Author Topic: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?  (Read 9517 times)

Here are some of the biggest stereotypes and types of gamers I see a lot of :). Feel free to add some.  Which type of gamer do you hate most and which type of gamer would you consider yourself?  I think I am most like Fanboy because I ride for Nintendo a lot :D

The "Everyone is a bandwagon and i'm a real fan" retro guy

Most likely will be found on facebook under the 90s kids only group where everyone talks and shares memes about how bad kids have it because they don't know what a CD skipping is or what blowing in a cartridge is or what Alanis Morrissette CD you had.

Typically talks about how everyone is faking being into retro and how it's just a trend and that he loved retro before all of his friends and before it became popular.  Typically goes out of his way to make fun of people who buy the NES Classic edition by posting desperate attention seeking pictures saying "I have all of those games on the original hardware, I don't need that emulator box" just because he's bitter he couldn't get one. When out in public he will point out anyone with a Mario Phone case or Zelda T Shirt or a girl with pokeballs painted on her nails to call them a fake fan who is just liking video games and 80s-90s retro culture because it's popular instead of welcoming them into the hobby and giving them tips and fun conversations.

 Was seen during the pokemon go trend calling little children fake because they didn't play the original gameboy pokemon games.

Child - "Hello sir, I happen to like Charizard"
Legit Retro Guy - "Did you ever collect all 151 pokemon in the original for GameBoy?
Child - "No"
Legit Retro Guy- "Your opinion is invalid. You aren't even a real pokemon fan. Sick of all these kids acting like they know about Pokemon. Try sitting next to a lamp because your handheld wasn't back lit. I'm an OG. I remember waiting in line at KB Toys with my walkman and I sold some guy 50 pokemon cards to get a ninja turtles Pog.  You don't even know about pogs do you?  pssst"

The "PC Master Race" Guy

Looking at anything under 120 FPS strains the retina in his eye and causes anger. Typically uses phrases like "Console peasant" and "PC Master Race" on forums when arguing with people. Goes out of his way to find conversations between console gamers just so he can argue how better PC is spec wise. Puts graphical capabilities over gameplay and plot.  One monitor is never enough.  It must be 3 so the black frame of the monitor cuts the image into 3rds and makes games look ridiculous. 

The Fanboy/Fangirl

Weather for team Xbox, Nintendo, Sony or Sega.  The Fanboy or fangirl is someone who can't just enjoy their favorite platform and have fun with it.  They have to go to opposing console forums or reviews for console exclusive games and slander opposing hardware and software while putting their favorite company on a pedestal.  A fanboy might diss a console without even owning or playing it just because they are so dedicated to their favorite console.  I think we all have a little fanboy in us :D.

The Scalper Entrepreneur

The scalper is hated by many of us who really love collecting because they are known for hiking up prices, causing stock issues and depriving actual collectors a chance to buy their favorite items because they buy ridiculous amounts with the intent to make profit.  May be seen buying shopping carts full of limited amiibos or consoles just to flip at 100 percent profit margains or stalking thrift stores and good will to find donated items to become semi rich off or to sell to the unexpecting grandma who wants one for their grandson for christmas.  No morality in their efforts to make money. 

The "How much is it worth" or "Look what I found for ____ " guy

The "Did I do good" guy will be seen posting pics like the one above of some sort of rare game or expensive lot with the caption "did I do good?" deliberately leaving cheap price tags on so everyone gives props of the deal he got even though he knows he did good because he is an advid collector with access to VGPC and Ebay sold listings.

Which of these stereotypes do you hate most? Do you have any others that are annoying or funny?  :) 

« Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 11:42:30 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2017, 12:09:23 am »
Hate the most? Scalpers.

Which one am I? Probably the bandwagon basher, except I'm a self-aware hypocrite who knows that I'm just a band wagoner too. Very few people are original in anything that they do, still I'll complain about those pesky band wagoners and their antics.

The Angry / Critic

The guy/gal who hates almost everything. Gives terrible reviews to a ton of games, claims every game is "the worst game ever". Possible angry game reviewer wannabe with a Youtube channel mostly just bashing on random games, or just super critical and hard to please gamer who spends a lot of time playing games they apparently can't stand.

Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2017, 12:49:19 am »
I hate the PC masters and Fanboys. It's just stupid to me to only like one console and thinking that it's the best when every consoles has good exclusives.

Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2017, 03:41:39 am »
I'd probably consider myself a shelf collector, not that its intentional but i rarely have time to sit down and play everything in my back catalog with work and home life taking up most of my time.

As for which i'd find the most annoying is hard, but probably scalpers. Although "Gamer" people though are a pretty close second, people who typically call themselves "Gamers"are normally pretty annoying. >:(

Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2017, 04:11:07 am »
Scalpers for sure.  As misguided as the others can be, scalping is just being an outright shitty person.  It's something they know is wrong, that everyone hates, but who doesn't care because they'll make money.

For myself...Not sure how I fit in if we are talking about what amounts to a negative stereotype.  I have a PC/PS4/and Switch so I'm not a fanboy.  I love kids and people experiencing old classic stuff in any way they want or seeing things come back in a revival.  I never like to boast about deals, though I don't mind sharing them if it fits into the discussion.  I do sometimes hunt thrift shops and what not for old games, stuff I do sell, but I never price hike anything or push over ebay prices as I like to be reasonable and I always offer deals.  And while I do think PC offers more advantages and is generally a better gaming experience, consoles serve as a much more affordable and convenient way to game as PC has a barrier of entry for many people.

One I could say I've been slightly guilty of with my addition, but I never verbally or type it to out directly to anyone, more just me spouting off some frustration, because I hate people that do this over voice or in the chat window.


