Author Topic: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?  (Read 3747 times)

Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« on: September 27, 2017, 01:08:33 am »
To me Switch is easily on it's way to making PS4 especially look like a second rate overrated console, with pure might and deterimation, It will never reflect in sales but it will reflect in our hearts for millions of years to come if Nintendo keeps pace and builds a library of 3rd party and 1st party classics like it has. Switch does what XB1 and PS4 do but as a portable.  It should make us question PS4 and XB1s quality from a spec standpoint.  Sure they look ever so slightly better and can handle 4k but their also 8 pound cumbersome bricks that you are confined to.  Switch is clearly from a design standpoint and engineering standpoint a marvel with how it fits the power in such a small set. :)   I feel it has silenced many critics on it's journey and it's library is looking lovely.

Everyone said "Nintendo can't handle any 3rd party games and Nintendos 3rd party support is what hurts them" 

Switch releases 2 of the best selling 3rd Party franchises Xbox or PS4 have to offer in their opening year (NBA 2K and FIFA) and do it on a portable console 1/8th their size.  (Win #1)

Everyone said "Nintendo never tries anything new or gets 3rd party publishers and developers to work on games"

Marrio + Rabbids hits the world, a tactical turn based RPG with Mario?  With freaking Rabbids??  Cosigned by ubisoft?  Proving Nintendo can pull off crazy random ideas without even trying. :)  It's epic too.  (Win #2)

Everyone said "Nintendo's library is too small and they don't have enough variety" 

Switch has about 40 games non 1st party that are good in under 1 year. I see a lot of indie growth from the Wii U too and the E shop is stunning with their new entries, ports and fun games like NBA playground. (win #3)

I think what switch has done is to the point of passing down in an ancient scribe for the youth of future generations to learn of.  The golden child of gaming who came and slayed the goliaths as a portable but still had the power and charm to be a home console at heart.  It should be etched into an ancient rock or boulder so future explorers will know of it's wisdom. Carved with a copper tipped etching tool into the face of mount rushmore right near lincoln. A true relic.  A glistening diamond to behold in a sea full of topaz.   Nintendo couldn't have possibly done us better with this masterpiece and the library has only just begun.   All Nintendo fanboys rejoice. Tears of happiness glisten on my pupil.   The beautiful company of our 8 bit childhood is back and better than ever.

Do you think Switch will beat out Xbox one and PS4 as the best console this gen or do you think it will fall short?    :D
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 01:10:49 am by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2017, 08:34:51 am »
As always your articles are too long for me.

For technical specifications, it goes X1 > Switch > PS4.  While the PS4 is more powerful than the Switch, the Switch is more impressive than the PS4.  And while the X1 is dragging behind this generation, its console is a modern marvel of technology, you can put the system inside a box and it'll still run cool and quiet.  Switch actually runs pretty hot a lot of times, but it runs quiet.  On that same note though, the Switch has by far the lowest specs, but the features being packed into such a tiny package is amazing.  PS4 on the other hand isn't significantly different than the X1 from a technical standpoint, but the system runs very loudly, very hot, and quite frankly has subpar parts in it.  The wireless board that controls internet connectivity cannot handle 5G bandwidths, so over WiFi it falls short.  The wireless board that controls controller connections is subpar and almost requires the controller to have a visible line of sight with the system a la the old infrared wireless controllers.  Nintendo's Wireless Wavebird controllers (That are roughly 15 years old at this point) are way better than this.

Usability, it goes Switch > PS4 > X1.  Mostly I put this on simplicity of use and how quickly you can get into a game.  Switch hands down has the simplest UI and no wait to launch a game.  PS4's UI is reminiscent of the XMB and games can launch fairly quickly.  X1 has a mostly convoluted UI that IS in fact constantly changing, due to how complex it is and users hate it, and games can take hours to days before they can launch.

For libraries and 3rd party support, it goes PS4 > X1 > Switch.  PS4 has a distinct advantage with LRG and other 3rd party publishers like Soedesco.  A lot of JRPG companies still stick with Sony.  Microsoft doesn't have a ton of exclusives, but they still get many 3rd party titles that Sony gets.  Nintendo is still having trouble maintaining a consistent release queue, 1 or 2 titles a month just doesn't really cut it.  Nintendo looks to be a receiving a lot of games in the future, even some new titles like Wolfenstein 2.  If Nintendo can prove their worth and continue getting 3rd party support, they could easily pass X1 in this category. 


Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2017, 10:16:19 am »
one thing I found very interesting was that the boy scouts of America have the switch as a prize for selling popcorn this year (at least my local one, don't know if they change place to place).

It also appears that the switch is still off to an incredible start. as of August 5th has the switch listed at 5.6 million sales. that's over a million sales a month and it still has yet to hit the holiday buying season. I fully expect that the switch will top over 10 million sales by December.

As far as favoritism to the system we will have to wait and see. my GF really enjoys it but the physical library is still so lacking.
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Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2017, 10:19:22 am »
I want a switch at some point, but the PS4 is still the more attractive option for me while the switch's library is still small. I'm looking forward to playing FFX HD, Undertale, Shantae, AC 7 and Shenmue a lot. I'm happy to see the success that it's getting though.  :)
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Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2017, 12:21:25 pm »
The switch will easily pass the xbox 1 but it is to early to tell if it will pass the ps4 in sales


Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2017, 02:01:04 pm »
I think it's going to do a lot better than the Wii or Wii U but it won't reach the XB1 or PS4.

