I pretty well have a dislike for everything mentioned in the OP. For pretty much the reasons already mentioned. I think though outside of the scalper being probably my most hated, with the second going to the PC master race types. I full well understand the horsepower a PC is capable of, I will not argue that. It burns my ass though when they belittle others for their preference.
I unfortunately have fallen prey to "the hater" though. There are games that I have not played that I do not care for, major releases at that. For example. During the modern warfare boom I refused to play them, any of them. For me setting is a big piece of my game. I don't like FPS set in a modern frame. I prefer them set in a historical context or outlandish (Bulletstorm, Doom) As far as historical is concerned I usually stop around the Vietnam era. I have lived through the rest, no thanks.
The only other game series that I do this with is GTA. I played GTA3 on PS2 when it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I didn't care for it, at all. No particular reason it just didn't click. I have avoided the series ever since.
If I had to add, it would be
ratings scrubs.
That one guy who will mock anybody for purchasing anything Nintendo because they only create childish games. That they themselves are by and far the more "mature" gamer simply because they purchase games mainly with an M rating. Everytime I deal with one of these individuals this is all that runs through my mind.