This is the person you come across in a multiplayer game who on voice or in chat is raging about every death, that it's never their fault, and at worst, claims the other is a hacker, despite the scoreboard showing nothing abnormal.  No matter how long you've played the game, how skilled you are, if you take this person down, they will rage, they will get upset, and they will say you are cheating and nothing can change that. (Fun finding pictures for this lol)


Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2017, 08:06:51 am »
Of the ones listed so far, I'm not a fan of any of them. e.e

Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2017, 08:33:03 am »
Am I the only one that finds it weird for the Fanboy one, it's just a picture of a couch?


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Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2017, 09:59:44 am »
Am I the only one that finds it weird for the Fanboy one, it's just a picture of a couch?
I can't see where they were going with that either.   8)

I'm most annoyed by the guy that discredits someone else's collection because it isn't as big as others' or it lacks some heavy-hitting title. 
Same goes for all those dicks that say "I think shelf collectors are dumbasses.  I'm a gamer". 

Every collection is different.  Every collector wants something different from their hobby. 

Now, I'm probably closer to being a fanboy than anything else.  I've said it before, but Nintendo could stamp Mario's face on a turd and I would buy it.  I don't think I talk down about other brands.  I have all the current gen stuff (XBone, PS4, Switch, PC).  I just like Nintendo stuff the best.


Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2017, 10:03:42 am »
I hate the sexists who say that girls cannot be true gamers, or the ones that are unable to leave them alone when they are playing something online (this includes those who love to mansplain things to them). These guys realy give gamers a bad reputation.

The only stereotype in which I believe I fit in is the "Nintendo hater"... Haha

Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2017, 10:07:22 am »
As a member of the PC Master race, I am offended.  ;D ;)


Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2017, 11:00:26 am »
I am a Sony fanboi for life. I will not deny it. I also loathe Microshaft and everything they do gaming wise.

As far as which one I hate most, I dont have an opinion on that. Scalpers dont bother me like they do everyone else. Its life, its part of the hobby. Just like every other hobby on the planet. The retro guy is just trying to fit in by acting like he doesnt fit in. PC master race can be annoying sometimes. They are their own version of fanboi dissing on console games that dont make it to their beloved PC but I dont see too many of them cause I dont game on PC. I will say that I tend to avoid posting what I pick up for fear of people thinking Im bragging so the "how did I do" one can be a bit of a struggle. The angry gamer is just a stain. A worthless youtube personality (most youtubers I despise honestly). The hacker is one Ive dealt with both on Everquest and MK PS3.

Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2017, 11:19:21 am »
Fanboys: Without exception every Fanboy I've met is either mentally immature (either because they are fairly young or because their parents didn't love them when they were younger..idk) or just a total d-bag who refuses to see anything positive about any other platform other than their platform of choice. I remember when I heavily contributed to the Gamespot forums that it was infested with fanboys for every platform. Luckily I have seen almost no fanboys here :)

Trophy Collectors: I am not referring to PSN or XBL achievements, but rather video game collectors who are obsessed with owning the most rare and valuable games for no reason other than they are rare and valuable. When talking about any given game, their first question is "how rare is it?" It doesn't matter if the game is good or important in anyway, it is all a matter of them having something more rare or valuable then the next guy. These are usually the guys that love to get into collecting pissing matches as well.

"Did I do good" Collectors: We all like getting a good deal on the games we buy, but I HATE, HATE, HATE those people on forums or Facebook groups that find a game like Little Sampson or Panzer Dragoon Saga and act oblivious to the insane deal they got. "Oh, I found this weird game (Stadium Events) at an estate sale, didn't know anything about it and neither did the seller. I only paid a buck for it, is that a good deal guys???" I want to smack people every time I see one of these posts.

"I got a better deal than you" Collectors: Again, nothing wrong with getting good deals on games, more power to you, but I've known a lot of collectors that like to gloat about how good a deal they got with every damn game they find. God forbid they pay full retail for a game, ever, or at least if they did they are likely not going to announce it publically. More annoying are people that flat out lie or embellish their good deal claims by doing resell math to say they paid next to nothing for their games despite paying close to retail or retail for everything, or people who just flat out lie about their deals to get people jealous. I can think of a semi popular youtuber that does this a lot (I have inside sources that know he is full of shit).

Scalpers: These people need no explanation; these are the assholes that make it hard for us to find the games and consoles we want...unless we want to pay a 4x markup on ebay. I distinguish these people from resellers who are okay depending on how they go about reselling.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2017, 11:45:59 am by bikingjahuty »


Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2017, 11:37:41 am »
I think all of the stereotypes have negative instances with them. The one that I dislike the most is definitely scalping/hoarding.

Scalpers/Hoarders: Individuals who don't care about the hobby and go out of their way to make some kind of profit. Recent showing; the Nintendo Classic scalping, and the individuals who try to artificially inflate a game's price. Hoarders as well, where I see people who have the need to own like 12 copies of a single rare game. What exactly is the point?


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Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2017, 12:54:06 pm »
I'm probably more of the first one. Though I do also play modern games and have no problem with modern systems.

I'm just very much into retro, not just video games. I also collect VHS and comic books. And I'm totally a member of a retro group and VHS trading group on Facebook...I love the 80s, what can I say?

Re: Which gaming stereotype do you hate most? Which are you most like?
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2017, 01:00:22 pm »
Fanboys/PC Master Race are who I find most annoying.  Also I don't really blame the scalpers for scalping I blame the people who would pay the extreme markups and resellers I ownly really dislike of they charge over market value.