Author Topic: Good qualities in bad games.  (Read 4327 times)

Good qualities in bad games.
« on: September 14, 2017, 05:23:06 am »
Ever find anything of merit in an otherwise mediocre game that surprised you?

I've found that Sonic R's soundtrack is stellar despite the game being less than okay. Kind of feels shameful to have it tied to that game.


Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2017, 06:19:38 am »
I'm really easy to please and usually I never dislike a game, but i've also never played terribly broken games. I know a lot of people hate licensed games but i've personally liked a lot of them and usually I try to go beyond the repetitiveness or the bad graphic and just have fun with the game.
I've liked a lot of game with bad reviews, one being Titeuf La Mega Compet which imo is so much fun and a true hidden gem !


Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2017, 09:45:42 am »
Ace Combat 2 is in my opinion a pretty bad game that has not aged well at all. BUT, the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic. :D
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Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2017, 11:49:46 am »
The Order: 1886 is easily one of the worst (or at least most disappointing) games of this generation, but it's overall presentation is amazing.


Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2017, 09:05:01 pm »
The Acapella soundtrack carved from the cold, black heart of Crash Tag Team Racing, and that's ONLY the music for the race tracks.  Otherwise, it's still one of the worst Crash Bandicoot games. 

Even just saying "the game's bad but the music is good" is barely noteworthy anymore, it just seems like good soundtracks can be found in so many games, needless to say they can be found in better games.  I think it's more interesting to think of the opposite side of the spectrum, good games with crap soundtracks?? 


Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2017, 09:21:40 pm »
I was going to bring up Sonic too, pretty much all the bad Sonic games still have hype soundtracks. Most of my examples would be games that do have good soundtracks. Good music can make a bad game playable. I could make a whole list of awful games I like because of their soundtracks.

Just scrolling down my game list for other examples, Dante's Inferno has some goddamn amazing world design. Every new area you reach is like a new art gallery of all of your worst nightmares you never knew you had.

Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2017, 09:35:44 pm »
The Order: 1886 is easily one of the worst (or at least most disappointing) games of this generation, but it's overall presentation is amazing.

That's a good one.  Visually impressive, really interesting setting, but man that game is lame as shit.  It couldn't have been more generic of a shooter if it tried.  It's a game that felt like they had a great idea, but no one on staff wanted to make an actually good game out of it.

A game I would choose, that isn't particularly BAD, it's a totally functional game, but it's such a disappointing game, is ZombiU.  That's a zombie game that is just really generic and underwhelming, but it's gameplay mechanics of having to literally look down at the gamepad for inventory stuff, while the game is still active is pretty well done, and the idea that if you die, you have to go and get your loot back from your now zombified body.  These are interesting mechanics that make it seem like the game is better than it really was.


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Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2017, 10:42:27 pm »
I guess I'll also bring up Sonic. I like the redesigns from Sonic Boom... minus all the tape. Amy's was the best overall. Tails looks like a tinkerer, Sonic basically stayed the same, and Knuckles... well I don't like how much of an idiot they made him, overall I like that he looks like a brawler.


Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2017, 03:53:30 am »
Crash: Wrath of Cortex was pretty fun when it actually played like a crash game, but that was depressingly rare. The music was pretty cool too but that's a given.


Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2017, 12:44:45 am »
Civil War: A Nation Divided is a fun game that everyone points as buggy. and I have to agree with the squeal secret missions being even worse in my opinion challenge wise. playing the game is not all that bad but I wish it were better, being it the only American civil war First person shooter on the market that I know of.

I love call of duty ghosts storyline in the beginning. but, was vary disappointed on how the story line of that underrated game ended. I beat Call Of Duty Ghost once and never went back to it though
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Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2017, 03:39:42 pm »
The Order: 1886 is easily one of the worst (or at least most disappointing) games of this generation, but it's overall presentation is amazing.

Ooh, yes. So much potential with the setting, and then the game immediately shits the bed. I almost bought that one on release. Fortunately, so did my friend. We ended up blowing through his copy in an afternoon and had more fun pointing out the plot holes than playing the actual game.

Silent Hill Origins was a terrible Silent Hill game and a sub-par game in its own right, but I loved the way they updated the town. Silent Hill 1 has always been my favorite in the series, so it was interesting to see Old Silent Hill in cutting-edge (for the time) graphics. Shame we got to see so little of it.
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Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2017, 01:27:11 am »
I'm really easy to please and usually I never dislike a game,

Me too. I find it rare to come across something I can't enjoy despite it's flaws. I don't understand why everyone is so nit-picky about games.

So I guess my answer to this question is - it was fun?

Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2017, 03:40:19 am »
I do not rarely see bugs in games, but if I really like the game, I will not stop playing it until I solve the problem. I recently found there have so far not met errors in games and quality.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2017, 04:07:07 pm by margejohn »


Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2017, 06:34:30 am »
I'm really easy to please and usually I never dislike a game,

Me too. I find it rare to come across something I can't enjoy despite it's flaws. I don't understand why everyone is so nit-picky about games.

So I guess my answer to this question is - it was fun?

I do agree with you on that on some points especially with flaws in good games and classics. Some people are pretty strict.

Personally If I play some games I take the time to play them only few at a time at best while there are also many people who try to play every game that they have and try them out for only a short while even with the better games, That style is just not for me and I don't find that enjoyable.

If your time is limited your not wasting it on a bad game wich is a nice excuse to ignore those. Furthermore Many don't even play their bad games so It's just for show. While they can be enjoyable I'm pretty sure that many on here have a accumulated quite the back log and haven't even played through all there excellent games yet, why bother touching the bad ones if you haven't even played all your good games?

The exception to the rule for me is if it is so bad that it is laughable than I can enjoy a bad game and i will invest time into it.

That being said there are also many excellent classic games wich have the so bad moments that make them good wich make people nostalgic to the past.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 06:37:00 am by sworddude »
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Re: Good qualities in bad games.
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2017, 04:14:24 am »
Was just reminded of a game, being that it's a favorite mostly awful game of mine, Godzilla on PS4.  The good qualities of this game is in its fan service, it has all the major monsters you'd want in the game, some good references to the movies, it's got the Legendary Godzilla (This was before Shin Godzilla), and while the gameplay could be better, it's one of the few times you feel like you are playing a giant monster.  The bad about this game, is that I'm pretty sure development started with creating the models and characters and then 2 months before release realized they forgot to make a game, and then just hurried out a couple boring levels, where your only objective is to basically take out these giant generators, and you just do that for the entire game with almost no actual story.  It's by all means a bad game, but all the monsters in it and that it's sorta just mindless mashing your invulnerability attack makes it oddly enjoyable for at least a short bit.

Almost got all the monsters in it too, other than the elusive Burning Godzilla...Man, if this wasn't Godzilla, I would not have bothered lol

Makes me want a sequel so they can improve everything though...Add in some of the monsters they skipped, maybe throw in a silly 1970's Godzilla and Shin Godzilla...perhaps work in a deal to get Gamera and bring in like Gyaos, Iris, and Legion from the 90's movies.  Man I want this game, just give it actual interesting content!
« Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 04:21:22 am by kamikazekeeg »