Author Topic: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased  (Read 12120 times)


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2017, 09:32:21 pm »
Some pretty okay weeks, some pretty nice adds though

some mediocre deals

floating runner ps1 cib for 15 euro's shipped

a sound of thunder gba cib 11 euro's shipped

Random deal for free

all cib in nice shape

metal gear solid snake eater guide
battle clash snes
advanced dungeons dragon commodore, box art looks nice and fully complete with extra paper work etc

A very solid ds deal for free all cib in nice shape

bubble bobble
glory of herakles

these were factory sealed

megaman battle network 5
vieuwtiful joe
dragon quest IX
naruto ninja counsil 3

A cheap cib sega saturn lot wich added these for free. not complaining pretty stoked

battle monsters

free psp and ps1 deals all cib

dragonball tag force
KKND crossfire
Hercules  :D had some good memories of this movie and game, love the voice acting in the game, never came across a excellent shape black lable copy for some reason but finally have one

A game gear deal all cib in excellent shape for 45 euro's shipped

not the best price but finding cib game gear games in very nice shape with straight sides is pretty hard, supply seems even more limited than cib nintendo let alone good games, unfortunately nothing to recoup the costs unless you could count 2 loose sonic carts to have some value. Yea right loose game gear games are pretty wortheless unless you have powerstrike etc.

less than 10 euro's a piece is a winn for me nonetheless with an extra accesoire to topp it off

very pleased to finally add some excellent cib condition game gear games, already have a console and some losse games and even an everdrive but not really something for the collection.  ;D

sonic 2
robocop vs terminator
shinobi II
super widegear in plastic baggie and the manual paper

Than my favourite deal of these past few weeks, a very cheap ps1 deal with a loss of 10 euro's shipped in very nice cib shape.

It took me over 3 years to finally aquire one, I would have guessed to have had it sooner since I have aquired most expensive mainstream games for the ps1 for bargain prices multiple times by now and even in recent times. I remember back in the day I could have bought one for 35 euro's shipped but that's a but to pricy not to mention it should be easy to find, a uk one would be 50 on ebay. was kinda wrong pretty much never saw it in lots, nowadays It's like 90 - 100 euro's not to mention the dutch copy might even surpass the UK one in value lol. What can I say the castlevania hype in my country is to real I guess

Didn't expect to get this deal but luckily I did to finally add a copy off

Castlevania chronicles   ;D

The arranged mode has a few horrible tracks however you also have acces to the original sharp XS 68000 version not to mention all the 3 sound modules like the original. Wich are even usuable on the arranged mode, pretty uncommon to have such options in arcade games, pretty awesome though.

Also pretty nice grapics for a 2D traditional castlevania game.

Pretty pleased to finally add my most wanted ps1 game, It's pretty funny that I aquired both Symphony of the night ones with ease though, well I guess I should call it good luck since those are allot harder to get and more hyped since not only is it a castlevania branded game but one of the best while chronicles is usually added because It's a castlevania game and not a very high rated one at that.

Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #46 on: November 19, 2017, 09:07:42 am »
Finds from the past 2 weeks
Tony Hawk Pro Skater PS1 loose .5$
Sims PS2 cib .5$
Ben 10 Alien Force PSP 1$
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 the Masters Wii cib 2.99$
Transformers Prime the Game Wii 2.99$
Guitar Hero III PS3 cib 1$
Fight Night Round 3 PS3 cib 1$
Ridge Racer 7 PS3 cib 1$
Tetris LCD Game .5$


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #47 on: November 20, 2017, 01:12:32 am »
Just picked up and early production made in Japan Indigo Game Cube with the red press start screen. with a 251 block memory card and Nintendo black controller.

Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #48 on: November 22, 2017, 12:09:17 am »

Today's gets.

Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition (Switch)
The Last of Us Remastered
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Playstation 4 Crystal Red controller
Pokemon Ultra Sun
Pokemon Ultra Moon
( wish I could have gotten the dual steelbook pack for those two :< )
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy XIV, Overwatch, Persona 3/4/5


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #49 on: November 22, 2017, 02:23:13 am »

Today's gets.

Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition (Switch)
The Last of Us Remastered
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Playstation 4 Crystal Red controller
Pokemon Ultra Sun
Pokemon Ultra Moon
( wish I could have gotten the dual steelbook pack for those two :< )

Hopefully you didn't pay more than $10 for the Last of Us Remastered as that's what GS is going to be selling it for on Black Friday. I have to imagine EB up in Mooseland would have a similarly priced ad.

Anywho...If anyone is looking to build up their Skylander figure collection that's pre-Imaginators then you'd best get your hind end to Toys R Us. My local store went and marked down all pre-Imaginators to no more than $3-4 a figure and on top of that they're Buy One Get FOUR Free.  ;D I helped my cousin fill his collection out quite a bit. I want to say I had 35 different figures along with two sets and a starter pack and the whole thing ran me $26 and some change.  :o

At any rate, I don't know if other locations slashed prices on them but they all should at least be B1G4F nationwide.

Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #50 on: November 22, 2017, 04:27:18 am »

Today's gets.

Axiom Verge Multiverse Edition (Switch)
The Last of Us Remastered
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Playstation 4 Crystal Red controller
Pokemon Ultra Sun
Pokemon Ultra Moon
( wish I could have gotten the dual steelbook pack for those two :< )

Hopefully you didn't pay more than $10 for the Last of Us Remastered as that's what GS is going to be selling it for on Black Friday. I have to imagine EB up in Mooseland would have a similarly priced ad.

I paid $20 for it. Looking up the black friday flyer for EB Games, says it would be on sale for $15. Not a big deal to me, and I don't think I would have had any time to go in on that day anyway. I'll be working most of the day.
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy XIV, Overwatch, Persona 3/4/5


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #51 on: November 22, 2017, 02:06:55 pm »
Picked up one of the most unique things for my PS4 this week. Its an official controller with the Last Guardians theme. Its called the Guardians of Retail edition and it was only given to employees of Sony. I will be adding it to the database momentarily. :)


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #52 on: November 23, 2017, 10:26:29 pm »
Had an interesting and shitty week at the same time. Black Friday was a hit or miss Walmart actually didn't get two games that was in their ad (bastards)!

PS4 500 GB (CIB) (friend gave to me since he upgraded his)

Crash Nitro Kart
Namco Museum


Wii U:
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Legend of Zelda Windwaker HD
Paper Mario Color Splash
Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Bonus Edition

Xbox One:
Injustice 2
Sims 4
Tekken 7


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #53 on: November 24, 2017, 10:14:26 am »
Had an interesting and shitty week at the same time. Black Friday was a hit or miss Walmart actually didn't get two games that was in their ad (bastards)!

or the prices were that good + that the games have a nice resale value on the black market in other words bought up at the very beginning and probably not that many copies around in the stores.
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #54 on: November 24, 2017, 12:10:17 pm »
I realized that I ended up with essentially the greatest hits print of Horizon Zero Dawn, so I'm getting rid of mine. It doesn't say greatest hits, but it's got all of the critical scores written across the front like 10/10 greatest game EVAR. I hate when they put that crap on the cover.

Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #55 on: November 24, 2017, 11:42:19 pm »

Today's Black Friday gets

Currently Playing
Final Fantasy XIV, Overwatch, Persona 3/4/5


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #56 on: November 26, 2017, 01:46:48 pm »
This week i've done my first hunt in almost two months but i think i went a little bit overboard...

PS1 (those three games were a lot at 1€ i found on facebook)

Patriotic Pinball (missing back cover and not in the right box)
Silent Bomber (no manual)
VR Sports powerboat racing (Demo Only - Not For Resale) - that's the reason i bought the lot, i'm always interested by those PS1 demo disc.

PS2 (1€ each and with a buy 2 get 1 free offer)

BCV: Battle Construction Vehicles (no manual)
Colin McRae Rally 3
Colin McRae Rally 2005
Evolution GT
Formula Challenge
Off Road
Pink Pong (no manual)
Red Faction II (no manual)
Rpm Tuning
State of Emergency 2 (no manual)
Sunny Garcia Surfing (no manual)
Total Immersion Racing
Urban Freestyle Soccer




.Hack//G.U.: Last Recode (had to buy the UK variant since Namco Bandai didn't released it in France...  >:()
The Technomancer

DS (was at 1€ but got it free with the PS2 games)

Nintendo DS Browser (i didn't even knew something like this existed for the DS :o)


Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

XBox (Same offer than the PS2 games, games at 1€ each and buy 2 get 1 free)

Deadly Skies
Racing Evoluzione
TD Overdrive: The Brotherhood of Speed

PC (new at 1.99€ each)

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
Dead Space 3

I also got two Mc Donald's Sonic LCD Console from a friend, a huge Mario plushie (found on sale for 4.99€), the PS1 Virtual Gun (from Big Ben Interactive) used but still in the box (in probably the last flea market of the year in my area) and three movies to continue my Video Game movie collection: eXistenZ, Tekken 2 and Autoroute Racer (it's the French version of Autobahn Raser, a German movie based on the series of the same name).

A video game shop finally called me back to get the standee i reserved ten months ago, it's an Horizon Zero Dawn standee and that thing is pretty tall (185 cm - 6'1 ft).

And this morning i found another offer on facebook, someone was selling a lot of boxed MAC games and finally at his home he had a few other things to sell (big box of Windows, Amiga and Atari games), after a bit of talking i got the whole lot for 35€. Every boxes have their games inside but not all are cib (i'm missing a few manuals and some others things like the badge that comes with Hook).


American Dreams
Navy Strike
Pharaoh (dvd case)
Pharaoh Gold (dvd case)
Quest for Glory V


Descent (US version)
Doom II (and of course someone wrote on it with a marker... need to be cleaned)
Flashback (this one is in pretty bad state but nothing irreversible, just really flattened)
Leisure Suit Larry: Shape Up or Slip Out
Lost in Time Parts 1 & 2
Out of this world (game and manual only)
Wizardry: Bane of the Cosmic Forge


Flashback (in a better state than the MAC version but still need to be restored)
Mortal Kombat
Olympique de Marseille Super Football

Atari ST


And for free with it he even give me a Continental Edison Pong console 8) (i missing the cable to connect it to the TV though and it need a lot of cleaning, that thing is so dusty...) and a huge lot of manuals and covers (for computer and consoles).

« Last Edit: November 26, 2017, 02:09:41 pm by metshael »

Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #57 on: November 26, 2017, 04:04:02 pm »
Bought Mario + Rabbids on Black Friday and received the FR/NL version.  Fun.


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #58 on: November 26, 2017, 05:06:52 pm »
Bought Mario + Rabbids on Black Friday and received the FR/NL version.  Fun.

Didn't Nintendo abandon the whole region lockout thing with the Switch or is it in place like how the 3DS is?


Re: November 2017 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #59 on: November 26, 2017, 05:31:47 pm »
Bought Mario + Rabbids on Black Friday and received the FR/NL version.  Fun.

Didn't Nintendo abandon the whole region lockout thing with the Switch or is it in place like how the 3DS is?

It is region free however I think the language on the package is the part what he calls "fun" ::)
Your Stylish Sword Master!