Author Topic: What Is This Name calling Fanboy Hatred All About (On other forums)?  (Read 3447 times)

Re: What Is This Name calling Fanboy Hatred All About (On other forums)?
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2017, 01:57:14 pm »
VGcollect is an oasis when it comes to online game forums. I have belonged to half a dozen over the past 15-years or so and all of them except this one are filled with the worst kind of trash the internet has to offer, one of those being fanboys. Probably the worst forum in terms of fanboys was the Gamespot forums in the mid to late 2000s when the 7th generation was getting started. There was constant Wii bashing, labeling all 360 fans as frat boy rapists, and PS3 was going to die off because it was too expensive. And also the worst type of defending your console of choice no matter how dishonest you have to be while discounting everything good about the other consoles out there. And the mods didn't help either, often punishing people for stupid shit while allowing fanboy after fanboy thread to go on and on until people were becoming homicidal. I have no idea why I stuck with it for so long, but luckily them changing their forums to the point where they became cumbersome to use and getting rid of a few of my favorite rooms was enough for me to make the leap.

One forum I currently belong to other that VGcollect is the shmup.system11 forums which are okay, but there are some huge Shmup snobs on there that make friendly discussion difficult to say the least.


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Re: What Is This Name calling Fanboy Hatred All About (On other forums)?
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2017, 02:03:18 pm »
Maybe the problem is the other forums suck and they are a bunch of fanboys?

Just kidding.

I think part of it is the non-partisan nature of the site.

VG Collect aims to be about all games. Every platform. Every generation.

So it attracts that crowd.

I think any site with a specific platform in its name falls prey to being a victim of having very passionate fans for that platform dominating the discussions.

Also I think the members and moderators do a pretty good job of not tolerating bad behavior. :)


Re: What Is This Name calling Fanboy Hatred All About (On other forums)?
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2017, 03:18:15 pm »
VGcollect is an oasis when it comes to online game forums. I have belonged to half a dozen over the past 15-years or so and all of them except this one are filled with the worst kind of trash the internet has to offer, one of those being fanboys. Probably the worst forum in terms of fanboys was the Gamespot forums in the mid to late 2000s when the 7th generation was getting started. There was constant Wii bashing, labeling all 360 fans as frat boy rapists, and PS3 was going to die off because it was too expensive. And also the worst type of defending your console of choice no matter how dishonest you have to be while discounting everything good about the other consoles out there. And the mods didn't help either, often punishing people for stupid shit while allowing fanboy after fanboy thread to go on and on until people were becoming homicidal. I have no idea why I stuck with it for so long, but luckily them changing their forums to the point where they became cumbersome to use and getting rid of a few of my favorite rooms was enough for me to make the leap.

One forum I currently belong to other that VGcollect is the shmup.system11 forums which are okay, but there are some huge Shmup snobs on there that make friendly discussion difficult to say the least.

I was on the GameStop forums in the mid 2000s as well. There was a sub-section called "console wars". lol, I generally just shot the breeze on off-topic, and ignored trolls. When I got back into old school games, I joined Sega-16. They're an all around decent crowd as well, many have commented on the civil and mature nature of the contributors. A lot of the discussions that go on become very technical, and many of the members know about the specs and hardware, and programming of games as well. Some of them are actually coders and former industry insiders. It gets argumentative sometimes, but the arguments are productive and make an interesting read. Most of them are no doubt Sega fans, but many appreciate Nintendo and other platforms and collect more broadly as well. There's a turnover rate of maybe one or two trolls per year, but overall pretty solid place.

I also breifly used the Atari Age and PlayStation collecting forum. Atari Age was okay, they actually had a live chat on their forum which was cool. PS Collecting was a bit samey, never hung around very much there.