Author Topic: Finally caving in and buying a PS4. Any advice/recommendations for new comer?  (Read 2155 times)

Hello everyone :D.   Throughout this console generation I have purchased the two counterparts Xbox One and Switch and I love both wholesomely.  This console gen is shaping up to be my favorite of all time. But usually I wait until next gen to get the rival PS console and I end up loving both.  Console loyalty to me never made any sense as all 3 powerhouses make fantastic games.  I was going to repeat my tradition of waiting until PS4 is previous gen and cheap but than Last of Us 2 was hinted about along with the crash trilogy, and the ratchet game that are already out and now I really want to own the sony console. :)

My big questions go with console exclusives that fit my play styles or just great exclusives in general :).  I love arcade sports games, 3d platforming 3rd person shooters like Ratchet and Jak and daxter series, adventure action RPGs like kingdom hearts and Zelda and of course fun fast pace racing games.       Post apocolypitc Horror games.    Any exclusives of those kinds would be amazing! 

Also if their is any neat selling points for the console that are kind of hidden or lesser talked about if any :)

I know many of the members here adore their PS4 and I am happy with black friday coming soon to be able to finally save up for a cheap bundled version of one hopefully a slim version for only around 200 dollars. :D.     

With the PS4 i'll have the XB1, Switch and PS4 and finally have the trifecta of gaming love.  ;D

Thanks for any tips or advice.

Horizon: Zero Dawn would be a big one, it's a big open world action game that has you fighting robot dinosaurs in what is technically a post-apocalyptic world.

Bloodborne is a must, unless you don't like the Dark Souls games.  I think this one is my favorite of them for sure.

Nioh is similar, but has much more depth to it's gameplay with stuff familiar to Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden (More modern ones).

Uncharted 4 is good for the third person shooter adventure angle and if you played the previous ones, it's good to get into.

To me, those are kinda some of the biggest.  Some light recommends would be Last Guardian, Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Nier: Automata, and Infamous: Second Son.

Not too mention what is coming in the future with God of War, Last of Us 2, Days Gone, and others.

Horizon: Zero Dawn would be a big one, it's a big open world action game that has you fighting robot dinosaurs in what is technically a post-apocalyptic world.

Bloodborne is a must, unless you don't like the Dark Souls games.  I think this one is my favorite of them for sure.

Nioh is similar, but has much more depth to it's gameplay with stuff familiar to Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden (More modern ones).

Uncharted 4 is good for the third person shooter adventure angle and if you played the previous ones, it's good to get into.

To me, those are kinda some of the biggest.  Some light recommends would be Last Guardian, Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Nier: Automata, and Infamous: Second Son.

Not too mention what is coming in the future with God of War, Last of Us 2, Days Gone, and others.

Same. Basically, look into the exclusives, and see if there's anything you like. In most cases, used PS4 games are more expensive than their XB1 counterparts, so I'd keep to buying most of your cross-platform games on the XB1... unless you're adamant about buying them for your PS4.

I haven't delved much into Sony's library for this gen, so I can't really suggest anything specific. There are more Eastern exclusives on the console, so if they're at all to your taste, I suppose I'd head in that direction.

But, I will second Yakuza. Heard it's really good and that the games are actually relatively authentic.

But, I will second Yakuza. Heard it's really good and that the games are actually relatively authentic.

Yakuza 0 is fun, the action is great, I only give it a light recommend as the story and side missions kinda drag, even if the story can get pretty epic.  It's a small open world setting, but I found a lot of the side stuff, while goofy at times, got abit tedious after awhile.  It's funny watching Kazuma help a terrible dominatrix get better at being one...but why? lol The setting is good though.  Interesting getting a nice little look into late 1980's Japan though.


Not a game recommendation. but get yourself a hefty external USB3.0 hard drive.

As for games... Bloodborne GOTY (I dare say that even if you don't like Souls games, give it a chance because it works differently from other Souls games) , Kingdom Hearts I.5+II.5 and Kingdom Hearts 2.8, Nioh, Persona 5 and Nier:Automata, Gravity Rush Remastered and Gravity Rush 2, any recent Yakuza game, Hellblade, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharteds.

On an off-topic note, I'd really wish Bluepoint or some other studio worth their salt would remaster the three modern Ninja Gaiden games.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2017, 07:26:37 pm by Agozer »

Not a game recommendation. but get yourself a hefty external USB3.0 hard drive.

Bloodborne GOTY (I dare say that even if you don't like Souls games, give it a chance because it works differently from other Souls games

I would disagree.  Bloodborne is the same game as Dark Souls, just with some minor differences.  Those minor differences and a more interesting setting is why I like Bloodborne more, but everything else about the game is just straight up Dark Souls.  If someone really doesn't like the core of Dark Souls, there's really no reason to get into Bloodborne.

