Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2018  (Read 56072 times)


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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2018, 09:54:50 am »
Hit 60 games last year so hoping to do similar this year, also hoping to keep up a healthy balance of platforms.

  • Castle of Illusion, starting Micky mouse (PC)

Castle of Illusion was such a fun game.  I need to go back to that one

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #46 on: January 12, 2018, 02:57:11 pm »
Technically another game beaten:
  • We Were Here (Steam)
Basically We Were Here is a simple, short free-to-play multiplayer puzzle game. One player goes through the puzzles, the other is in a room with the solutions. The trick is working together and using eachother's information to solve the puzzles. You know Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes? Yeah, same concept. Honestly, there's little I can say. It's short and not very special, but it's free-to-play. If you're looking for something to kill an hour with with a friend you could do worse. Nothing bad, but nothing special.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #47 on: January 12, 2018, 05:32:58 pm »
Bit late to start as I've only just joined the site, but would like to participate and see how I get on in 2018  :)

I won't beat every game I play. Skill gets the better of me with some platformers and I have a low terror threshold when it comes to horror games!

1. Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus (PS4): I loved the first two games of the reboot but something about this game didn't sit right with me. The gameplay loop reminded me lot of Doom with an absolute crap ton of cut scenes shoved in. They went for shock value which worked in part, but there were times I found myself laughing at the ridiculous story. The graphics, voice acting and music are top notch. The weakest of the series, but still a worthwhile 12 hours.  [12/01/18]

I agree with your thoughts about Wolfenstein II! It's definitely weaker than TNO and TOB, but it's still a heck of a good time. I really liked the music as well, except that horrible, horrible credits song.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2018, 12:07:15 am »
3 - Superhot (PC 2016) - BEAT - Meh. I'd heard about the game since it came out and when it came back with VR and I just found it alright.  Nothing really stood out as it's almost like a free form puzzle game using FPS gameplay.  "Puzzle" might be too strong of an idea to use, but that's how it felt with me.  I ran through the little story bit, and I don't really find myself wanting to do all the challenges and what not.  Honestly, it feels like it would be a better VR game, as you can maneuver around bullets, as I found it kind of annoying to dodge the bullets at times.  Glad I got it free, otherwise I would've just never picked it up.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2018, 06:16:28 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2018, 10:15:50 pm »
1 - Yakuza Kiwami (PS4 2017) - 20 HOURS BEAT - Having played both this and Yakuza 0 now, I can safely say that I don't particularly love the series.  Maybe that's not 100% fare, being that these two games in particular are incredibly samey, using basically much of the same features and assets, though Yakuza 0 has more overall production it.  In some ways, I liked Kiwami more, because it is just a single story.  Yakuza 0 dragged forever with two simultaneous stories.  Even then, the story drags in this one too.  You could easily chop out stuff and get it to be a much more impactful story.

The side content is pretty lackluster, usually just a bunch of goofball nothing stuff.  Majima amused me here and there, though having played both games, his character makes absolutely no sense. 

Combat is overall okay, but I found that if you had to fight any boss or tough enemy that used blades or guns, it was the worst.  More than a few boss fights have them and they are miserable.  Also tying a fighting style to the random Majima fights sucks.  Because of that, it was always the shittier style to use, because I had everything else upgraded and was far more useful.  By the time I beat the game, I didn't have half the ability tree unlocked and I fought Majima regularly to get into the S rank level.  Also the fights against enemies that do the recovery animation that you need Climax Heat to disrupt is stupid. 

I will say that once there's really solid story stuff going or the action picks up, the game is pretty fun, but there's not enough of that for me.  I'm curious to see if this series has noticeable differences to its location and execution with Kiwami 2 and Yakuza 6.  This game and Yakuza 0 are so similar, I don't think I could handle playing another game in this series that is just more of the same.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #50 on: January 17, 2018, 09:10:31 pm »
1. TLoZ: A Link Between Worlds (3DS)

First game of the year! It had a cool concept with the two worlds and the item system, I also liked collecting the maimais because they were fun to find and figure out but they were also useful. It was fun but I felt like I brute forced my way through most of the bosses and I finished it way quicker than I was expecting. I might try the Hero Mode later on for more of a challenge.

Time: less than 30 hours
« Last Edit: January 24, 2018, 10:24:11 pm by wolfen »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #51 on: January 21, 2018, 08:37:51 pm »
And that's game 4!
  • The Ultimate DOOM
The game that revolutionised first person shooters, one of the definitions of a classic. Does it hold up today? Surprisingly, it holds its own quite well. As someone who never played this game before and doesn't care about shooters too much in general I had a surprising amount of fun with this game. I will say right away that Episode 4, Thy Flesh Consumed, is BRUTAL, and I do admit I resorted to a guide to get through it. But with the other three episodes it was a great experience. It's age does show in some places, but even today DOOM is a lot of fun to play. If you're looking for a fun retro game to play, I can recommend it.

Full list:,8821.msg149075.html#msg149075
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #52 on: January 22, 2018, 07:31:14 pm »
Just finished my first game of the year, Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland, and recorded the whole play through working on getting it up on youtube if anyone is interested.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2018, 12:04:52 pm »
Part 1 :,8821.msg149037.html#msg149037

16. The King of Fighters 2000 [20/20] - Arcade -
- A great roster, definitely one of the strongest! Benimaru's team is amazing.
- Like always, beautiful graphics and stages, I can also see an improvement compared to the previous game, especially in the stage's animations.
- Great music.
- I always forget to add this, but the gameplay, while an update wouldn't hurt it's still really good.
17. Garou: Mark of The Wolves [20/20] - Neo Geo -
- A great roster! I wish some older characters would be in there but it's still an AMAZING cast of fighters.
- Terry's update, looking fresh.
- Stunning graphics, the animations are really nice.
- Nice music.
- Good gameplay, a bit different from the older Fatal Fury games tho.
- While I really love this game, It just doesn't feel like a Fatal Fury game at all, the roster is not the same, gameplay too... It should've just been a different serie imo.

18. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- Once again an amazing story. While the start of the game wasn't as impressive as the second game's beginning, I really loved that we got to learn more about Nate and Sully's past. The whole game was epic from the start to the end, all the plot twists, funny dialogues and crazy settings made the game a true masterpiece.
- Graphically it's STUNNING. It was really hard to do better than the second game tbh but this game is really the most visually impressive game of the PS3. I played the PS4 remastered version so obviously it was a bit better than the original but I've also played the original game I remember it being just as impressive.
- Cutter. Each game introduced amazing character and Cutter might be one of my favorite from the serie tbh. He's incredibly funny, his claustrophobic moments were hilarious XD.
- The whole game was amazing but the second part (basically when you get on the big ass boat) is just something else. It goes from epic situations to even more epic situations! Nate escaping the boat, Nate falling of the plane, the desert, the horses, the ending... If you don't like the beginning of the game definitely wait until you get to that point because it would be a huge shame not playing those parts.
- Really good gameplay, not really different from the previous game but it was already perfect so why fix something that ain't broken?

19. The King of Fighters 2001 [18/20] - Arcade -
- The game is really beautiful, the animations seem to be a bit more fluid too!
- A good roster. Also May Lee is one of my favorite female character from the serie and the NESTS is probably my second favorite team ever.
- Good gameplay. The game definitely feels faster and more fluid.
- The stages aren't my favorite, none of them really stood out to me =/
- I feel like the older characters really need an outfit update, some of them look way too old school compared to some newer characters like the NESTS team.

20. The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild [20/20] - Switch -
- First, the graphics are STUNNING. The first time I started the game I was honestly blown away! The grass is so pretty lol
- A huge world with extremely diverse areas, it's so relaxing to just walk around and casually find a new town.
- Really fun characters, they all were so fun in their own way! Kass was probably my favorite!
- Beautiful music, and sometime even just hearing the wind felt so relaxing!
- Great gameplay, loved the climbing and the boss fights are amazing! I also loved the different powers!
- I'm not a big fan of when a game throws you into a huge ass world and doesn't tell you if you're prepared for the next mission, and it's exactly what this game does. I'm trash at RPGS tbh, and for some reason I thought it was a could idea to go to a boss fight (which I didn't know was gonna happen) with 10 arrow, 4 basic ass weapon, 4 heart and a trash outfit. Thank god it wasn't the hardest lol.
- I HATED the weather, it's lovely to have snow but if you can't access it without dying there's no real point to having snow. Especially since you have to find and armor somewhere but once again without google you can search for years lol.


21. Uncharted: Golden Abyss [20/20] - PsVita -
- The game looks stunning, I remember when it was announced and saw the first videos of the game I couldn't believe that a handheld console could run a game with such good graphics! I would honestly love a HD remake for PS4!
- It doesn't feel like a game made exclusively for handheld, it's obviously not as impressive as Uncharted 2 and 3 but it's definitely on the same level as the first game imo!
- Really good story, I loved Marisa too, I know a lot of people consider her a Elena rip off but I actually think she was a really nice character who definitely deserved to at least make a small appearance in the future games.
- Good gameplay, it's basically the same as the home console version's. The shooting was also good, It's one of the thing I usually hate in handheld games but since the Vita has a right stick it was way better than in most handheld games.

22. NBA Street [19/20] - Playstation 2 -
- Really fun gameplay, I loved all the flashy passes and dunks!
- The original characters are EVERYTHING! EA needs to bring them back for a special team in Live!
- Good graphics, it has that old school fun style that I adore! The faces also look pretty good for a game that came out in the early 2000!
- Loved the way to unlock players in city mode, plus the bonus teams were a really fun addition!
- I wish you could change how much points you need to make to win the game, sometimes 21 was just a bit too long (maybe you can change but I didn't notice tho)
- Pretty limited create a character, but I mean the create a player is still ass in Live 18 so I wasn't expecting anything better lol.

23. Assassin's Creed II [20/20] - Playstation 3 -
- Once again amazing graphics! The cities are stunning and they all look really different! I especially loved Venise, the colors and the details in the streets were really impressive. The cities are also imo way better designed for the type of gameplay that Assassin's creed has, it's way easier to move around since the streets are much larger and less crowded (even tho there is still an impressive amount of pedestrians).
- A good story with a lot of diverse missions. The first game's story was interesting but the game in itself was really repetitive and Altair was pretty boring. The story was mostly just introducing the whole plot of the serie, but we didn't get to know Altair's background and stuff. Here we have a really charismatic Ezio Auditore who is much more interesting than Altair. Here the entire story evolves around Ezio, from when he was just a young adult to a fully grown assassin. There are also a lot of other charismatic characters, my favorite being Leonardo Da Vinci!
- A much better gameplay! The climbing is a lot more fluid and fast, and the addition of the double jump makes it so much easier to get where you want to. The fighting is also better, less annoying.
- No more horde of guards trying to kill you, that was what I hated the most in the first game so I'm glad they fixed that.
- Beautiful music!
- Overall just a perfect sequel that corrected everything that had to be corrected.
- Some of the characters looked like ASS, especially Desmond, they did him so wrong lol. The main characters are alright but some background characters really looked goofy as hell lol. Ezio and Leonardo are probably the best looking characters of the game.

24. Street Fighter V [20/20] - Playstation 4 -
- Imo one of the best roster, it has a great mix of old school fighters, newer fighters and completely new fighters. The new characters are especially great imo, Rashid and Menat have become my new favs! I also love that they added Abigail from Final Fight!
- Beautiful graphics! They took everything that was great in SFIV and made it even better! The characters look amazing and the stages are some of the best from the entire franchise imo!
- A great "general" story mode. Usually i'm not a bif fan of stories in fighting game because they rarely make sense but here the story was actually pretty interesting with some great characters.
- Amazing gameplay, a more fluid version of SFIV basically.
- Way too much DLC characters that should've been in the game from the start. There shouldn't be more DLC characters than base game characters.
- The characters story are pretty pointless.
- Not gonna lie, when the game came out it was barely finished, no arcade mode, only 16 fighters... It's way better now but still.

25. EA UFC 3 [20/20] - Xbox One -
- Really realistic looking! The second game already looked good but the lighting in this one changes everything!
- A better gameplay. It might take you some time to get used to the new mechanics if you played the previous games but the gameplay is so much better tbh, way more realistic stand up game, no more of the same annoying combos that people used to do every 5 seconds.
- A lot of different modes, carrer modes, ranked, quick fight, ultimate team, knockout mode...
- A pretty nice character creation, not the best but the face scan does make it fun to create fighters.
- The ground game is ASS. It's way too easy to get knock out on the ground. Same thing with leg kicks.
- To hard to get into a clinch, that's the only thing that I thing got too complicated for nothing.

26. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood [20/20] - Xbox 360 -
- A beautiful open world! Rome looks honestly so stunning, all the little details, the pedestrians, the monuments... It's really impressive even today.
- Graphically it's a HUGE update! The first two game were stunning but this one has just so much more details everywhere! The characters also look way better!
- A great story, with a more mature Ezio who's still just as badass!
- Some really iconic moments like infiltrating the bank (or I think it was a bank lol), killing the banker, the play... Overall they just really used every parts of the city the best way they could to make it memorable.
- A lot of side quests, I haven't done a lot of them because I was more focused on the main storyline but there is a fair amount of them.
- We get to know more about Desmond which is cool since he's pretty likable, also liked the team from the second game (even that rude ass british guy lol).
- A better inclusion of the whole "business" part they tried to do in the second game
- Beautiful music!
- Not enough Leonardo, I feel like he went from a main character to a barely existant one =/ Ezio and Leonardo's friendship was one of my favorite thing in the second game so it's a little annoying.
- Having to buy the double jump is the dumbest thing ever. Especially when it's almost impossible to find Leonardo after his first appearance. I had to play 5 sequences before meeting him again lol.
- The ending! It's not a bad ending but [SPOILER] killing one of the best character (or at least one of my favorite) was imo really stupid.

27. NBA Live 14 [10/20] - Xbox One -
- I guess the game is alright lol, like it's not broken or anything just pretty bland. You can still have fun with it... The gameplay is alright too.
- The game looks like ass. I'm not the type of gamer who's incredibly judgmental when it comes to graphics but this game looks like an early 7th gen game.
- The camera, or at least the one I use which is the baseline low, is one of the most horrible camera angle I've seen in a basketball game. The court doesn't flip so you can't have any blocks or rebounds since you can't see the freakin basketball rim
- The animations are pretty stiff and the players feel really light, like there's no vibrations in the controllers or at least it feels like there isn't.
- Overall a really poor game compared to 2K14.

28. NBA Live 15 [14/20] - Xbox One -
- 2k15 is basically what should've been 2K14.
- Better graphics, still not amazing but a huge upgrade compared to the mess that was 2k14.
- Better camera angles.
- A pretty alright gameplay.
- Overall just really bland, and I know it's two different games but I can't judge Live without comparing to 2K, and in this case 2k15 offers just so much more compared to Live.
- Character creation is basic af.

29. Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 [ 20/20] - Xbox One -
- Graphically really realistic, sometimes I was watching the replays and I honestly thought to myself "why are they showing images of a real game?".
- Really good gameplay, if you played FIFA previously like me, it's gonna take some time to get used to it but I honestly really liked it!
- A LOT of teams from a lot of leagues! Like I really wish there was a basketball game with that amount of effort put into the teams because damn!
- A good player creator.
- My only issue with the graphics were that sometimes the players had like no emotions in their eyes wish can look  a bit creepy lol.
- I know it's not really the games fault but more a licence issue but damn the fake names lol at least they give you the option to edit the names which is cool but it's gonna take you a while lol.

30. NBA Live 18 [20/20]- Xbox One -
- A HUGE improvement from Live 16, like a true 360. Everything is better.
- The game looks STUNNING. Idc what nobody says if you tell me that 2K18 looks better than Live 18 you a liar. The courts especially the outdoor ones looks stunning and the players are just so realistic! All the little details just make the game one of the best looking basketball game ever made imo.
- A really good career mode. Live's career mode has been pretty boring in the previous games, but this one is actually really great! Even tho you don't see any cutscenes like in 2k, I actually thought the story and characters were much more interesting and realistic than in 2K.
- Street games! I love the street games especially the outdoor ones!
- The WNBA! I know a lot of people don't care about the WNBA but this was actually one of the main reason that made me want to get the game!
- Good online games, and free stuff lol. You don't have to pay 100$ to get a good myplayer, I have a 98 overall player and it took me around 3 weeks to upgrade him to that level after playing about 1-2 hours per days.
- Really good gameplay!
- Your player definitely feels unique, I have to main players and the way you can choose their attributes really allows you to make them the way you want to.
- The player creator is still trash, like damn I talked trash about 2K but at least 2K has a character creator lol here you just choose a damn face.
- No legends or previous players. Except in ultimate team, which I don't play.

31. NBA Street Vol.2 [20/20] - Playstation 2 -
- Graphically it's really fun, overall better than the first game. The courts are just so amazing, they feel really alive and are all really different from each other.
- Super fun gameplay, not really different from the first game but it was already amazing and din't really need to be changed.
- Amazing music and commentary during the games!
- The street legends are back and introduced my favorite player : Biggie Little! I just love getting buckets with this lil ass kid against grown men lol.
- The NBA Legends! Now that's a big plus because I always like to play with the old school players!
- Overall a game with a really good vibe, it got that early 2000 humor style that I adore in video games, especially sports games.
- I'm mad at how wrong they did my man Bonafide! He was supposed to be the Muggsy Bogues of NBA street and now he looks like a random basketball player =/

32. The King of Fighters 2002 [14/20] - Arcade -
- A solid roster with one of my favorite team's comeback, the new faces team!
- Really uninspiring stages, I honestly didn't care about any of them.
- No strikers, which was a really cool feature so idk why they took that off.
- The games feels just really bland compared to the others, it's not bad, far from that, but it's just not that exciting. Probably my least favorite KOF game tbh.

