Author Topic: A Year in Review - 2017  (Read 3538 times)


A Year in Review - 2017
« on: December 01, 2017, 08:45:27 am »
It's that time again. 2017 is starting to wind down. I thought it would be fun to, once again, have everyone reflect on their gaming journeys throughout the year. I'll make some categories. You fill them in. This has always been fun for me to read. Hopefully, it's just as fun for the rest of you.


Favorite 2017 Release: What's your favorite game that you played this year that was released in 2017?

Least Favorite 2017 Release: On the opposite end, what's your least favorite game released in 2017?

Favorite Game Played in 2017: All of us enjoy games from yesteryear. What game this year earns your spot for best game ever? It could be released in 2017 if you like.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: What's your least favorite game that you played this year?

Sleeper Hit of 2017: What's your personal sleeper hit for 2017?

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: What moment in a game you played this sticks in your head the strongest? Was it something awesome? Something tragic? Something completely over the top? Keep spoilers to a minimum or mark them if you can.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: Share a story about a cool find from this year!

I'll give my responses in another post.

Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2017, 10:12:55 am »
It's that time again. 2017 is starting to wind down. I thought it would be fun to, once again, have everyone reflect on their gaming journeys throughout the year. I'll make some categories. You fill them in. This has always been fun for me to read. Hopefully, it's just as fun for the rest of you.


Favorite 2017 Release What's your favorite game that you played this year that was released in 2017?

Least Favorite 2017 Release On the opposite end, what's your least favorite game released in 2017?

Favorite Game Played in 2017 All of us enjoy games from yesteryear. What game this year earns your spot for best game ever? It could be released in 2017 if you like.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017 What's your least favorite game that you played this year?

Sleeper Hit of 2017 What's your personal sleeper hit for 2017?

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: What moment in a game you played this sticks in your head the strongest? Was it something awesome? Something tragic? Something completely over the top? Keep spoilers to a minimum or mark them if you can.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: Share a story about a cool find from this year!

I'll give my responses in another post.

Favorite 2017 Release:  The Legend of Zelda Breath Of The Wild- It's so close because Mario Odyssey is truly an amazing game but Zelda was slightly better imo and it was one of the most depthful and breathtaking installments in the franchise.  If I had to choose one game to define this year it'd be BOTW :)

Least Favorite 2017 Release  I haven't played much bad games, but if I had to pick one. I'd say NBA 2K18.  What an awful paid review disaster in every way.  Micro trans after micro trans, awful servers, pay to win formula masked over a recycled 2k16 fake GTA sim town where you have to pay for haircuts with VC you have to spend on your attributes.  And it's already been calculated you'd have to play for 12 months straight in order to get a 99 ovr player without paying for the VC and by then the new one comes out and it'll be even worst.  Every single aspect of this game is blatently and offensively desgined for you to spend money on virtual currency.  Not to mention the game crashed and deleted half of it's users players during launch making people spend money twice.  A clear money grab and one of the worst ive seen.  To hell with this game.     

Favorite game played in 2017  Now it gets even tougher because I have played Turtles in Time, Minecraft, Walking dead season 3, all for the first time this year. All games that are breath taking imo along with Breath of the wild.  I am really leaning towards Turtles in Time but BOTW deserves this spot I think.  It defined my year more than any other game.  It's truly a masterpiece. 

Least Favorite Game Played 2017  I'd say NBA 2K18 again. It is one of the few new releases I ever sold within launch week. 

Sleeper hit of 2017  Mario + Rabbids kingdom battle.  It might not be the most obscure but i don't think it got the mainstream push it deserved.  It's really fun and unique :).  One of my faves on the console.

Favorite Gaming Moment 2017 Rescuing Princess Zelda from Calamity Ganon.  I wont share spoilers but it is one of the gaming moments i'll carry for life :)

Produest collecting accomplishment 2017:   Got a Switch

« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 10:16:48 am by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2017, 10:18:09 am »
My memory is so fuzzy, so I planned for just this occasion with my 104 game challenge.

