Author Topic: 5 Historical Time Periods that I want to see in the Assassin's Creed series  (Read 1833 times)

I would like to see these five settings considered from what i read the rumor is feudal japan for the next setting. Where could the future Assassin’s Creed game take players..........

- American Mafia -  Al Capone era (Robert De Niro or William Forsythe as Al Capone)
- The 'Old West' was famous for cowboys, native Indians, the lawmen, gunslingers, the pioneers, the prospectors, the gamblers, the scouts, the outlaws, the gangs and the gunfighters.
- China (any period)
- Ancient Greece
- The War of 1812 (which lasted from 1812 to 1814)

Japan, any era, is something that would really draw me in for sure, but that's been a rumor for years now, I think since at least 3 or Black Flag lol It would probably be the first time since Black Flag that I actually would be interested in an AC game and I've only ever been interested in AC3 and Black Flag and I thought AC3 was pretty poor.

World War 2 would be a very interesting setting too, because really, it's hard to do something standout in that era in gaming I feel, it's all been sorta done, but an open world placed in war torn Europe would be cool.  Actually wasn't there some small side thing that involved World War 2 at one point in the AC games?

Black Flag was great If i were to add a sixth time period or setting i think a Viking-era entry  has alot of possibilities.

Assassin type games set in this era. WW2 - Sniper Elite, Saboteur, Velvet Assassin if they go that route why not project a ww3 theme alot of possibilities I guess.

Assassin type games set in this era. WW2 - Sniper Elite, Saboteur, Velvet Assassin if they go that route why not project a ww3 theme alot of possibilities I guess.

That is true, though it has been awhile for two of those and Sniper Elite is a very different game from AC.

Yup your right and my suggestion of a world war 3 theme doesn't fit  the historical time period theme  hehe oh well


Assassin Creed: Origins? Psssh... Give me Assassins Creed: Origins: Origns.

I want to see the TRUE origins where the Rocklars try to club the Dirtsassins with their sticks. The technology was REALLY early, so instead of having to cut off their middle fingers for their blades the Dirtsassins have to cut off their whole arms and stick a point rock in there, though 100% die within a few hours. They need those rocks to stop the Rocklars from stealing their shiny magic apple that is actually an old rotten apple that will give them fatal food poisoning, but they want it anyways because they are all starving, stupid mongoloids. You'll of course walk around the jungles and pickpocket woolly mammoths and dinosaurs that totally exist alongside early humans despite all proof to the contrary because the bible said so and anyone who disagrees goes to hell!

You will of course use your parkour skills to jump across the architecture of big leafs stacked haphazardly on dead branches making dumb shelters that will almost always break under your weight, give you a nasty cut and kill you from an infection easily treatable in the earliest of contemporary times. It goes without saying the world will be inhabited by wise-cracking animal tools ala The Flintstones. You'll be able to sneak about by rolling in the mud and telling the Rocklars you are mud because they are stupid enough to believe it. This is made slightly harder by the fact language doesn't exist and everyone yells like a crying, angry child to communicate.

The twist of the game is at the end you get technologically evolved fire rock that you bash your head with to go back and see the REAL origins when the Virusemplars fought the Bacteriassasins in a microscopic world where you parkour off of cell walls and the golgi apparatus. Assassin's Creed: Origins: Origins: Origins of Life!

...Did I mention I am not a big fan of the series and everything I know about them comes from about 5 hours split between the first and second games and random internet osmosis...?
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!

How about using a pointed spear or a jaded edge therefore they can keep there arms in tact who ever said a club is effective anyways :/

I would like to see these five settings considered from what i read the rumor is feudal japan for the next setting. Where could the future Assassin’s Creed game take players..........

- American Mafia -  Al Capone era (Robert De Niro or William Forsythe as Al Capone)
- The 'Old West' was famous for cowboys, native Indians, the lawmen, gunslingers, the pioneers, the prospectors, the gamblers, the scouts, the outlaws, the gangs and the gunfighters.
- China (any period)
- Ancient Greece
- The War of 1812 (which lasted from 1812 to 1814)

I think one of their games using the unity engine was in China, but it was also more of a mini-release... Chronicles, was it?

( ... also one for India, and one for Russia!)

But yeah, they're totally missing a good era, there. Lots of potential for 1800s onwards, as well as some ancient (and REALLY ancient) stuff from the various dynasties, too. Heck, the Three Kingdoms era would give them a lot of historical liberty, as well.

And hey, why not Assassins IN SPAAAAACE??  ::)

Apparently that is a side scrolling four part adventure that was ORIGINALLY released on psn and xbla  i wouldnt mind trying it out.  From what i read online the next assasins creed will be japan for a 2019 release. Yah i agree they should consider mars if japan doesnt work out haha