Author Topic: Collecting videogames and consoles outside, Nintendo/Sega/Playstation/Xbox/PC  (Read 3510 times)


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where do i start? i just written down a list consisting of neogeo, vectrix. zx spectrum. pc engine. colecovision. etcetcetc, where do a find a list of stores. any tips?

« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 03:41:29 pm by jce3000gt »


PRO Supporter

I never knew NEO GEO bootlegging was a thing. Makes sense though given the price of the system and games.

Just getting into Atari Jaguar right now.


PRO Supporter

I never knew NEO GEO bootlegging was a thing. Makes sense though given the price of the system and games.

Just getting into Atari Jaguar right now.

I didn't know there were enough NEO GEO consoles out there for bootlegs to be made for. 


PRO Supporter

I never knew NEO GEO bootlegging was a thing. Makes sense though given the price of the system and games.

Just getting into Atari Jaguar right now.

I didn't know there were enough NEO GEO consoles out there for bootlegs to be made for.

I know, right? :)

I've never seen one in the wild.

There is one local chain that I could rely on to have a selection of title for the more niche systems, as opposed to the other which might get an item in on rare occasion but are usually dry on that type of stuff. However, of course, that selection comes at a price. Not knowing where you live, the only answer I can give you is ebay.

If you want a fun console outside the norm that doesn't cost too much, I'd say try out the Colecovision. It's the best of the pre-NES consoles, with lots of solid arcade ports. Check out Pepper II, Oil's Well, and the excellent Frogger port.

The PC Engine / TurboGrafx 16 has some fun games, but overall if I'm being honest, it's not worth anywhere near what it costs.

The Neo Geo costs a ton. It always has, but if you like arcade style games, it's got some real gems. eBay and are great places to pick up some games, but beware of games coming out of places like France and China.


PRO Supporter

+1 for the ColecoVision it was an awesome console.

Chuck Norris Superkicks all day long!


If you want a fun console outside the norm that doesn't cost too much, I'd say try out the Colecovision. It's the best of the pre-NES consoles, with lots of solid arcade ports. Check out Pepper II, Oil's Well, and the excellent Frogger port.

The PC Engine / TurboGrafx 16 has some fun games, but overall if I'm being honest, it's not worth anywhere near what it costs.

The Neo Geo costs a ton. It always has, but if you like arcade style games, it's got some real gems. eBay and are great places to pick up some games, but beware of games coming out of places like France and China.

Pretty much all neo geo games can be found on other consoles with very few exceptions, not to mention most of them ports being arcade perfect.

Neo geo aes and mvs might be the real things but nowadays It's just an collectors piece especially considering the combination of the prices and pretty much all them games being easily available on other original consoles compared to other systems if were negating emulators.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Pretty much all neo geo games can be found on other consoles with very few exceptions, not to mention most of them ports being arcade perfect.

Neo geo aes and mvs might be the real things but nowadays It's just an collectors piece especially considering the combination of the prices and pretty much all them games being easily available on other original consoles compared to other systems if were negating emulators.

Well, true enough, but considering that the OP is asking about collecting for these oddball systems, and that we're on a site called VGCollect, I figure the ports to other systems aren't a factor. Plus considering that most ports weren't close to perfect until the Dreamcast and Playstation 2 era, it really says a lot about the raw power the Neo Geo had. That's one of its big allures, an obscure system that outpowered all of its contemporaries, and was supported by a good lineup of games. It's amazing that Garou Mark of the Wolves came out on a system from 1990.

With this system you don't go on a crazy binge and buy a ton of games at once for it. You hunt for months to find good prices, and over the years you'll savor each new game you find.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2017, 07:21:32 pm by zenimus »

If you want to learn about all the various consoles out there I'd suggest checking the video game console library website. There is a lot of data there including clones and variants for most systems.

As for finding stores, I usually check out this list on Nintendo Age, some of the stores may be closed, but members tend to help update the list often, last update was 2 months ago. Looking for help with data entry and creating content(news/reviews).


Pretty much all neo geo games can be found on other consoles with very few exceptions, not to mention most of them ports being arcade perfect.

Neo geo aes and mvs might be the real things but nowadays It's just an collectors piece especially considering the combination of the prices and pretty much all them games being easily available on other original consoles compared to other systems if were negating emulators.

Well, true enough, but considering that the OP is asking about collecting for these oddball systems, and that we're on a site called VGCollect, I figure the ports to other systems aren't a factor. Plus considering that most ports weren't close to perfect until the Dreamcast and Playstation 2 era, it really says a lot about the raw power the Neo Geo had. That's one of its big allures, an obscure system that outpowered all of its contemporaries, and was supported by a good lineup of games. It's amazing that Garou Mark of the Wolves came out on a system from 1990.

With this system you don't go on a crazy binge and buy a ton of games at once for it. You hunt for months to find good prices, and over the years you'll savor each new game you find.

Very true luckily most ports if not all wich were on the previous consoles are on the dreamcast, and ps2 even allot of obsecure ones if your also taking japanese ps2 in consideration.

Back on topic

I would avoid retro gaming stores and go on ebay, I´m pretty sure ebay has lower prices than retro gaming stores at least If I look in my own country difference can be huge since stores can charge allot more than true market value to keep their lights on.

Colecovision and vectrex games are reasonable but for the fun systems you need deep pockets, because the supply is limited deals are pretty much non existent since pretty much no one has them.

If you do have deep pockets you can hunt down games for the fm towns, the capcom home console the grafx68000 and all that kind of fun stuff but again without ebay pretty much impossible to hunt for, forums usually are not the place to hunt for certain things since the market is allot less active for these more obsecure things.

Deep pockets and ebay would be my advice.

Zx spectrum is superbly cheap even cib, Would still recommend ebay to hunt for those and to buy more at ones to save shipping costs and obviously the very slim offers that gamestores have for this console.

Gameplay wise if your really into pre nes gaming for them cheaper consoles It´s great. if not they are just collectors pieces, for most them games are a bit less to be desired.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 02:45:42 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


PRO Supporter

TurboGrafx-16 is my favorite outside of the main ones. If you're a shoot-em fan, that system is a must-have. So many great shoot-em ups. Lots of action titles, too.

Colecovison for me is the only system I want that I don't already own. Although, I've recently thought of what was my very first video game system the APF TV FUN. Might even still be at my folks house hiding out some where. it was a Pong clone.

NeoGeo AES, CD and Pocket for me. The AES games are really expensive these days, but there still quite affordable on NeoGeo CD and Pocket.

All my Neogeo games and consoles were bought online, I never saw any games/console in used video games stores.

Retro ARCADE games news, review and gameplay Youtube channel.