Favorite 2017 Release: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.  I can't even remember how hyped I was for this game, but this game was amazing.  Not a day goes by that I don't think about playing through this game again brand new and going about it differently than the first time I played.  This game has so much depth.

Least Favorite 2017 Release:Gonna have to tie this as Need for Speed: Payback and Star Wars Battlefront II... also just about any EA game.  Microtransaction/pay to win bullshit is not acceptable.

Favorite Game Played in 2017: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.  Can I just reiterate how amazing this game is?  Because it is.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: Shifting World, the only game I straight up abandoned.  Several puzzles in you get into this trial and error stuff with no checkpoints, so you have to re-do a puzzle over and over and over until you figure it out because you die when you mess up, and there are still 100's of puzzles left.  No way.  The original very of this game allowed you to see the whole puzzle, so there was no trial and error.  The 3DS version only shows you where you are standing, so you can't see but a fraction of the puzzle, so you just have to guess that you are doing the right thing.

Sleeper Hit of 2017:Mad Max (X1).  This game wasn't reviewed well and just totally went under the radar, but I absolutely loved this game.  Guns and cars.  Post apocalypse.  These are the things I love.  And this game does it magnificently.

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017:Bloodborne final boss fight.  I summoned a player character and they got destroyed, and then I resummoned the exact same player.  Was expecting to basically do the fight by myself again, and then suddenly the boss activated his final form and I was just confused.  Like "Uh, did the boss just activate his final form?".  And then the boss just fell over and started doing his death speech or whatever.  Summoned character just taunts and despawns.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017:I didn't actually do a lot of collecting this year.  I hit 5000 items in my collection, I hit 500 PS2 games, I'm only about 20 games off from a full N64 set.  I also acquired a lot of heavy hitters this year like Rule of Rose, Kuon, Pocky & Rocky 2, Blood Will Tell, etc.  I don't think I got a lot of games for yard sale prices this year other than dupes.

Gonna add some new categories again this year.

Proudest Gaming Accomplishment in 2017:

Favorite Game Revisited in 2017: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.  For some reason I started playing this game a few months back... and it took up like a whole month of my time.  This game is just so amazing.  I'm planning on getting that Platinum trophy next year.

Least Favorite Game Beat in 2017: Oni (PS2) with Virginia (PS4) as a close second.  Oni is just plainly a horrible made game.  Just sucks seven ways to Tuesday.  Virginia, I just have absolutely no idea what was going on in that game.  There is no dialogue, no context, things just happen and events jump from one to the next.  The entire game is way too vague, no clue what was going on.

Top 10 Games played in 2017
  • Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (NS)
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)
  • Mad Max (X1)
  • Dragon Quest IV (NDS)
  • Super Mario Odyssey (NS)
  • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands (PS4)
  • Bloodborne (PS4)
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
  • Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (PS4)
  • Ittle Dew 2+ (NS)

Ten worst games played in 2017
  • Shifting World (3DS)
  • Oni (PS2)
  • Virginia (PS4)
  • Pepsi-man (PS1)
  • Chibi-Robo: Zip-lash (3DS)
  • Blade Kitten (360)
  • The Unfinished Swan (PS4)
  • Puyo Puyo Tetris (NS)
  • The Italian Job (PS2)
  • Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PS4)

Some other info from my 104 game challenge

Honorable Mention
  • Republique (PS4)
  • Disaster Report (PS2)
  • Under The Skin (PS2)
  • Mister Mosquito (PS2)
  • Yakuza Kiwami (PS4)
  • Snipperclips (NS)
  • Undertale (PS4)

Platform most games played in 2017: PS4 with 31 games beat.  33 games beat if you count PSVR games towards that count.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 10:57:04 am by ignition365 »


Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2017, 10:27:43 am »


Favorite 2017 Release: What's your favorite game that you played this year that was released in 2017? Absolutely without a doubt Ys VIII. Simply put, this is the best experience Ive ever had on a game. From start to finish, the game is amazing. I still listen to the soundtrack almost every day while working and it brings me back to moments.

Least Favorite 2017 Release: On the opposite end, what's your least favorite game released in 2017? Fucking FF XV. I had such high hopes for this game to be "the one" to bring FF out of its misery and take the series back to one that I remember during the SNES/PS1 era. Instead this game is garbage. I dont know why its being touted as the RPG series the Western fans love cause this shit they have been putting out lately makes me wish it didnt even have the FF name on it. World of Final fantasy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FFXV for true fans.

Favorite Game Played in 2017: All of us enjoy games from yesteryear. What game this year earns your spot for best game ever? It could be released in 2017 if you like. I want to say Ys VIII cause its definitely the truth but there have been a lot of great games Ive had the honor of playing this year. Ys Origin, Nier Automata, Horizon, DQ Heroes 2, DQ Builders, Darksiders 1 & 2, Shadow of War, Axiom verge .... just a plethora of amazing games ... and they are all on the PS4. 4 4 life!

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: What's your least favorite game that you played this year? That is still the abomination that is FF XV. No other game have I inserted into my PS4 that I couldnt get out fast enough.

Sleeper Hit of 2017: What's your personal sleeper hit for 2017? Axiom Verge. Playing this game gives you much love for the original Metroid series (not that Prime junk). It is just super cool and considering it was made by just 1 man made his accomplishment all that more awesome. Tom Happ, you rocked it this year.

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: What moment in a game you played this sticks in your head the strongest? Was it something awesome? Something tragic? Something completely over the top? Keep spoilers to a minimum or mark them if you can. The moment Dana actually joins the group. Nuff said.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: Share a story about a cool find from this year! When I actually won (and then received) my Guardians of Retail PS4 controller. I had been scouring the internet for months looking for just a glimpse of this item ... then finding one for sale at a reasonable price considering what it is. Its one of the first times I bought an item and didnt say a single word about it till the moment it was in my hand just to be sure that I didnt get backdoored. The other one is my 20th anniversary PS4. I originally missed the sale on this item as it dropped faster than a whore on prom night. Then the prices for a while on this thing reached over 10k and I figured I would never get one. My patience paid off though. I actually got the unit cheaper than it originally sold for to begin with. 2 great PS4 pieces for my beloved collection!

Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2017, 10:42:32 am »
I'm going to format this a bit differently for my response since I don't play a ton of new release games, and also like to mix up what I play between retro and newer games. But here is my review of this year as well as some top 5 lists for the year below. 2017 was definitely a year of surprises and milestones, not only as a gamer, but also as a collector.

I will start with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, a game I knew I'd enjoy, but in no way expected to love as much as I ended up doing. It was so enjoyable, fun, immersive, surprising and epic that it ended up beating out Ocarina of Time as my 2nd favorite game of all time, something I never thought possible. Despite beating the main story in the game back in late March, I still get sucked into seemingly mundane things such as travel from one end of the map to the other, completing side quests and finding Koroks along the way; literally everything you do in this game feels like an epic adventure and the freedom to do these things however you want just ads to how amazing this game is! I plan on replaying Shenmue and Shenmue 2 next year, my two favorite games of all time, because I haven't played either in several years, but also I am seriously considering whether or not Breath of the Wild might be my favorite game of all time, that is how much I adore this game.

The next big surprise of this year was how much my priorities and style of collecting changed. Around the beginning of January my collection hit its peak in terms of quantity with around 1990 games. Shortly after that, that same month my girlfriend experienced a medical emergency which forced me to find another source of quick income in order to pay for it (terrible, greedy US healthcare system..woohoo!). As a result I sold off probably 15% of my collection, including several rare, hard to find items. This was incredibly hard for me since video game collecting has been my primary hobby and focus for nearly 10-years, however I was surprised at how I felt as a result of selling these games off.

I honestly wasn't sad or at a loss once they were thrown up on ebay; I sold them, packaged them up, and said goodbye to them forever, and that was it. I didn't grieve them, yearn to have them back in my collection or look at my dwindling collection with sadness. In fact, something crazy and unexpected happened; it made me appreciate what I did have, motivating me to not only want to play more of the games I owned, but to also rethink how I collected games. No more would I hold onto a game after finding out it was meh, but rather I'd want to sell it in order to make sure my collection only possessed the best games I'd ever played. On top of that it made me realize that I have all but finished by quest in collecting older retro games, finding that I either own all the titles I really care about or I could easily play them via emulator if I wanted. I feel like I've become more in touch with my roots as a gamer as a result of all of this and I feel happier as a result.

Speaking of being a gamer, I also probably beat more games this year than I have in my entire life. Thanks to the 52 games challenge and my new found appreciation for the games in my collection, I am currently at the time of writing this at 73 games beat this year with hopefully a few more beat by the end of the year. One genre that I heavily invested time in, beating many titles from within was the SHMUP genre. I have always been a huge shooter fan, but this year I took my love for the genre to the next level and played many titles I had never heard of or had placed on my backlog for a very long time. I certainly discovered some excellent gems in the process including Battle Garegga which is my 2nd favorite shooter of all time, as well as one of the best games I played this year. While I definitely plan on playing a lot of SHMUPs in 2018, it won't be nearly as many as I played this year due to me playing so many excellent titles, but thankfully there are still many more I look forward to playing in the coming years.

So that is the gist of my year as a gamer and a collector. Without further delay, here are the best and worst games I played this year.

Top 5 Best Games of 2017:

1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch)
2. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch)
3. Battle Garegga (Arcade)
4. God of War 2 (PS3)
5. Armed Police Batrider (Arcade)

Top 5 Worst Games of 2017:

1. Xevious 3D/G+ (PS1)
2. Strikers 1945 (Arcade)
3. Dark Souls (PS3)
4. Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch)
5. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4)
« Last Edit: December 01, 2017, 10:50:47 am by bikingjahuty »


Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2017, 10:46:34 am »
Favorite 2017 Release: I honestly didn't play a lot of games that were released in 2017 though I did buy several. I'll go with Tokyo Xanadu since I'm a huge Falcom fan and it was a decent enough story.

Least Favorite 2017 Release: I don't have one for this section.

Favorite Game Played in 2017: Darkest Dungeon on PC, and Final Fantasy XV on PS4. Darkest Dungeon ended up being a surprise to me since I never really read anything about it and bought it after watching a ProJared Let's Play. I enjoyed FFXV much more than a lot of other folks. I thought it was a pretty solid game and loved the storyline. I'm not hugely picky when it comes to games.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: Asdivine Hearts on PSVita. It was a LRG release of a IOS port. The storyline really wasn't that bad, but the simplistic system and game mechanics got old really quick. I'll go back to 100% it soon since I just need the endings, but damn will it be hard to make myself do it.

Sleeper Hit of 2017: Cyberdimension Neptunia: 4 Goddesses Online

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: Whenever you complete FFXV the credits roll back to the beginning and you hear Florence and the Machine's cover of Stand By Me. At that point, when I heard the beginning dialog again, I remembered all of the crap Noctis and his friends went through and it made me remember my childhood friends, especially the ones who passed away. I had a moment when I just sat back, listened, and remembered them.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: My son was born this year, so I had to avoid a lot of purchases, but I did win an SNES classic by attending a webinar. I completely forgot that it was a door prize until I was contacted a month later.

Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2017, 11:51:15 am »

Favorite 2017 Release: Persona 5.

Least Favorite 2017 Release: Star Wars Battlefront II (2017)

Favorite Game Played in 2017: Persona 5. Was a tough choice between it, Breath of the Wild and Mario Odyssey.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: Spyro : Enter the Dragonfly

Sleeper Hit of 2017: Super Lucky's Tale (It's a cute, fun, simple platformer. Honestly haven't heard much from anyone about it, good or bad, but I've been playing it and its fun.)

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: Hearing the battle theme for Persona 5. It's constantly stuck in my head (in a good way.) It's so catchy.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: Finding a near perfectly untouched condition copy of Final Fantasy III for the SNES.
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy XIV, Overwatch, Persona 3/4/5


Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2017, 12:27:16 pm »
I'm really enjoying these responses.

I think bikingjahuty's has been my favorite because I can relate to it; I'm a gamer first and foremost. Collecting just happens because of my gaming.