« Last Edit: May 30, 2018, 12:08:10 am by chrismb »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #54 on: January 23, 2018, 01:20:59 pm »
Part 1 :,8821.msg149037.html#msg149037

16. The King of Fighters 2000 [20/20] - Arcade -
- A great roster, definitely one of the strongest! Benimaru's team is amazing.
- Like always, beautiful graphics and stages, I can also see an improvement compared to the previous game, especially in the stage's animations.
- Great music.
- I always forget to add this, but the gameplay, while an update wouldn't hurt it still really good.
17. Garou: Mark of The Wolves [20/20] - Neo Geo -
- A great roster! I wish some older characters would be in there but it's still an AMAZING cast of fighters.
- Terry's update, looking fresh.
- Stunning graphics, the animations are really nice.
- Nice music.
- Good gameplay, a bit different from the older Fatal Fury games tho.
- While I really love this game, It just doesn't feel like a Fatal Fury game at all, the roster is not the same, gameplay too... It should've just been a different serie imo.

Currently playing :
- Mafia III
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered
- Assassin's Creed II
- The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- Monster High: New Ghoul in School
- NBA Live 18
- NBA Street
- Street Fighter V
- The King of Fighters 2001

I'm digging the IGN style review format.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2018, 04:12:35 pm »
Part 1 :,8821.msg149037.html#msg149037

16. The King of Fighters 2000 [20/20] - Arcade -
- A great roster, definitely one of the strongest! Benimaru's team is amazing.
- Like always, beautiful graphics and stages, I can also see an improvement compared to the previous game, especially in the stage's animations.
- Great music.
- I always forget to add this, but the gameplay, while an update wouldn't hurt it still really good.
17. Garou: Mark of The Wolves [20/20] - Neo Geo -
- A great roster! I wish some older characters would be in there but it's still an AMAZING cast of fighters.
- Terry's update, looking fresh.
- Stunning graphics, the animations are really nice.
- Nice music.
- Good gameplay, a bit different from the older Fatal Fury games tho.
- While I really love this game, It just doesn't feel like a Fatal Fury game at all, the roster is not the same, gameplay too... It should've just been a different serie imo.

Currently playing :
- Mafia III
- Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Remastered
- Assassin's Creed II
- The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- Monster High: New Ghoul in School
- NBA Live 18
- NBA Street
- Street Fighter V
- The King of Fighters 2001

I'm digging the IGN style review format.

Thanks! I struggle a little bit with my reviews last year so i thought this would be more simple haha


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #56 on: January 24, 2018, 10:19:12 pm »
2. Journey (PS3)

When people talk about games being art this is what they have in mind. Beautiful story and inventive multiplayer that adds on to the story. Very short but very sweet.

Time: around 1-2 hours
« Last Edit: January 24, 2018, 10:20:45 pm by wolfen »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #57 on: January 25, 2018, 05:31:49 pm »
And, unexpectedly, that's game 5
  • 5. LEGOLAND (PC)
After some initial issues getting the game to run, I was happy to return to this piece of my childhood. This must have been one of the earliest video games I've ever played, and now I've finally beaten it. This is one of the older LEGO games, before they became "LEGO *insert external intellectual property here*", and just like the other classics LEGO games it has a charm that never fades.
Apart from a few vague objectives the game is not challenging whatshowever, but that's not the point. Putting down LEGO attractions and props to build a park is just plain simple fun. If that charm doesn't hit you I can definitely see adults finding it boring, but if you do like that simple childish charm this game is for you.
I think this game is especially great for kids though. If you have a little kid who would enjoy building their own theme park, but for whom RollerCoaster Tycoon is still too complicated, I think this game is perfect. It's basically RollerCoaster Tycoon for little kids, with many things simplified to keep it engaging and occasionally challenging, but still easy enough to get through and have fun with. It has aged VERY well. If you have a little kid you think would enjoy it I highly recommend it.
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2018, 08:35:35 pm »
I am actually taking back the no savestates rule, but only for Mario Frustration by Blackout77.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 11:24:25 am by courtlyhades296 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2018
« Reply #59 on: January 28, 2018, 11:09:06 pm »
3. Dragon Ball Z: Sagas (GC)

Not sure what to think of this game. I played this a long time ago and thought it had way more content than it does. I beat it within a few hours without any real difficulty or challenge, and the only fun characters to play with were Vegeta and Broly; one of which isn't unlocked until the game is completed; they're the only ones fast enough to be viable. Overall I thought it was a cool concept, but it should have used a lot more of the unlockable characters and been much longer than it was (it stopped at the Cell Games).

Time: 4-5 hours