Author Topic: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?  (Read 3762 times)

What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« on: July 27, 2017, 01:15:30 pm »
 :( I don't think this would be good with the current market because of the fact that older video physical copies would be in further demand and then only rich people would be able to buy them >:(. People are greedy, and I fear if the video game market crashed then fewer video games would be available to us buyers. Considering the fact that if the video games just stopped completely we would have to wait 25 years or longer in order to legally to obtain then in the United States, because everyone would be saving them in their storage units. retro video games would be impossible to find and newer games might be cheaper, maybe. but I personally think if we have another crash it would be the end of video games completely and only the people who were collectors would have a shot at playing any of the video games.

what we need is not another crash but more retro style games in fact a reset of the video game industry where Nintendo goes back to the NES, Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64 style of games and the SONY goes back to the PlayStation 1 and 2 graphic style. What we really need is for people to put money aside and produce more retro video games. people get old and new kids are being born everyday.

DO we really want only the rich and the inherit collectors to be able to play video games. Sorry but I love them and I'll never be sick of video games.

If you are sick of playing video games than say it, don't spoil the fun for other people who still have yet to beat the billions games out there
« Last Edit: July 27, 2017, 01:18:10 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2017, 01:32:18 pm »
It would suck.

I mean, what gamer wants the gaming industry to end?

Yeah, you'll be able to get a bunch of stuff on clearance, and at first that will feel like Christmas.

But then when that runs out, and there's barely any new games to play, it's gonna suck.


Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2017, 04:14:46 pm »
It would mean very little, just like the first one.  The only real difference would be that I'm older, and more aware of what was happening.
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Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2017, 04:28:12 pm »
it would mean another return to the golden age of collecting. one where we can buy most items for a couple of bucks even those pesky super rare titles. as everything would be extremely de-valued.
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
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Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2017, 04:53:20 pm »
It would probably mean loosing my job.

Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2017, 12:56:15 am »
I don't think the games would become where only the rich could afford them, and if they did we'd all be millionaires lol.  I think the crash would effect modern games more, things like the switch will be thousands of dollars.  Games will see scalpers at ridiculous rates.  And the resellers would manipulate the entire modern market like they try to do with retro. 

I'd feel bad for the millions of people who will be laid off, it would be a national crisis even more than it was in the 80s because of how much the industry has grown through out the past few decades.  Their are a few thousand gamestop stores, many factories and distrubution plants.  A lot of Japan would lose work.  If the market truly crashed and the companies started losing billions.  Many people would lose their jobs.  Which would be sad. 

I don't see it happening though.  Hopefully not in my life time :D.


Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2017, 09:23:21 am »
guys, crash is when things get devalued. just think of the housing market crash for example. In some places a $1,000,000 home before the crash became a $150,000-200,000 home. or the beany baby crash, some of those bears were going for hundreds of dollars. now your hard pressed to find one people would be willing to spend $5 on if anything at all. I have never once in my life ever heard of a crash adding value to items in the interim. to us games like little Samson will go from $900-1000 pre crash to something like $200-300 post crash if not lower.
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2017, 11:01:16 am »
I was just talking with a good friend about this. I've done a fair amount of research into the 1983 crash, what happened leading up to it, after it, blah blah basic stuff from Wikipedia though, and I would bet my life that it won't happen like that again (if I was legally old enough to gamble in the U.S.) Of course, the primary reason for the crash then was over-saturation of the market, but more specifically it was an absence of quality control. I think in the overall view of the time, console games were a fad or simple toy, barely respectable in any capacity unlike the industry today, and yet everyone wanted to capitalize on the trend (like today and fidget spinners, etc). What resulted was shelves full of terrible, sometimes copy-pasted games that virtually nobody wanted, with E.T. being the infamous final straw.

Because the industry has grown much higher than Atari's peak, and is balanced by many more, more influential actors (console manufacturers, triple-A game developers, indie game developers...), I personally believe it would take an almost-literal apocalypse for another crash.

Not to mention, a crash would de-value everything, not make everything more expensive. If anything, I'd go on a shopping spree to pick up the wreckage before it fixes itself.

Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2017, 11:17:48 am »
The remifications of another crash would almost undoubtedly kill Sony as a company since they're most profitable sector is their Playstation grand. Microsoft would likely say screw it and focus on their Windows platform only for gaming leaving just Nintendo, which I believe will make consoles until no one buys them anymore. People love to say they'll go third party, but knowing Nintendo they will cling to their IPs until they have one foot in grave, much like Sega after the Dreamcast failed to be commercially successful. While this may leave a vacuum for others to enter the console business I believe at this point modern console gaming would be all but dead. New games would still be developed, but due to the crash, they'd likely be working with smaller budgets meaning releases on Steam and other digital outlets only. So pretty much most gaming would be done on legacy consoles or the PC. However, I will say that the industry will never crash for the same reason it did in 1983; there are just too many variables that were unique to the time period that are no longer valid areas of concern today. However, it could definitely crash, but it would likely be the result of a greater economic collapse (no money for food or housing, definitely no money for gaming). This may certainly happen someday, but how and when is not something we can predict.