Nintendo kind of shot themselves in the foot with the hardcore market by releasing the Wii during the time gaming was becoming REALLY mainstream. The XB360/PS3/Wii era was when people really started to pick their consoles of choice, and since the Wii was always marketed as a casual/family console most of the hardcore market settled with Xbox 360's and PS3s.

People have gotten too used to their platform of choice now and Nintendo has kind of given itself a lasting image of making kid/casual games in the eyes of the average gamer. I think it's gonna be hard for them to start dominating the market.

Not impossible, but hard. I don't think the Switch is going to win them the mainstream appeal they used to have but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 02:02:46 pm by LeJason »

Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2017, 05:21:14 pm »
Wii U 2.0

Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2017, 05:31:02 pm »
It'll do great, possibly beating Xbone, even once they release Scorpio (I refuse to call that the Xbox One X), but don't think it'll beat PS4.  It might not even beat either, as I don't think that is important.  It just needs to not be another Wii U, which it's already looking to not be.


Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2017, 06:14:06 pm »
Wii U 2.0

this will never be wii u 2.0 simply for the fact that this will eventually pull in nearly 100% of the handheld market. hell it currently has ~20% of the handheld market. with the 3ds taking up the lions share of whats remainingg
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
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Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2017, 06:31:10 pm »
If it can garner the kind of 3rd-party that PS4 and XBox One has, then I can see it happening. Because it is very innovative hardware. Being able to take full console experiences with you on the go is pretty awesome. And those awesome Nintendo 1st-party games definetly help.

However if they stay about where they are with 3rd-party support, then no. They won't pass PS4 or XBox One.


Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2017, 12:06:07 am »
I don't see why anyone other than Ninty diehards would care about the Switch at this point, or ever. Heck, I love Nintendo and my enthusiasm for actually getting one is almost non-existent.

Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2017, 01:02:59 am »
I don't see why anyone other than Ninty diehards would care about the Switch at this point, or ever. Heck, I love Nintendo and my enthusiasm for actually getting one is almost non-existent.

Being that Sony is seemingly bowing out of the handheld space, Nintendo has the entire handheld market and soon there won't even be a prominent 3DS push, just the Switch.  It might not have the power of the other consoles, but the handheld part is pretty significant especially if they can continue to get better third part support like they have with Bethesda.

Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2017, 08:47:31 am »
I think it's going to do a lot better than the Wii or Wii U but it won't reach the XB1 or PS4.

Nintendo kind of shot themselves in the foot with the hardcore market by releasing the Wii during the time gaming was becoming REALLY mainstream. The XB360/PS3/Wii era was when people really started to pick their consoles of choice, and since the Wii was always marketed as a casual/family console most of the hardcore market settled with Xbox 360's and PS3s.

People have gotten too used to their platform of choice now and Nintendo has kind of given itself a lasting image of making kid/casual games in the eyes of the average gamer. I think it's gonna be hard for them to start dominating the market.

Not impossible, but hard. I don't think the Switch is going to win them the mainstream appeal they used to have but it's definitely a step in the right direction.
The Wii is the 3rd best selling system. They didn't shoot themselves with the Wii they shot themselves in the foot by thinking they could do it again with the Wii U.

Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2017, 11:22:34 am »
XBONE: maybe. Hell, I'd even say probably if the Switch can maintain its current momentum for a couple more years.

PS4: Possible, but I doubt it. The PS4 has been absolutely dominating this last gen, and given it is the system of choice for the COD and Madden crowds it will likely continue to be the console of choice until a more powerful alternative from Sony gets released.

Re: Will Nintendo Switch pass PS4/XB1 or will it fall short?
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2017, 03:06:28 pm »
XBONE: maybe. Hell, I'd even say probably if the Switch can maintain its current momentum for a couple more years.

PS4: Possible, but I doubt it. The PS4 has been absolutely dominating this last gen, and given it is the system of choice for the COD and Madden crowds it will likely continue to be the console of choice until a more powerful alternative from Sony gets released.

I was thinking about something recently and i'm not sure if anyone ever thought about it or if it's right or not.   But I was wondering on how Sony outsells Nintendo with their global software sales by a large margin, it's done so mainly with 3rd party games.   PS4's top 5 games for sales each year are typically GTA, NBA 2K, Madden, COD, FIFA.   Those games are 3rd party published, developed and cosigned.  So sony must make minimal on each ducat.   While Nintendo's 5 best selling games are all Nintendo 1st party games published by Nintendo so they must maximize their earnings right? Isn't it kinda like a independent artist makes more from their record than an artist under a label who takes portions for themselves?  But I don't know how the 3rd party thing works.   I think with a game like COD,  Sledgehammer takes a chunk, than Activision takes a chunk,  than it trinkles down and Sony might get 10 percent off each game.      Every game Nintendo sells sony has to sell 5 because Nintendo would have less hands in the cookie jar per say.     It's overlooked but maybe someone can weight in and tell me if i'm wrong :).       
« Last Edit: September 28, 2017, 03:13:28 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »