Author Topic: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time  (Read 6465 times)


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Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« on: October 31, 2017, 02:07:45 am »
I made this list somewhere else when the question was asked, so I thought I'd share it with you fine folks as well.

My Top 10 Consoles List:

1. NES - The system that I grew up with and made me fall in love with gaming on. So many great franchises started here.
2. SNES - Some of the greatest games ever made came from the SNES's line-up. Super Metroid alone merits this pick.
3. PS1 - When gaming was innovative and experimenting in it's early 3D days, this system had the biggest and most varied game library of any console.
4. Game Boy Advance - When the SP came out, I finally felt portable gaming was worthy of my attention. No more huddling under lamps for light, or monochrome graphics. This was truly portable gaming. And a great library of games. Plus the backwards compatibility in addition to the backlit screen gave new life to the old GB/GBC games.
5. Sega Genesis - The system that gave Nintendo a run for it's money. Belongs in every retro gamer's collection.
6. PS2 - Just like it's predecessor, it has a huge and varied library that should satisfy a gamer of any taste. And backwards compatible.
7. Sega Dreamcast - Sega's swan song, and most innovative console (IMO). Loved the futuristic look of the VMU screen on the controller. And it had some fantastic games that blew N64 and PS1's graphics out of the water.
8. Commodore 64 - This has a special place in my heart just because my school had these in 6th grade (far beyond the timeframe they should have, I might add. This was well into the 90s). I found out what I missed out on in the 80s: More in-depth games than the average arcade conversions of the time, and horrendously long loading-times. Many an afternoon spent trying to figure out Swiss Family Robinson (I did end up beating it eventually).
9. TurboGrafx-16 - I love shoot-em ups. And this is the shoot-em up lover's console.
10. Neo Geo Pocket Color - I picked this one because I just loved the way it felt in your hands. That great little clicky thumbstick, before thumbsticks were a thing on handhelds. And a fantastic looking screen, for not being backlit. Wish it had the third-party support it needed.

What are your top 10 consoles?

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2017, 02:54:20 am »
Hrmmm...Not sure I could do a proper in order list, it's hard to really place them for me, so I'll just name with no specific order at the moment.  Might be able to come back and reorganize it later.  Not even sure if I have 10 consoles for this lol

- Nintendo 64 - It's a love-hate relationship with this thing.  It doesn't have the best library, the controller sucks, but I love the design and carts and some of my favorite games of all time are on it.  It was also the first console that felt like it was MINE.  The NES and Genesis we had before were family systems, but the N64 was mine.

- Game Boy Advance SP - I'm not particularly someone that likes portable systems a lot, but I really dug the SP.  Kinda the perfect size and really made gaming on the go feel right.

- Nintendo Switch - This is what I've wanted for years.  A console with the ability to be a portable when needed.  As brought up, I don't particularly like portable gaming, dabbled in it for years (Owned an SP, DS, 3DS, and PSP, but didn't stick with them), especially for any long lengths of time, but this is the perfect compromise.

- Playstation 2 - Tons of great games on it and I thought it basically did everything it needed to right.

- Wii U - It's funny that I never liked the Wii, which was insanely successful, but I loved the Wii U, which was a failure lol I really dug the design of it, there were a few good games on it, and even though it never went anywhere, I thought it was pretty great.

- NES - It wasn't a great system, it was ugly and it didn't last long, but I got some memories from a number of different games on it, Legend of Zelda in particular holding a special place for me.

- Xbox - While the system didn't do anything better than the PS2, it did have Halo and Halo was a big thing for me from the moment it launched.  A big thing for me and my friends.  That alone made the system great.

- Xbox 360 - This is what I had for that generation as I was never particularly interested in the PS3 or Wii.  Played lots of good games on the system and I never had a red ring issue thankfully.  Also the 360 controller is probably one of my favorite controller designs.  Still use a wired 360 controller for my PC.

Playstation 4 - It's an all around good system and my choice for this generation alongside the Switch.  I even upgraded to PS4 Pro for the games coming that will utilize the extra power boost

Not enough for a full 10.  Honorable mentions for the SNES and PS1, but I didn't own one growing up, so don't feel like I can legit count them, though I played them a lot and I never cared for most of the portable systems I owned.  I had a Genesis, but I'm not a big Genesis fan.  Some games I liked, but it was never a big deal.  I also didn't like the Wii, the PS3 was okay, but I got one in like the last two years of its life.  Played a bit of Gamecube, also didn't own, and the rest I only played a little (Dreamcast, Sega CD) or never even experienced (Neo Geo, TurboGrafx, etc).
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 03:48:28 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2017, 07:51:15 am »
Great lists guys! This is tough because there are so many great games out there across all the different consoles but if I have to rank them, here we go.

1 Sega Genesis / Mega Drive - This has to be my all time favorite console, just too many memories from my childhood, playing alone or co-op with my brother and friends. Too many classics across all genres. Still love this console till today.

2 NES - The first console that really got me into video games and the love I have for them. It all started from here for me.

3 PlayStation 1 - I gotta put the PS1 in front of the SNES. This is the machine that I really got into JRPGs. Plus Symphony of the Night is on it. Best game of All Time.. (imo)

4 Super Nintendo / Super Famicom - The SNES is a great console as well. Games like A Link to the Past, Super Metroid and ActRaiser 2 make it one of the greats for me.

5 PlayStation 2 - Another Console with so many beloved franchises. I stopped Gaming for a while but the PS2 got me back into it so I definitely have to give this console credit.

6 Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 - I lumped these together because they're pretty much the same except for the exclusives. This is the era where I got really into watching E3 conferences and getting hyped about games.

7 Nintendo 64 - Even though I didn't have a big library of games on the N64, the few titles I have made it a spectacular experience. Mario64, Ocarina of Time plus Rare games like Banjo. All stellar.

8 PC Engine / PC Engine CD - I enjoy the library of PC Engine Games even though it wasn't that popular among my circle of friends. A lot of great shoot em ups.

9 Game Boy Advance - This handheld has accompanied me through a lot of boring plane rides, got lots of enjoyment from the GBA.

10 PlayStation 4 - Well, the PS4 is at the bottom of my list, I suppose because I don't really like the whole: Releasing of games somewhat unfinished then patched later mentality the industry has now. And how some games need internet connection to play..

I mean, I'm always online but something that bothered me recently was I couldn't even play the For Honor Single Player Campaign the other day because the sever was down for maintenance... For online yeah sure, but we are talking about the Single Player Campaign, just annoyed the route games have been taking recently. However, the PS4 is shaping up to be a great console, especially with Bloodborne which I think is the best game of this generation so far.

  l    l 


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2017, 08:33:16 am »
I just made that massive Mario list... so what's another, eh?

#1 - SNES - It was a REALLY tough call between this and #2, which says a lot about it's competition as this is my most nostalgic console, but I think I can give it the slight edge on it's own merits. The SNES is home to more masterpiece games than any other console. Both new series and ones refined from the NES alike. All of Nintendo's unmatched first party quality titles have some of their best on the system - Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Kirby - as well as the best 3rd party companies being closely related to Nintendo at the time - Square, Capcom, etc. with the likes of Final Fantasy and Mega Man. Speaking of Final Fantasy, SNES was the premiere RPG console until #2 rolled around. It just had so much verity and a much better average than the NES.

#2 - PS1 - You know, I used to always put the PS2 here... and the PS2 is a damn amazing system, Sony was amazing before the 'worse PC era' of the PS3 onwards... but when I really think about it, it was the PS1 that really had the lion's share of classics on top of the crazy innovation of the system itself and disc-based games. It gave rise to some amazing franchises that where so synonymous with the system I almost wanted to call them 1st party. Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil, Twisted Metal... all amazing. Many developers who used to be known as close to Nintendo hopped ship for Sony and boy did that help make the PS1 a monster. Final Fantasy got bigger than ever, Metal Gear evolved into it's current state, Castlevania turned Metroidvania and much more. The system carried on the SNES' RPG smorgasbord with so many titles like the excellent Suikoden series and my personal favorite (J)RPG of all time - Dragon Quest VII.

#3 - PS2 - I almost wanted to group it with the PS1, but it has so much unique greatness I couldn't. The system itself had a big innovation with it's inclusion of a DVD player, back when it was a feature secondary to the video game console, unlike now where they are multi-media boxes that can also play video games. It is also what convinced my dad to buy one, so a big win for younger me. It introduced more great franchises - Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, Devil May Cry, God of War, Kingdom Hearts, Katamari Damacy. It continued on with old franchises, such as the excellent Silent Hill 2 and Grand Theft Auto 3, and was also an RPG powerhouse. Also, full backwards comparability to make it's library that much more enticing!

#4 - NES - If you look at my collection you might be surprised to find this not at #1. It's a system with extremely important historical value to all video games going forwards and was a crazy free-for-all of new ideas, good or bad. This variety, history and sheer number of games and accessories makes it one of the most exciting to collect for but necessarily my favorite library for playing. That isn't saying it lacks good games, quite the opposite - it commands an extensive library that planted the seeds of some of the best series of all time. Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest... it all started here, especially impressive when these where new concepts as this was a different beast from the pre-crash status quo of videogames. Many great games such as the Ninja Gaiden trilogy and Contra gave us the concept of NES hard, Capcom was making not just passable but great Disney licensed games, and the system is just littered with amazing gems, both well known and not.

#5 - Gameboy/Pocket - Playing complex, cartridge-based games on the go? Mind = blown. In a list of sheer importance this may be a #1 contender. The Gameboy filled it's niche so well and maintained such dominance Nintendo has laughed off every competitor in the portable market until today with, culminating with the Switch. It brought new portable versions of all the favorites such as Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong and Metroid. It did it's own work starting franchises such as Kirby and the Wario series... and one more small series you may have hear of called Pokemon.

- The Big N may have lost it's 2-generation dominance to the superior PS1, but the N64 is a unique beast. Instead of having a wide library of tons of quality games like the SNES the N64 is largely known for it's handful of all-time ranking classics. Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time... just those 2 games changed everything and elevated the system above many others. Besides that, you have Super Smash Brothers, Majora's Mask, Star Fox 64, Banjo-Kazooie-&-Tooie, Paper Mario, Goldeneye - all top ranking classics in their own rights considered near unmatched or launching into superior sequels on later consoles. Despite it's somewhat lackluster overall library, it has peaks higher then many consoles dare to dream.

#7 - Sega Genesis - The SNES' edgy, jealous sibling. It's inferior in most every way, but it had a rad attitude so people loved it just the same. As much as I think the SNES made the Genesis it's bitch, much like John Romero tried to do years later to everyone globally and failed, it wouldn't make #7 if I didn't also love it. The star of the show is of course Sonic the Hedgehog, the Halo of the 16-bit era carrying an entire system on it's back. All 3 main games & Knuckles are superb platforming magic. Besides that you have greats like the Phantasy Star series, Rocket Knight Adventures, Ecco, Gunstar Heroes, Shining Force, better-on-Genesis Earthworm Jim, bloodier-on-Genesis Mortal Kombat (Until Nintendo pulled the stick from their ass and their superior controller made it better in the 2nd)... and a weird trend of Castlevania, Contra & Sparkster titles that where unique games to their SNES counterparts. It had it's greats, but it just can't stack up to it's eternal rival the SNES. Good on Sega though for using clever marketing to get considerable market share despite this inferiority, making it the Apple of the 16-bit era. I swear that's the last unfavorable comparison of Genesis to SNES, and hey, unlike the Iphone the Genesis wasn't purposely lacking options and sold at a baffling inflated price compared to it's objectively superior counterpart to hipsters and old people!

#8 - Nintendo DS
- Nintendo loves to take wacky shots at innovations and the DS was one of their most successful. The touch screen is a great feature that has kept up use in all their portable consoles to today. The DS itself has some pretty good titles, including many continuations of series from the Gameboy Advance that proceeded it. Zelda that works surprisingly good with stylus controls, one of the best Mario Karts, Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, and more Final Fantasy Tactics Metroidvania Castlevanias, Mario & Luigi, Animal Crossing and WarioWare. Of course, the star of the portable system Pokemon had generations 4 & 5 as well as Gen 2 remakes.

#9 - Atari 2600 - The grandaddy of them all. While it's lack of quality control led to the video game crash, it had to get to that over-saturation point to begin with by being something completely new and innovative, the virtual birth of a new medium! In a time before complex games, or even games you could play at home, the 2600 brought the arcade classics and new creations to you. Asteroids, Centipede, Missile Command, Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Berzerk... even Donkey Kong & Mario Bros from Nintendo! It also has Warlords, the underrated gem and Super Smash Brothers of the Atari. There is much more to find, tons of great games that challenge you to get a high score through just your skill.

#10 - Xbox 360 - This terminally ill, red-ringing console is on the very cusp of the end of (it's type of) console relevancy... but I cannot deny it's importance. The little brand that Halo built is the sequel to the Xbox, which should have been renamed the Microsoft Halo. While the original was just a Halo machine, the 360 actually started to make it's own series like Gears of War, Bioshock, & Mass Effect. I enjoyed these games on the 360 a lot and then our console died like a year after buying it new. Then I just played all those games on the PC. Still, the 360 was widespread and I played it with friends in it's hayday, making it ok with me. Well, kind of... you know what, never mind, screw it them more I think about it. The best part wasn't playing games before the console broke, it was showing everyone online that I did... or it would have been if you didn't have to pay for online.

#10 - Gamecube
- Not as strong as the PS2, but it was sold on what always sells Nintendo consoles - the unmatched first-party games. Well... even the first parties where weaker than usual, but still pretty great! Mario Sunshine & Wind Waker where both weaker than their previous generations showing, but Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, Mario Kart: Double Dash & Super Smash Brothers Melee improved on their former titles. Pikmin & Animal Crossing showed up as new IPs, and the Prime series changed Metroid. Colosseum & XD Brought Pokemon adventures to the home console and Resident Evil 4 was exclusive until it's popularity outgrew the console.

Well, that's my list but... wait... what's THAT?!

#S - Glorious PC Gaming Master Race

In these modern times of Xbox & Playstation just being crappy PCs, and Nintendo only just making itself different enough to remain relevant as an indivual system, there is only the glorious PC. Xbox games are usually on the PC, the one-hand countable PS4 exclusives just make people wish they where on PC and despite their difference to their contemporaries - wouldn't it be convenient to have Nintendo games on PC? Well, you largely can! Emulate every library of all but the most recent consoles! 4 decades of games at your disposal! FEED THE PC!

In all seriousness, the PC has been running parallel to consoles the whole time. Both had different feels up to the mid-2000s and could exist side by side. It feels unfair to discount all the PC greats when counting consoles from the early text and point-and-click games, to massive western RPGs like Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Deus Ex, Ultima & System Shock and soooooo much more. What used to be different niches have now combined with better technology. Now you can hook up to your TV and play it like a console, and any game that is on PC & another console will be vastly superior on PC. In a way, I am not kidding calling it #S. This is a future rating as no console will ever come along from this point forwards that a PC could not improve, and will only be hamstrung by exclusives trying to justify massive, pointless console purchases. From this point on 95% of games will be only or also on the PC, making it a console in it's own right and a juggernaut that will likely remain dominate for decades, maybe only begin surpassed by some totally new tech we can't even forsee. In the past it was a console with capabilities and libraries to be weighed against consoles, one I didn't have enough experience with to put in my top 10, but now it has become omega as new systems just poorly imitate it.

It is the only platform of the future. It is #S.

Also, old big box PC games are the best looking game collectable boxes!

This concludes another novel no one will read, thanks for reading (this end sentence)!
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2017, 09:26:45 am »
1 PS2
3 Xbox 360
5 PS1
7 Genesis
8 Gameboy
9 DS
10 NES

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2017, 09:42:47 am »
1 - Mega Drive (Genesis);
2 - Dreamcast;
3 - Saturn;
4 - Xbox One;
5 - Neo Geo AES;
6 - Xbox 360;
7 - Game Gear;
8 - Xbox;
9 - Master System;
10 - Neo Geo Pocket
« Last Edit: January 07, 2023, 04:10:33 pm by lipebittencourt »


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2017, 10:06:22 am »
PC isn't a console, it is more of a platform.

1. PS2
2. NES
3. Genesis
4. Saturn
5. PS3
6. PlayStation
7. Game Boy
8. Atari VCS
9. Game Gear
10. Master System
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 10:08:05 am by tripredacus »


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Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2017, 10:16:04 am »
If I'd put as much thought into my work as I do these lists, I'd be a superstar around here. :)

Let me see.  My favorite systems....  This is a tough one.
1 ) NES - My A+ #1 System.  I love this little box of joy.  The games are mostly pick up and play. I'm a dude without much time.  I have to keep it simple.   ;)

2 ) SNES - If I had more time this would probably be #1.  It had so many fantastic games on it that will be hard to ever be topped.

3 ) Nintendo Switch - I know.  It may be a little early, but this is MY top 10.  I love how I can take my home console with me.  It's a great little console with a lot of potential. Good games just keep coming out for this thing.

4 ) Sega Dreamcast - Here's a console that just wasn't appreciated at the time.  So many good arcade style games are on the Dreamcast. I hate it that this thing had such a short life.  I need more Sega Bass Fishing!  (I'm not even joking.)

5 ) Playstation 4 - Modern consoles are hard to put in a Top 10 list.  When it's outdated, will I ever touch it again?  Or will it be like my Xbox 360 that I thought was one of the best consoles ever?  It gets a lot of playing time around the house.  GTA V and Diablo III have clocked lots of hours.  It's got an expansive library with lots of really great games.

6 )GameCube - That Little, Purple Lunchbox that could.  It may not have been the top console when it was new, but I sure think it had more staying power than the PS2 and Xbox.  Many of the games are still fun to play.  It was the graduation from that horrible forced 3D of the late 90's to something more modern.

7 ) Sega Master System - When I was a kid, my friend down the street had a Master System while I had an NES. It was cool to see what else was out there when Nintendo ruled the market.  I've always been fascinated with this thing.  In many ways, it was superior to the NES.  A lot of cool games can be found on this thing.  I dig it.

8 ) Sega Genesis - I was a Nintendo fanboy during the good ole console wars.  I didn't give this thing a chance.  However, my little brother got one for Christmas one year.  I secretly was a fan, even though Nintendo was better. 

9 ) WiiU - It's Nintendo's version of the Dreamcast.  Lots of really fun games that just didn't get a foothold.  I think in years to come, the WiiU will be more appreciated.  The screen on the GamePad was an underrated feature.  This is an amazing console that just didn't get the love it deserved.

10) Xbox 360 - If you would have asked me 8 years ago what the greatest console of all time was, I would have said the NES.  That doesn't mean that the Xbox 360 didn't have TONS of good games on it.  I still stand by the fact that it has the perfect controller. 

There you have it.  My Top 10 Systems.  I'm sure I forgot something.  This list is fluid and ever-changing.

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2017, 10:23:49 am »
Possibly in no particular order

  • Nintendo Switch
  • Xbox 360
  • Playstation 2
  • Nintendo 64
  • Super Nintendo
  • Gamecube
  • Wii U
  • Wii
  • Atari 2600
  • X1/PS4

Good god, I couldn't even name 10.  I've never played a game on a Sega system REALLY to claim I like it.  I know I don't care for PS1/3/4 Xbox/X1.  Certainly don't care about NES or the obscure platforms.  Handhelds aren't consoles.

I'll just throw PS4/X1 as a tie for dead last.


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2017, 10:26:23 am »
PC isn't a console, it is more of a platform.

I know. It's why the tone was comedic, but I was still making some kind of point about consoles and computers blurring together and becoming less distinct. Current consoles play movies, browse the internet, download patches and so on, and PC's hook up to TVs with controllers. It's also why I made that extra section not in the actual detailed top 10 list.

Handhelds aren't consoles.

Truefact. However, Burningdoom listed some handhelds and I think everyone just followed his example. Maybe it's more like 'Top 10 Gaming Platforms' or something. I dunno, I'd have trouble listing 10 without them.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 10:31:24 am by hexen »
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2017, 10:44:33 am »
I have a lot of consoles I haven't played as much as others, but I'll try. Sorry for babbling in my explanations, I like to ramble about this stuff.

1. PS1 - It was the first console I owned and I have too many great memories with it to put it anywhere else on my list. A lot of my top 20-ish games are on this thing. I have two all-time-favourite games that I love for different reasons and I can't decide which is more important, one of them is Final Fantasy 8, so PS1 gets brownie points just for that. So many other games I've always loved with great memories, I couldn't list them all. But this was one of the three consoles that I had and really enjoyed before I started getting my own income to spend on games, so every game felt all the more special, especially since getting new PS1 games wasn't that often for me. Final Fantasy 8, Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus, Monkey Hero and Croc 2 were literally my early childhood though. Croc 2 hasn't held up so well and I found out much later that Monkey Hero is a shameless Link to the Past ripoff but I still love them for the memories.

2. Xbox - Second console I owned, again before I got my own income. If PS1 was my early childhood, Xbox was my late childhood/very early teens. I think it's quite sad how much the original Xbox has been overlooked lately. People only really think of things like Halo when thinking about it but there are so many other great games that flew under the radar. People don't seem to realise that for a while Sega published all its non-Sonic Team games exclusively for it, which means it got things like Jet Set Radio Future, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Gunvalkyrie, Shenmue 2 (after the Dreamcast sank), etc. Jet Set Radio Future and Panzer Dragoon Orta in particular are two games I'd point to as examples of reasons to get an Xbox. Shenmue's on Dreamcast too so I guess it doesn't really count. And there are so many other great non-Sega games on the thing too. People only seem to care about the PC version of Morrowind but can't forget it was on Xbox too, and honestly mods aside I prefer the Xbox version, something about it feels so much more atmospheric. I'll stop now though before this gets too long. But it had a HARD DRIVE! NO MEMORY CARDS! NONE! I've saved so much shit onto the hard drive over the years and it still says 50000+ available for memory. It never changes. Does anyone even know how much memory it has?

3. PS2 - Obligatory. I only owned a PS2 for a short while as a kid before the disc tray broke and only started properly playing it 5 or so years ago but I've fallen in love with what it has. There are too many good games on the PS2. Too many. FF8 is one of my joint-favourite games, the other is Persona 3, so naturally I love this too. Persona 4 is very close behind, and I don't think you need me to big up the other great games it has, you know the ones. I'm not as attached to this as the above two though since I got it around the time I started getting my own income and was able to buy games en masse, so my PS2 games don't really mean as much to me, but come on, it's the PS2.

4. PS Vita - I've never been a fan of handheld consoles at all, mainly because the games feel really weak, the screens are too small, the audio tends to be crap and Nintendo's shove way too many intrusive gimmicks in. So I was pretty surprised how much I loved the Vita. The screen is great (though the Switch may have ruined it for me), audio is perfectly fine and much louder than DS' if you use headphones, and the games are also great. Yeah it has gimmicks, but it's only the earliest games that really use them. If you like niche Japanese games, the Vita is the handheld for you. The library is a bit small but I think it's going to go down as a cult console. Virtue's Last Reward and Danganronpa 1/2 are some of my favourite all-time games (VLR is a Vita game as far as I'm concerned as only the US version has English voices and the 3DS is region locked, so I have to play the US Vita version), and there are plenty of other great games on it that get unfairly overlooked too. But I will say that Gravity Rush and Freedom Wars should have been killer apps for it. I have absolutely no idea why they didn't market these more.

5. PS4 - My console of choice at the moment. It couldn't be any higher since we're still in its lifecycle and not all games are out for it yet, but I'd say as of 2017 the PS4 library is pretty damn strong. Plus it has Persona 5 for god's sake. And Nier Automata. I don't know what else to say about it. You know the PS4. I know the PS4. Everyone knows the PS4. I like it.

6. SNES - This would be higher but I still haven't had a chance to play much of it. Here in the UK the SNES library is pretty piss-poor compared to the US and I've only dabbled in US games via emulator, but I plan to get an NTSC SNES soon and start hoarding games for it. Having said that, Final Fantasy 6, Chrono Trigger and EarthBound are the only games I need to point at. What else do you need me to say? Since I was a PS1 gen kiddo most consoles earlier than it are a bit too dated for me, but the SNES is the oldest console I can genuinely enjoy playing. In fact I'd say graphically it actually holds up a lot better than the next 2 gens that came after it. It perfected 2D graphics. It looks so nice.

7. Xbox 360 - My teenagehood console, last console before I got an income. A number of years ago this'd probably be higher, but lately I seem to have lost interest in it, probably because most of the games I love for it aren't exclusive. Mass Effect would be the game keeping it higher on the list since the first game was exclusive originally, but you know how that story goes. I still have a lot of great memories with it though so it's on the list. One thing though that DOES keep it on the list, it has what I consider to be the last true Final Fantasy game of all time on it: Lost Odyssey. I beg of you with every fiber of my being, if you like the golden age Final Fantasy games and have an Xbox 360, GET LOST ODYSSEY. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

8. Nintendo 64 - We're at the consoles I don't really have a whole lot to say about now. N64 has good memories for me though so I can talk a bit about it. As a young kid I always only had a PS1, but there were a number of N64 games I always really wanted to play, mainly the Pokemon ones. It was extremely rare that I got to play N64 as a kid, but when I did it was always felt amazing since it came about so rarely. I remember playing Pokemon Snap at my friend's house once and loving it. Super Mario 64 always felt kind of magical and weird to me too, I remember playing multiplayer on Goldeneye a few times as a kid and having a blast, and Zelda was always a name I'd heard but knew nothing about, but the name stuck with me. And of course there was Mario Kart. But now that I actually have an N64 I'm not really that fond of it. I like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask but other than that nothing really sticks out for me.

9. Dreamcast - Yarr harr hiddly-hee Dreamcast is a bit of an interesting console, it seems to have a lot of games on it that you wouldn't tend to see on other consoles. I'm honestly not a big fan of the Dreamcast but something about it has always mystified me. It might be here for similar reasons to the N64. I was aware of it but never played it, but then my sister's boyfriend at the time brought his friend's Dreamcast to our house once and I watched them play it for a bit, that startup screen was mesmerising. I don't remember what they played but I was interested in it. Adding this in an edit though, Skies of Arcadia is great. Worth getting a Dreamcast on the cheap for.

10. Switch - I was going to write something about this at the bottom but I don't know how to fill my list out now so I'll put it at #10 instead. I really really really like the Switch so far, it can't go anywhere higher on my list since it's only just come out and doesn't have many games yet, but if it keeps getting lots of good games I think it could easily become one of my favourite consoles. It's a fantastic piece of hardware that feels fun to play and so far the games have been pretty good. I'm normally not that interested in Nintendo games but the Switch has been different somehow. I'm optimistic for it, I just hope they support it properly.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 11:04:49 am by LeJason »

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2017, 11:22:33 am »
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 03:13:25 pm by jce3000gt »

Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #12 on: October 31, 2017, 12:21:22 pm »
1. Dreamcast: It is the only console I can say that at least 2/3 of the entire library is good and worth playing, and also it has some of my all time favorite games on it, including my favorite games of all time Shenmue and Shenmue 2. I also have a lot of nostalgia for this system as well since I owned one a few months after it came out back in 1999. Favorite Games: Shenmue, Shenmue 2, Marvel vs Capcom 2, House of the Dead 2, Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure

2. PS2: There are so many excellent titles for this console, and just when I thought I've heard of all of them I manage to find more that look appealing, hence why it is my biggest collection within my overall collection. While I don't have the same heavy nostalgia for the PS2 as I do certain other consoles, it is still one that I am very sentimental about as well.

3. Nintendo 64: The Nintendo 64 is home to several of my top 10-games of all time, and beyond that there are so many other excellent on it that it's hard not to place it higher. In addition to this I have the opposite attitude towards its controller and early 3D graphics than most people, and find them endearing more than anything. On top of that, it is probably the console I have the most nostalgia for as it was the system I played the most growing up and is what really made me the full on gamer I am today.

4. PS1: Like the PS2, there are just so many excellent titles on this console and I find it hard not to dive deeper and deeper into its library despite owning over 200 games for it. It is also an RPG lovers dream with how many great JRPGs it has, in fact I'd say it embodies the most essential JRPG titles of any game console.

5. PS3: At this point you're probably seeing a trend here; the PS3 also has an incredible amount of great titles for it, and it was my go to system last generation for exclusives and multiplats alike. i also remember just being floored by its graphics when it first came out, and still to this day they are very impressive.

6. Saturn: Even though I never owned one as a kid, I still am heavily sentimental of the Saturn since a few of my friends growing up had one and it had some of my favorite arcade games from the mid 90s ported to it. As I've got older it has also become a system I've come to appreciate more and more, mostly due to the vast amount of great imports that we never saw over here. If any console has the ability to rise in the ranks on this list, this console most certainly would.

7. Wii U: While it didn't do very well commercially, I had so much fun on the Wii U and in terms of quality titles it has some of the best of the last 10-years. While I think it gets a bad rap now, I have a strong feeling that it will go down as a system that many remember like the Dreamcast where it was underappreciated for its time.

8. XBOX: My little brother owned an XBOX back in the day, but it wasn't a system I learned to appreciate until years later when I began collecting for it. There are so many excellent games for it, and it is truly the second best thing to a PC in terms of the console ports that were released for it and the PS2. It has a lot of great exclusives as well, many of which I had no idea existed until fairly recently.

9. Genesis: My first game console and still my preferred console for 16-bit gaming, the Genesis has ome of my favorite titles growing up, and even still to this day I find new games for it that are amazingly fun. I feel like in most departments it holds its own against the SNES, and at least for me I enjoyed it more as a kid and now as an adult.

10. PS4: This is another system that will likely climb this list the longer it has been out and the more games I play for it, but so far it has proven to have a more interesting library than the PS3 did, and several of the games are leaps and bounds better than anything similar on its predecessor.


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Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #13 on: October 31, 2017, 12:59:55 pm »
PC isn't a console, it is more of a platform.

I know. It's why the tone was comedic, but I was still making some kind of point about consoles and computers blurring together and becoming less distinct. Current consoles play movies, browse the internet, download patches and so on, and PC's hook up to TVs with controllers. It's also why I made that extra section not in the actual detailed top 10 list.

Handhelds aren't consoles.

Truefact. However, Burningdoom listed some handhelds and I think everyone just followed his example. Maybe it's more like 'Top 10 Gaming Platforms' or something. I dunno, I'd have trouble listing 10 without them.

I wasn't being that particular. I just meant any machine that plays games. You can list your Nokia flip-phone from 2003, for all I care. I had handhelds and Commodore 64 on my list.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2017, 01:02:59 pm by burningdoom »


Re: Your Top 10 Consoles of All-Time
« Reply #14 on: October 31, 2017, 03:49:19 pm »
1. Sega Saturn
2. Super Famicom
3. Sega Dreamcast
4. Family Computer
5. PC Engine
6. PlayStation
7. Game Boy
8. NeoGeo
9. Mega Drive
10. Mark-III

Honorable Mention: Nintendo DS

My top-5 favorite systems are interchangeable between each other since they are all fantastic! I grew up playing NES, and SNES as a kid and enjoy Nintendo seal of quality library of games. Fell off the Nintendo bandwagon when Sega Saturn was launched in North America since I also was an arcade junkie. Pre-ordered Dreamcast 9/9/99 and loved playing all the arcade-ports being released on it. More recently discovered NEC hardware (several years ago) and realized how much power this little PC Engine machine packs.

Second half of my list has PlayStation, which to this day has the most original titles, new IPs, to grace the SONY systems in my opinion. It was a new world exploring the 3-D possibilities with the machine. Nintendo's Game Boy will always be on my list for the same reason of noteworthy original titles and timeless gameplay.

Only recently I've been playing systems I missed out on during my childhood (Genesis, Master System, and NeoGeo) that all have a place in my top-10 list with plenty of great games that were exclusive at the time. Out of the later Nintendo portable systems, I felt Nintendo DS brought the most original games along side classics compared to GBA deserves a mention.

Notable systems I did not include are Xbox with its library of SEGA games, just had more games that did not interest me the slightest. Never was a fan of the software library or hardware architecture of Nintendo 64 either. Despite PlayStation 2 having one of the largest vast selection of software, I felt too many games were re-makes and had uninspired gameplay.  Lastly, Nintendo GameCube small selection of enjoyable titles was not enough to make it on the list.