Personally, this would be bad for all of us since the more the game industry thrives, the more games get released, meaning the more options we have as gamers to enjoy our hobby. Sure, a lot of crap and reskinned annual releases get thrown out there, but the industry as a whole is mostly good. I will always game in one shape or form, but in terms of buying new consoles, I will likely no longer buy them when I'm pretty much able to buy all the same games on PC and have the same experience if not a better one.

Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2017, 11:55:14 am »
Cheaper games :)


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Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2017, 12:41:49 pm »
The remifications of another crash would almost undoubtedly kill Sony as a company since they're most profitable sector is their Playstation grand. Microsoft would likely say screw it and focus on their Windows platform only for gaming leaving just Nintendo, which I believe will make consoles until no one buys them anymore. People love to say they'll go third party, but knowing Nintendo they will cling to their IPs until they have one foot in grave, much like Sega after the Dreamcast failed to be commercially successful. While this may leave a vacuum for others to enter the console business I believe at this point modern console gaming would be all but dead. New games would still be developed, but due to the crash, they'd likely be working with smaller budgets meaning releases on Steam and other digital outlets only. So pretty much most gaming would be done on legacy consoles or the PC. However, I will say that the industry will never crash for the same reason it did in 1983; there are just too many variables that were unique to the time period that are no longer valid areas of concern today. However, it could definitely crash, but it would likely be the result of a greater economic collapse (no money for food or housing, definitely no money for gaming). This may certainly happen someday, but how and when is not something we can predict.

Personally, this would be bad for all of us since the more the game industry thrives, the more games get released, meaning the more options we have as gamers to enjoy our hobby. Sure, a lot of crap and reskinned annual releases get thrown out there, but the industry as a whole is mostly good. I will always game in one shape or form, but in terms of buying new consoles, I will likely no longer buy them when I'm pretty much able to buy all the same games on PC and have the same experience if not a better one.

At least someone else here can see past the short-term of "cheaper games" and realize that this would be bad for all gamers in the long run.

Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2017, 01:18:02 pm »
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 03:38:48 pm by jce3000gt »


Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2017, 06:59:04 pm »
It'd mean I'd finally have an excuse to start working on my backlog!

Honestly while I don't -want- a crash to happen, I'm in the camp that thinks a crash would do SOME good for the industry. It is headed in a pretty bad direction at the moment and it needs some kind of wake up call. There's probably a better solution than a crash. But the companies ruining the industry would sink, and then before long some new bright-eyed entrepreneur would revive the industry and put the spark back in it and the good developers would resurface and maybe things would be somewhat better again. Maybe. Who knows.

A game market crash will never happen again though, with the sheer range of audience it has nowadays and the fact that the vast majority of people playing games don't see anything wrong with what they're playing it just isn't feasible.

I'm half-asleep right now so that probably made no sense but it sounded profound in my head.

Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2017, 12:57:06 am »
I second the backlog completion!! :)
The resellers would be outta work, but the collectors will be able to pick up stuff for cheaper.
The companies that survive will most likely do all digital release and continue to push DLC on the games that are actually purchased.
I personally wouldn't care too much. I've been playing mostly older games these days anyway.

Re: What Would Another Video Game Crash Mean To You?
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2017, 01:04:49 pm »
I think a 2nd crash would mean the end of gaming completely but that's me. We have Nintendo to thank for pulling us out the last time, thanks Nintendo for your NES invention. But unfortunately I think the industry is headed for another crash and i think this is not going to be good at all. especially with the lack of physical copies being released now days. I mean as far as previous generation games it is already a crash. I mean the factories don't make any video games anymore meaning that the crash is ALREADY HERE we need physical games back in existence screw these loan shark companies. That loan a video game temporary to you, and own all the rights. Including the right to remove that game from our consoles completely. ON THEIR DEMAND

We are heading for I say again gaming for former collectors and rich only. At least the music industry has not ended yet. Unlike the video game industry the music industry is still remastering physical copies and digital copies of music even from the 1930's, AND it is much cheaper to buy a CD than it is to buy a video game period. Of course it takes a lot more people to build a video game than it does to make a song also.

A dream
I hope  money don't exist and everyone shares instead of taking it all for themselves
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