Favorite 2017 Release: Tales of Berseria. This is the best game in the Tales series and has earned the top spot as favorite game in the series. After earning the platinum trophy 100-some hours later, I wasn't ready for it to end.

Least Favorite 2017 Release: I know some people are going to be surprised, but my pick actually goes to Ys VIII. I won't get into the reasons why unless someone is curious. It just ended up being the biggest disappointment for the year.

Favorite Game Played in 2017: Again, Tales of Berseria. That said, I have a ton of honorable mentions. Shining Force III, Burning Rangers, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Bloodborne, Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne...I could go on.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: Lunar: Dragon Song. Need I say why?

Sleeper Hit of 2017: Blue Reflection. This is a game made by Gust that seemed to only get recognized by fans of Gust. If you're not a Gust follower, then chances are it slipped under your radar.

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: Goodness, there are so many. If I had to pick one, it would be a key moment in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. I don't want to spoil anything. Again, I can go into details if there is any interest.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: Finding a copy of Burning Rangers while hanging out with one of my bestest friends on this very site. There's a story to go along with it. It's a great game, and having it in my collection as a souvenir makes it extra special.

Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2017, 03:15:18 pm »
While I still have a couple I skipped over and I'm just getting Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I'm pretty sure my list is set now...

Favorite 2017 Release: I think it's going to Breath of the Wild.  While it's not a perfect game, it's what I've wanted from Zelda for so long and I absolutely loved my time in it.  Still going through the trials now before the DLC comes out.

Least Favorite 2017 Release: Tough choice between For Honor or The Surge.  For Honor functioned, but I really didn't like the gameplay, The Surge had actual problems, but I wanted to like it more.  Abandoned both games as I just wasn't having fun and there wasn't anything really redeeming in them for me.

Favorite Game Played in 2017: Making this one purposefully not a 2017 game, I would say probably DmC: Devil May Cry.  Something I had planned to play for abit, but it turned out to be a pretty solid action game.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: Sticking with Pre-2017 games, I'd maybe say Earth Defense Force 4.1.  I don't understand this series and it's minor popularity.  It runs like absolute garbage at all times, it's always run like garbage, it always visually looks bad, with bad animations, bad dialogue, and bad AI...Like there's a fun novelty to it, but it's so bad.  Which is funny that they are in the future, releasing another one of these bad games and a separate one that actually visually looks good with maybe quality gameplay lol

Sleeper Hit of 2017: A Hat in Time.  While this game I think is getting well deserved credit, it's still a small indie release that surprised me with how enjoyable it was, being overall more fun than Yooka-Laylee.  It's getting a PS4/Xbone release next week I believe, so it'll get a lot more attention then.


Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2017, 06:06:57 pm »
Favorite 2017 Release: Prey - It's not perfect, but as someone who is extremely into the original Dead Space and BioShock 1 & 2, being able to play a game and really get my teeth into it has been a real pleasure, so much hidden loot!

Least Favorite 2017 Release: The Town of Light - OK so walking-sims are bottom of my list anyway (they're not even games), but this one had potential to be interesting and just squandered it.

Favorite Game Played in 2017: It was such a rush to play Rescue Shot, one of my favourite PS1 games, on a backwards compatible PS3 on flatscreen... it was nostalgic and almost emotional.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: Super Dungeon Bros. (PS4), more graphical polish than a free flash game but less fun, ugh!

Sleeper Hit of 2017: Dungeons III - the dialogue is fantastic and it was a blast to play.

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: Beating Vagrant Story on that backwards compatible PS3, I've never managed it before and it was a good feeling.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: Walking into a charity shop about a month ago and walking out with a complete copy of Legend of Dragoon for 99p. Wow, that doesn't happen to me normally.


Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2017, 06:41:16 pm »
It's that time again. 2017 is starting to wind down. I thought it would be fun to, once again, have everyone reflect on their gaming journeys throughout the year. I'll make some categories. You fill them in. This has always been fun for me to read. Hopefully, it's just as fun for the rest of you.


Favorite 2017 Release: What's your favorite game that you played this year that was released in 2017? It will undoubtedly be Super Mario Odyssey, even though I probably won't get to play it until after the new year, or until Xmas.

