cry 5  (I can't stress how excited i am for an american map on a far cry format.  Sounds patriotic and intense)
5. South Park Fractured but whole (I loved stick of truth,  this game looks awesome. i hope it follows a heavy mysterion/coon plot)
6. Need for speed Payabck  (I have faith this one will be the one, the one that goes back to the roots for next gen.  i can only prey lol)
7. Splatoon 2  (Coming in 4 days, doubt i will buy on day one.  But i am excited for it. Looks like a lot of fun)
8. Spiderman (PS4 had some incredible games this E3.  Making me as a Xbox Owner tempted to buy a PS4. This is one of them)
9. NBA 2K18 (On switch?  Is this another prank? lol.  I hope this is comparable on switch because i love the XB1 version)
10. Mario + Rabbids   (Looks like a lot of the fun for a party game and a nice addition to the library.

What does your top ten most anticipated look like?  :)


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2017, 11:09:29 am »
1. Dragon Quest XI
2. Yakuza 6
3. Metroid Samus Returns
4. Metroid Prime 4
5. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
6. City Shrouded in Shadow
7. Death Stranding
8. Kingdom Hearts III
9. Shenmue 3
10. Super Mario Oddesy

So many other great looking games are coming though and I'm sure more will be announced so I can't list them all.


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2017, 12:36:27 pm »
Absolutely DQ XI is my number 1. The moment I found out the exact release date is when I put in for vacation for that week. I already have the console paid for, the double set sword LE paid for, and the controller pre-ordered. Squenix, please make my fantasy a reality and announce this asap!

Ys VIII. This limited edition has been the backdrop on my computer since it was announced and I dont think its going to change for the next 7 weeks or whatever til the game comes out. Ive watched the trailer dozens of times.

Ni no Kuni 2. NNK is still my favorite game of all time. Im really excited to see what they do with this title. While the 2 month set back is a bit disappointing, Im not going to complain and instead hope/pray that this allows them to create another wizard's edition type of LE and possibly even do something with the first game being released on the 4.

Darksiders III. I played through both the first and second one recently and it was some of the best times I had on my ps4. The 3rd game is going to have Fury as the main character (the only female rider) and the trailer looks great.

God of War. This is the only series ever made where there are more than 3 titles in the series and I have played/finished every one of them. Im a little taken back by the mythology change but we will see how it goes. Regardless, the game still looks phenomenal.

Middle Earth: Shadow of War. Mordor was the first game I finished on my PS4. I was so saddened when the game ended cause I wanted it to continue on forever. Im hoping this sequel does not let me down in feeling that same way.

Final fantasy VII remake. My child is named after this game. My first tattoo ever is from this game. Nuff said.

This is my list of games thats already out but not physical that Im waiting for :
Cosmic star heroine
Axiom Verge
Ys Origins
And one I can not mention til its announcement is made (which is supposed to be in October).


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2017, 12:59:01 pm »
Just watched that KH III trailer. It looks entertaining for sure. Going to be a nice edition to the series.


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2017, 02:24:54 pm »
I'm not one to buy into hype, but there are some upcoming games that have truly captured my interest.

Kingdom Hearts III (Love this series. Used to be obsessed with it back in the day.)

God of War (I love God of War, and I love everything I've seen so far for this one.)

Spider-Man (You know what's ironic of my existence? I have arachnophobia, yet my favorite superhero of ever is Spider-Man. I saw the trailers and the gameplay footage, and this is a definite get for me!)

Death Stranding (Hideo may be a bit of a smug bastard sometimes, but I could care less when he makes stuff like this.)

Shadow of the Colossus Remake (One of my favorite games. Definitely want this.)

Final Fantasy VII Remake (While I favor Final Fantasy IX, this was the first Final Fantasy game that I played knowing full well what an RPG was, and remember spending countless hours playing it. I like this game greatly, so giving the remake a try is a no brainer.)

Super Mario Odyssey (It's Mario. I like Mario.)

Battle Chasers: Nightwar (I've always been a fan of Joe Madureira, and still own the comics to this series. I saw the trailer for this game, and I liked what I saw. This will probably be one of my first Switch game purchases...whenever I end up getting a Switch.)

And that would be it. Even though I don't currently own the consoles these games are from, I'm really looking forward to them.

Other stuff I'm looking forward to that I will hopefully get is:

Pokémon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon (Because I'm a Pokémon nut.)

Metroid Samus Returns. (When I learned about this, it made complete sense why Nintendo sent their cease and desist to the makers of AM2R. I've been wanting a classic Metroid game since they announced Metroid: Dread back in the early days of the NDS, so this is more than welcomed. I'm definitely getting this.)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 02:27:54 pm by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


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Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2017, 02:53:07 pm »
Kingdom Hearts 3

I played the first game in Middle School and the second in High School. Now I'm an adult and damnit I want to adventure with Donald and Goofy again!


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2017, 05:19:55 pm »
Dragon Ball FighterZ. that is all.


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2017, 07:36:17 pm »
Not much into fighting games as of late, but that one is gonna sweep the rest under the rug. I'm pretty sure it's gonna beat Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite into submission and make it say uncle.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2017, 11:11:21 pm »
ACE COMBAT 7!!! :D :D :D <3

Sorry about that. Honorable mentions go to Shenmue III, Super Mario Odyssey, and the Samus and Mario & Luigi 3DS games.

I would also say KHIII, but I've only played KH I and II and that was a solid 6 years ago, so I'm certain I would pick that game up and have no idea what was going on.

Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2017, 11:21:58 pm »
Super Mario Odyssey and Metro: Exodus are at like the top of my list.  I like that Azure brought up City Shrouded in Shadow though.  I don't think it'll be a great game, I just absolutely love the concept of being a normal person running around a city as like Ultraman fights off monsters or Godzilla and Mothra are fighting or EVA Unit 01 is fighting an Angel and your just some shmuck trying not to get killed lol


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2017, 08:17:19 am »
Ys VIII and...

...I guess that's it. O.o


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2017, 01:05:34 pm »
Uhh let's see:

Fire Emblem Warriors (Pretty much hard-gay for FE at this point!  Guess you could lump FE Switch in their too)
Indivisible (by Lab Zero Games, that's Skullgirls BTW, I've never been more passionate about an Indie game than Indivisible)


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Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2017, 01:17:12 pm »
Wolfenstein II, Ys VIII and Super Mario Odyssey


Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2017, 01:25:23 pm »
I have a soft spot for the Kingdom Hearts games, so I'm definitely looking forward to 3. I'm more excited about Death Stranding and the Shadow of the Colossus remake, even if the idea of a Team ICO remake just sounds weird.
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.

Re: What upcoming title are you most excited for? (Kingdom Hearts III?)
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2017, 01:41:43 pm »
Assassin's Creed Origins
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Detroit Become Human
Life Is Strange Before the Storm
Agents of Mayhem
Crackdown 3
Fire emblem Warriors