Author Topic: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?  (Read 3789 times)

Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« on: November 30, 2017, 10:35:15 pm »
Hello everyone :D

I was thinking of all the amazing female protagonists and antogonists in video games from princess peach to bayonetta and all the amazing Final Fantasy characters like Yuffie ect....  and everything in between and was wondering where they rank on your favorites list :)   

My favorite girl in video games is Clementine from the walking dead series.  Especially season 3 Clementine when she becomes a shotgun wielding boss :).   Her back story is pretty substantial as of this point.  And through the first 3 seasons of the tell tale they have really nailed the character development spot on. It's like we've seen her entire personality change as she gets older and she becomes more dark, sassy and edgy as the zombie apocolypse and ruthless villains and gore she endures changes her personality.  Definitely excited for season 4 :).

I also really like Pikachu.  I think shes a girl.


Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2017, 10:43:04 pm »
Jeena from Spectrobes on the DS  8)

Other than that I would say Heather from SH3
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 02:39:19 pm by telly »
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Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2017, 12:03:46 am »
Rhyth from JSRF

Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2017, 12:58:32 am »

Midna was always a favorite character of mine, someone who was a major part of the story, but unlike Zelda, actually accompanied you along for the ride, allowing you to see just how good of a character she is.  Fi could've been that too had she been less obnoxious in design and better handled.

Bayonetta would be one that could easily slip into a like just for how she looks, but I think there's quite abit more to her that makes her seem way more exciting.  It's the confidence, the charisma, the style, it all works to make her incredibly fun.

I'll add another later...


Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2017, 01:37:49 am »
Yuko Ahso of Valis series.


Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2017, 01:46:13 am »
It might sound a bit cliche, but I'd say Lara Croft. The original one, because she was more of an archetypal hero character. New Lara is part of the modern trend of "believable" characters in cinematic games that has become the standard.

Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2017, 02:01:07 am »

Samus. My always and forever. ♥

Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2017, 03:28:44 am »
Commander Shepard and basically the whole Mass Effect crew, Nathan Drake, Ellie and Joel, Trevor Philips, Clementine and Lee from TWD.... way too many great characters to only pick one tbh

Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2017, 03:29:41 am »
The most perfect woman I've ever seen in fiction.

Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2017, 05:01:37 am »
The most perfect woman I've ever seen in fiction.

It's so weird because Male Shep is probably my favorite character ever but I just can't play with FemShep, it's probably because I played with male Shep first tho. I just feel like male Shep fits better with the crew ^^

Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2017, 08:28:36 am »
I feel like this thread pops up frequently, but I can't find any history of it, so I guess I'm crazy.

I don't think I have a favorite girl video game character... but I'll list some of my favorites.

Ruby Malone (Wet)
Virginia Maxwell (Wild Arms 3)
Jo-Beth Casey (Timesplitters Future Perfect)
Corporal Hart (Timesplitters 2)
Fem-Shep (Mass Effect 3)
Zelda (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
Lucina (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Tharja (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Setsuna (Fire Emblem: Fates)
Ittle (Ittle Dew)
Dana Moore (Homefront: The Revolution)
Cait (Fallout 4)
Veronica Santangelo (Fallout: New Vegas)
Elena Fisher (Uncharted)
Tron Bonne (Mega Man Legends)
Lilith (Borderlands)

Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2017, 10:55:48 am »
The most perfect woman I've ever seen in fiction.

It's so weird because Male Shep is probably my favorite character ever but I just can't play with FemShep, it's probably because I played with male Shep first tho. I just feel like male Shep fits better with the crew ^^

That's funny because I feel completely the opposite. I've played the first Mass Effect as both male and female Shepard and hands down female Shepard is Shepard for me. Her voice actress does such an excellent job at bringing the character to life. I found the voice acting for male Shepard, as well as his presence in the game, to be not as profound or interesting, and also to be a bit more dry than female Shepard. Both a good, but female Shepard is my preference by a mile.

Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2017, 10:58:38 am »
The most perfect woman I've ever seen in fiction.

It's so weird because Male Shep is probably my favorite character ever but I just can't play with FemShep, it's probably because I played with male Shep first tho. I just feel like male Shep fits better with the crew ^^

That's funny because I feel completely the opposite. I've played the first Mass Effect as both male and female Shepard and hands down female Shepard is Shepard for me. Her voice actress does such an excellent job at bringing the character to life. I found the voice acting for male Shepard, as well as his presence in the game, to be not as profound or interesting, and also to be a bit more dry than female Shepard. Both a good, but female Shepard is my preference by a mile.
Honestly, I wish they'd re-release the Trilogy for PS4/X1 with ME3 Fem-shep as a default option like Male Shepard in all of the games.


Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2017, 11:05:59 am »
My first one would probably be Celes from Final Fantasy 6. I always renamed Locke to my name whenever I played as a kid, so his actions were my actions. Whenever he saved Celes, it was like I saved her as well. So she's #1 for me. Other than that, I always tended to have my favorite characters, male and female that always got used. So here's a few of the most favorite ladies.

Final Fantasy 6: Celes
Final Fantasy X: Rikku
Gears of War 3: Samantha Byrne
Trails of Cold Steel Series: Fie & Laura
Tales of Xillia - Milla
Tokyo Xanadu - Asuka

Re: Who is your favorite girl video game character ever?
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2017, 11:31:18 am »
The most perfect woman I've ever seen in fiction.

It's so weird because Male Shep is probably my favorite character ever but I just can't play with FemShep, it's probably because I played with male Shep first tho. I just feel like male Shep fits better with the crew ^^

That's funny because I feel completely the opposite. I've played the first Mass Effect as both male and female Shepard and hands down female Shepard is Shepard for me. Her voice actress does such an excellent job at bringing the character to life. I found the voice acting for male Shepard, as well as his presence in the game, to be not as profound or interesting, and also to be a bit more dry than female Shepard. Both a good, but female Shepard is my preference by a mile.

Idk I'm not a big fan of femshep's voice tbh, I think my issue with her voice is that she sounds way too old imo, and depending on how you make her look like it sometimes doesn't fit. I guess it's really just up to everyone's opinion and also as how you see Shepard. But I mean this is what's good about games where you can customize your character, everyone has a different version of the technically same character =)