Least Favorite 2017 Release: On the opposite end, what's your least favorite game released in 2017? Nothing in particular stands out.

Favorite Game Played in 2017: All of us enjoy games from yesteryear. What game this year earns your spot for best game ever? It could be released in 2017 if you like.  Sonic 3

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: What's your least favorite game that you played this year? Sonic Heroes

Sleeper Hit of 2017: What's your personal sleeper hit for 2017? Yooka-Laylee

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: What moment in a game you played this sticks in your head the strongest? Was it something awesome? Something tragic? Something completely over the top? Keep spoilers to a minimum or mark them if you can. ... drawing a blank.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: Share a story about a cool find from this year! Beefed up my Saturn game collection a bit this year, and reached over 2000 games.


Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2017, 03:44:35 pm »
Favorite 2017 Release: Super Mario Odyssey, hands down. Extremely creative and a ton of fun to play.

Least Favorite 2017 Release: Truth be told, I enjoyed every new game I got, didn't play anything I truly disliked this year.

Favorite Game Played in 2017: I'd have to double-dip and say Super Mario Odyssey once again.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: Shrek: Fairy Tale Freakdown. It was still fun with how crappy it was though lol.

Sleeper Hit of 2017: Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 + Arcade Game Series for PS4. So much fun and really put a neat spin on the classic Pac-Man gameplay.

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: Completing the 100 jump rope challenge in Super Mario Odyssey. idk why but it was one of the most satisfying things I've ever completed in a video game.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: Giving up on it for a while, selling a lot of games, getting a new job I love and playing a lot of the games I've collected, overall, just being happier.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2017, 05:15:59 am »
Favorite 2017 Release:
If I can vote for a remastered game, I would say Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy. If we count only new games, then it is Horizon Zero Dawn.

Least Favorite 2017 Release:
I almost didn't play any new games this year... But I believe that my vote goes to Destiny 2. I loved the first game, but all this loot crate stuff and stupid missions that you need to do in order to get the best gear ended up killing all the wish that I had to even play the game...

Favorite Game Played in 2017:
Doom (2016).

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017:
Well, as a fan of bad games, I've definitely tried a lot of crappy ones this year, but due to my love for the franchise, I need to say that I feel so sad everytime I try playing The King of Fighters XIV...

Sleeper Hit of 2017:
Once again, I will need to vote for a remastered game. The remake of Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap is a masterpiece that should have been much more revered by gamers in general, not only by the retro community.

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017:
EA losing US$3 billion in stock value after the negative reception of Battlefront 2.

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017:
Personally speaking, this was one of the best years ever to collect. I was able to add so many stuff to my collection... So, I believe that moving to my new apartment where I have a proper gaming room with a CRT TV and all my retro consoles installed was my biggest achievement this year as a collector.
If I need to choose only one item, I would say that the 2017 rerelease of the original Mega Drive by Tectoy with my name engraved on it by the folks in Tectoy themselves was my favorite addition in the last 12 months.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 11:22:29 am by ferraroso »

Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2017, 02:44:50 pm »
Favorite 2017 Release: Tekken 7

Least Favorite 2017 Release: I only played four games that came out this year and I liked those 4 so N/A

Favorite Game Played in 2017: Super Metroid, first time I played it and then I played it again. So good.

Least Favorite Game Played in 2017: Star Fox Zero. The damn controllers killed it but retreading familiar ground also didnt help.

Sleeper Hit of 2017: Resistance Burning Skies. It was a rather enjoyable handheld FPS. If you have the Vita and can get it cheap, its pretty worth it.

Favorite Gaming Moment in 2017: Resident Evil 7, getting punched in the face at the beginning while Baker is all "Welcome to the family son"

Proudest Collection Accomplishment of 2017: Getting the NES and SNES Classic without killing myself. Also building a RetroPie


Re: A Year in Review - 2017
« Reply #14 on: December 03, 2017, 06:55:59 pm »
I will probably make my list later this month, possibly in January! It doesn't help that I've played no games released in 2017 this year D:
Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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