Which of these two additions would you most rather see the Nintendo Switch implement with their new console?
First we have classic retro arcade hall of nostalgic digital gems we all know and love returning to the Switch world with maybe even GameCube and Wii U games ported this time around with epic switch portability?
Or the essential and benefitial system of earning trophies and achievements that has become almost common practice in modern gaming.
For me, I never thought i'd say this but I think in 2017 achievements are and should be a 100 percent must. I think Nintendo keeps getting let off too lightly about it but in all honesty it's a major flaw at this point. And a strategic let down on many fronts.
The biggest thing Switch should implement and they can do it mid launch too because PS3 did, they just have to act fast and maybe they can even add them to Zelda giving us a second playthrough out of it
. I find myself having trouble buying any switch game that is multi platform. How could I not buy it on Xbox when they give me more game? Sonic Mania and NBA 2K18 two prime examples of this decision making winning me over. But then Switch of course has portability which always wins me over as well. So it's always a tough decision. Xbox gives more replay value on all games because of the added achievements, Game DVR at the touch of a button ect... Portability is always going to pull me to Switch's way but lately I have been torn between them. I feel switch is giving up easy wins by not having the simple trophy system in place.
But with that said I can only imagine the extra fun I would have had collecting say (mario gold coins) in Zelda and trying to get all the accomplishments in game. It's truly an added element to gaming that they don't capitalize on.
What addition do you wish would be added to Switch?