Hello everyone

. I was talking with a few other gamers recently about remasters. Specifically the Bioshock collection and last of us remaster. And 2 of us including me were talking about how developers use "remasters" as a clear diversion to avoid making a new piece or giving the fans what they actually want. We were saying how it seems almost like a cop out and also a giant money scandal tricking people into buying the same game twice. It's such a brilliant marketing tactic we all fall for. Sure remasters are awesome and visually look better and maybe have an extra mission or two but not 60 USD worth of new content. They should be discounted from the original

. But companies think just improving textures and res warrants it being a "new" game that they can double dip their cookie in profits on.
Our reasoning is that everyone is clammering for a Bioshock 3 and have been for years. But instead of putting their resources into giving us what we really want and wait for they just make a upgrade of the games we already played 6 years ago. Spending minimal money with just improvments to the textures and resolution but still taking full game price. Why is a remaster 60 dollars? it's a old game. We already played it.
And than game publications have the nerve to give a recycled game a 10/10. Like last of us remastered.
I love HD remakes very much

. I love reliving especially classics in HD like the mega man collections. But I also notice the companies double up their money from an old project. It'd be like selling left overs for what you sold the main corse for. It's a distraction and an obvious business ploy. I don't know how to feel about it or if it's really like that. I'm eager to hear everyone opinions on this

Remasters are an amazing idea and I wish they'd do it with more games but it seems Nintendo does it the best way imo. Especially for 8 bit and 16 bit classics like how Nintendo does them. Nintendo does it perfectly. They charge 5-10 dollars for the Virtual console remakes and they don't pretend like it's a new title or a "remaster" they just give you the original game upgraded for a cheap price. that's how it should be.
Where do you stand with remastered games? Do you think they are getting overdone and are just easy money pots for lazy devs or do you think they are essential and amazing to have just the way they are?