Author Topic: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me  (Read 1844 times)


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Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« on: December 11, 2017, 01:13:38 am »
I now actually count and catalog digital purchases as part of my collection.

In large part because there are so many games this generation that are impossible to find in physical or their physical versions are incomplete without additional downloads/patches/dlc.

Have you succumbed?

Re: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2017, 02:57:55 am »
I don't count them as part of my "collection", but I've been digital on PC for years, because there's only digital on PC, though for games I really like, I do try to get a physical version if I can.  Even it's basically pointless.

Re: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2017, 03:23:00 am »
Not really. While I have accumulated a large digital library for my Xbox, I still go for the physical 9 times out of 10 as besides making for a better looking display on my shelves, physical versions of games wind up being cheaper than the digital.


Re: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2017, 06:12:28 am »
You don't own it.

Re: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2017, 10:32:01 am »
I have a pretty extensive library of digital downloads, most on PC, however I will never count them as part of my overall collection. Having digital games is essentials indefinitely renting them from the distributor/publisher.


Re: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2017, 12:29:27 pm »
I totally know the feel. I felt that way when I first started buying digital games on the 360 and Steam. I've slowed down a lot with the digital items, but for some reason, digital items on the Switch feel really handy. It didn't bother me on the 3DS, but for some reason, the last time I had to switch (that pun wasn't intended) out a cartridge on the Switch, my first reaction was "ugh, I don't want to get up." I was shocked at myself, lol.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2017, 02:51:05 pm »
I catalog them with my physical collection but I'm not really under the impression that I own them. I just like to see all the games I "have" in one place. Personally, I do much prefer physical stuff but there are too many digital games I enjoy to just totally ignore them forever. I could buy the fancy physical versions when they come out but..that's money I could be spending on actual new games

Plus to be honest they make a lot of sense on handhelds since I'd rather take around a 3Ds with a few games than lug around my entire set of physical ones


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Re: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2017, 09:24:02 pm »
I catalog them with my physical collection but I'm not really under the impression that I own them.

Same here. I am really just cataloging them to know that I "have some playable form" of the game already.

At this point I kinda feel like the future should be like ultraviolet is for movies.

Let me buy a license to play the game. Then let me download and play it on whichever device I wish.

It's kinda ridiculous but I am buying games like LA Noire twice because I want to experience it in 4k hdr on my Xbox One X. But also want to play it portable on my Nintendo Switch.

Re: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2017, 09:45:01 pm »
I now actually count and catalog digital purchases as part of my collection.

In large part because there are so many games this generation that are impossible to find in physical or their physical versions are incomplete without additional downloads/patches/dlc.

Have you succumbed?

I put most of my digital xbox games in my collection.  I felt gross doing it and plan on removing them soon :(.  Digital games are just infinite rentals that will expire one day.  Nothing to show of and not actual property.  I wish companies would stop forcing them on us but I have succumbed to buying them.  Was I not going to play Cuphead and Sonic Mania?  It's just not fair. 

Re: Nintendo (Switch) and Microsoft Xbox (One X) have broken me
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2017, 10:03:59 pm »
Offically? Not really- I have a handful, but nothing major.

I do intend to give in to the darkside after Christmas, though- I have come to the (somewhat sad) realization that the kind of games I like best don't get proper physical releases anymore. It's time to go see what I'm missing.

I catalog my digital games here- because the tally is kept separately from the physical list, I can keep tabs on what I have available to play if people ask ("have you tried X game yet?" without having to compromise my true collection total.