Gravity Rush Remastered and Gravity Rush 2...

Totally forgot about those! I'm not sure how they translate to console, but I enjoyed the original for what it was. I'd also recommend Gravity Rush if you can find it for a good price.

Return it and buy more switch games. ;)

Horizon: Zero Dawn would be a big one, it's a big open world action game that has you fighting robot dinosaurs in what is technically a post-apocalyptic world.

Bloodborne is a must, unless you don't like the Dark Souls games.  I think this one is my favorite of them for sure.

Nioh is similar, but has much more depth to it's gameplay with stuff familiar to Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden (More modern ones).

Uncharted 4 is good for the third person shooter adventure angle and if you played the previous ones, it's good to get into.

To me, those are kinda some of the biggest.  Some light recommends would be Last Guardian, Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Nier: Automata, and Infamous: Second Son.

Not too mention what is coming in the future with God of War, Last of Us 2, Days Gone, and others.

Thanks for the tips everyone :D.   I didn't know of a lot of these games. The kingdom hearts 1.5 + 2.5 for PS4 looks awesome.   I know the new Kingdom Hearts III will be for Xbox One too but I think it'd be sacreligious to play KH in any manner on a non PS console. :D

Does anyone know if Knack is good?  It's a console exclusive and looks fairly fun. :)   IGN says it's awful but I don't believe anything they say typically.

Knack 2 is the better option

Here is some titles that i enjoyed:
Cursed Castilla Ex - arcade action platformer
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap - blend of exploration, action, and adventure
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas - action-adventure experience
Mad Max -  Action-adventure game


Not a game recommendation. but get yourself a hefty external USB3.0 hard drive.

Bloodborne GOTY (I dare say that even if you don't like Souls games, give it a chance because it works differently from other Souls games

I would disagree.  Bloodborne is the same game as Dark Souls, just with some minor differences.  Those minor differences and a more interesting setting is why I like Bloodborne more, but everything else about the game is just straight up Dark Souls.  If someone really doesn't like the core of Dark Souls, there's really no reason to get into Bloodborne.

I was referring more to the fact that Bloodborne requires a more aggressive playstyle, and often penalizes the player for [trying] to play defensively.
As much as I like the Dark Souls series personally, it was much easier to get into Bloodborne. Still a damn hard game, and I'm quite proud of myself for managing to beat it. That Old Hunters expansion though... kicking my ass so hard. Still, when all is said and done, I'd say that Bloodborne is still THE console exclusive to get.

As far as Knack goes, I've never played either of them, but from what I've read, the games are very polarizing. Some seemed to have a really good time while others curse its utterly poor mechanics, characters and story.

Also, Journey on the PS4 needs more love, just like Flower.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 08:16:10 am by Agozer »


Atelier Sophie
Tales of Berseria
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness

And of course...I'm going to (blood) echo some of the folks and recommend Bloodborne. I'll also say that, even if you didn't care for Demon's Souls or Dark Souls, there's still a chance you'll enjoy Bloodborne.

Bloodborne's combat is one that relies more on offence and aggression. Instead of keeping up your shield and strafing, you need to learn how to use your gun to interrupt enemies and perform visceral attacks. Instead of sniping enemies at a distance with a bow, you're going to want to lure them to you. There is no need to worry about armor weighing you down, which is great. At a certain point in the game, you use special runes that increase your resistance to status ailments, increase your stamina, and much more. Finally, there are fewer weapons, but each weapon has a trick mode that opens up new combos and potential.

Bloodborne and Dark Souls aren't like night and day. More like night and dusk. It's clearly a From Software product, but Bloodborne manages to have its own identity.


Yeah, the Atelier games are almost all exclusives to PlayStation. They are very traditional JRPG at their core, with time management and crafting taking center stage. If kashell is going to mention Tales of Berseria, them Zestiria needs a mention too.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 07:22:20 pm by Agozer »

« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 03:12:26 pm by jce3000gt »


Not a game recommendation. but get yourself a hefty external USB3.0 hard drive.

Bloodborne GOTY (I dare say that even if you don't like Souls games, give it a chance because it works differently from other Souls games

I would disagree.  Bloodborne is the same game as Dark Souls, just with some minor differences.  Those minor differences and a more interesting setting is why I like Bloodborne more, but everything else about the game is just straight up Dark Souls.  If someone really doesn't like the core of Dark Souls, there's really no reason to get into Bloodborne.

FWIW I have tried many times to get into the Souls games and just can't do it, but I adore Bloodborne.

"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis