Author Topic: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)  (Read 4833 times)

Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« on: January 06, 2018, 02:41:16 am »
With the Power Ball and Mega Millions jackpot so high right now, everyone, including myself has purchased a lottery ticket for the extremely rare, nearly impossible chance we'll win and be disgustingly rich. While I am under no illusion that I'll win, the 3-bucks per ticket is worth the fantasy you get just thinking about what you'd do if you won all that money.

As gamers what would you spend you winnings on as it relates to video games? Would you buy every game for every console ever released complete in box? Would you go for a full set for specific consoles. Would you buy a huge house and fill it with arcade machines? Let us know what you'd do if you won hundreds of millions in the blink of an eye.

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2018, 02:48:08 am »
For me personally I feel like I've been very rich as a collector of video games already; at one point I had a collection of nearly 2000 games all of which I specifically sought to have in my collection. Overall, I've probably had close to 2300 games in my collection ranging from the NES all the way up to modern gen consoles. Having owned many fun, rare and valuable titles, I don't think I'd actually spend crap loads of money on games. Don't get me wrong, I'd still buy a lot of stuff that I've either wanted to have or play for a while, but I'd actually probably buy more relics from my childhood rather then a bunch of games. Things like posters, promotional materials and standees. I'd also probably buy a lot of expensive video game statues I've wanted, but couldn't spare the hundreds of dollars some of them go for. I'd also pick of a dozen or so arcade cabinets I played a lot as a youth and have the set up in a walk-out basement in a house I'd buy if I had that money (nothing crazy like a mansion, but something around 2500 square feet with a huge, open basement). I'd also consider working part time or not at all so I could have a lot more time to play my games among other things. Other then that, I really wouldn't go insane with buying complete sets of mint CIB games for NES or PS1 or anything. I'd mostly just want to have more time to enjoy what I had. Most of my money would be spent on seeing the world, something I've sadly done very little of in my life.

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2018, 03:52:59 am »
I'd have much of the same idea with my winnings.  A comfortable house, nothing crazy, with a big game room to fit in like a half dozen arcade cabinets and a nice collection of games and figures.  Travel would be a big thing too as I've wanted to visit Japan for many years now, so that would be the first trip I take.  Really it would just be allowing me to have what I want without being choosy.  I don't need the mansion with a collection of all the games ever, or like crazy cars, and a summer home with a winter home...I just want to be able to go "Yeah, I'll buy the collector's edition!" or "Hey, I can actually afford these figures now!".


Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2018, 04:32:16 am »
A huge house would be nice.

I would go for the games that I want near mint mint cib and maybe factory sealed because it looks nice, full set neo geo aes standee's vintage promotional posters. I would obviously just buy even the expensive (good) games for full price no questions asked. I would also go for some original arcade cabinets

I would however hire 2 people who would do that work for me finding the stuff that I need only asking me for advice if it isn't clear if i would want it or not since that task would be quite tough and time consuming so that I can do other things in life.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 04:47:17 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2018, 02:54:24 pm »
1) Definitely a bigger house with room for a large library and gaming room. Gotta be able to store all the neat crap I buy.

2) Go for complete console sets, but just for the systems I have attachment to. No sense in collecting a system I have no real interest in. So, this would be primarily the Nintendo and Xbox lines.

3) Go hog wild in Team Fortress 2 trading. Sure, I already have the second largest single effect collection in the world, but I could surge up past #1 by a longshot with that much cash.

4) Try to monopolize a single game. Like how one guy has accumulated over 2,500 VHS copies of Speed, I'd do the same to some random video game, just to see how many I could get. To further increase the eccentricity of it, I'd probably make an accompanying ornate vault for them. Imagine the look on a thief's face when they break into the vault expecting cash and jewelry, but instead finding 5,000 copies of Superman 64.

5) Open my own game shop. Not so much video games, but more card & board. I'd need something to do that'd get me out of the house, and this seems like a great option.

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2018, 05:36:13 pm »
I would turn into Last Gamer, only retain my American accent.

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2018, 05:43:02 pm »
I would turn into Last Gamer, only retain my American accent.

I've thought before that I wouldn't really want a crazy game collection, but then I see such nice setups like this and it makes me think how cool it would be lol It's like having a game store in your house.

That arcade room he wants to build sounds insane.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 05:47:50 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2018, 07:30:08 pm »
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 02:58:26 pm by jce3000gt »

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2018, 08:46:14 pm »
Step 1: Dump much monies into stocks and high yield savings to make sure I have enough income to quit working.

Step 2: Pay debts for family.

Step 3: Nice house.

THEN comes the game room. The exact specs would vary depending on how much I had to piss away, but if money was no object, we're talking a massive amusement center type deal. Arcade, snack bar, a stage for music & VR games, and multiple smaller rooms for specific chunks of gaming history (like a pre-crash room, an 8 & 16 bit room, etc.) Plus a secret D&D room.

I'd have a lot of parties then :D

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2018, 11:52:02 pm »
With such winnings I'd finally have the financial backing to push Giant Black Sea Slug the Video game past pre production phase and have it in households by holiday season 2018 :). The aquatic super hero Simon the Sea Slug would avenge his father's death in 4K one Squid soul at a time.  It would be released for Switch, Xbox and PS4.  As crowd funding has been less lucrative than the development team had imagined. :(

After the success of GBSSTG, their would be sequels, pre sequels, sequels of the sequel, merch, god churches, swag, shirts, bundles, bundles of a bundle,  interactive figures, toys, power wheels, infaltable bouncy houses,  collectibles, DLCs, Mobile Apps and theme parks that would spawn of it's likeness as all video games do. :).   

I'd invest the earning from GBSSTG into a video game development company called something cliche like Marvsoft and invest profits in coal and crude oil stocks as well as buying large shares in Ame's company which is a defunct rural department store chain that was put out of business in the early 2000s by Walmart and just the overwhelming flux of the economy.  I'd re open the chains and by garnering my inventory from bulk importers from villages in Malawi. I could drop prices and build a consumer base competitive with Wally World.  I'd use the lucrative stock market to propel the source of income into a new stratisphere of wealth. :D

Once I'd reach a certain level of wealth Bill Gates may allow me to mow his lawn long enough for me to bounce ideas for a hydrogen powered particle accelerator blue print I made while drinking Keel shakes with Elon Musk.  It'd be isometrically harbored allowing it to propel a subject in 4 directions at speeds faster than sound.  If altered correctly it could be placed in a carbon fiber shuttle craft forming the first flying car.   

The flying car idea will make bill gates invite me to be an inhabitant of his "smart" city he is building in Arizona which will be a completely hybrid, E Economy, super supreme cult of higher up socialists and rich corperate smugs he is making.  It's essentially a scary third reich type of vibe that I want no part of but due to the impending doom from the government created zombie apocolypse Ivanka Trump signed off to form a zombie army to fight North Korea that went bust it'd be a safer place to stay in bill gates heavily guarded neighborhood for the rich.

Earning their trust would be the first step of gaining a spot on Elon Musk's Space X voyage to mars :) for 2030.  When we'd arrive to mars. I'd buy a 30 acre spot of land and build the first space mansion made of quartz and gold.   I'd beg to be neighbors with shigeru miyamoto so I could visit him and fulfill my life long goal of meeting Mr Miyamoto. I'd tell him how much of a demi god immortal he is and I'd most likely end up kissing his feet and end up being removed by security.

I'd build a giant water basin on mars as a water source for the village folk, it'd have giant waterfalls built on the likness of gaming icons like Mario and Link.   

The flying car shuttlecrafts will be delivered to mars.  I'd recieve royalties along with Elon for our invention of the particle accelerator that the governement will use to build armorments on mars.  I'd use my money to fund my presidential campaign and run for president of Mars.  It will be a rocky campaign with a lot of dirt being kicked up but luckily I would end up edging Kevin Spacey by a mere 3,000 votes and become the first president of Mars :).    It will be the proudest moment of my life and i'd live every single day trying to be the best leader I could be for the people of Mars.  I will care so much for everyone's interests and rewrite the wrongs of how things were run on earth.  Human society will learn from it's mistakes and Mars will be so much better. 

20 years would go by but a dark twist of faith would occur, the tyranny of america will reach new levels and America's taxes and tariffs would become overbearing and unfair thus causing the civilization of Marstopia to sign a decloration of independance part 2 which will declare our freedom from America tyranny.  US President Charlie Sheen will declare intergalactic war on Us up in Mars and it will basically be star wars but with more coke and less CGI.   

We'd win the war due to our foundry in which we can make the particle accelerators at a more rapid rate in order to make teleporting tanks and fighter jets.  We'd sieze our assets and arms from the gripping hand of the US and reach a peace agreement with the US after most likely many deaths. 

The new planet will be free of carbon emissions, government tyranny, racism and poverty.  It will be utopia for men woman and children everywhere.  And earth foreigners who want to be part of Mars can be teleported and live happier life based on a interview process.  Giant basins of fresh water created by melting the already existant ice on mars and giant farms built with 3 headed mars chickesn will make it so that mars will never be famished or thirsty :).   Waterfalls of nutella would be built.  The first MFC (Mars Fried Chicken)  will open in 2039.   

Now into video games endeavors which are the most important of all.  Before leaving to mars documents were taken on HDD drives containing the source codes to compeltely and authentically recreate retro video games and even fix what's bad with the bad ones.  Could even redesign and make a perfected good Superman 64.  Living in a world where Superman 64 is good and poverty doesnt exist.  All in a 30 year span.  It would be my only goal with the powerball winnings :).
Mr. Miyamoto along with thousands of Japense billionaires will form Sony and Nintendo design plants on Mars and continue operations as normal. Making amazing games that would be "Mars exclusive" that Earth would have to pay up to get :).  Old retro games would be a trade export with Earth.  They'd send us blaster master carts in exchange for cotton or gold or whatever.   And we'd all live in harmony  ;D

I'd also have 3 elephants.   Trunky, Stumpy and Tusks Jr.   Tusks Sr died in the congo wars in the late 1800s.  Truly a noble prince elephant 

« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 12:05:46 am by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2018, 12:24:20 am »
well i'm not a millionaire! Anyone else.

BTW, not one number from two tickets. I'm not surprised at all lol


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Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2018, 11:33:05 am »
buy a bigger house so gameroom wouldn't look so packed.

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2018, 01:50:43 pm »
I would turn into Last Gamer, only retain my American accent.
I've thought before that I wouldn't really want a crazy game collection, but then I see such nice setups like this and it makes me think how cool it would be lol It's like having a game store in your house.
That arcade room he wants to build sounds insane.

Haha. I probably won't go as far as he does. I'm not really a completionist collector. There's really only a select number of things I really want. I would probably focus on pre-video game Nintendo toys. That shit's rare and expensive. I already have an Ultra Scope, Lefty RX car, Ten Billion Barrel and a handful of G&W.

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2018, 03:52:14 pm »
I would turn into Last Gamer, only retain my American accent.
I've thought before that I wouldn't really want a crazy game collection, but then I see such nice setups like this and it makes me think how cool it would be lol It's like having a game store in your house.
That arcade room he wants to build sounds insane.

Haha. I probably won't go as far as he does. I'm not really a completionist collector. There's really only a select number of things I really want. I would probably focus on pre-video game Nintendo toys. That shit's rare and expensive. I already have an Ultra Scope, Lefty RX car, Ten Billion Barrel and a handful of G&W.

It's more likely someone who has a large library, it's kinda cool just to have a large selection, but realistically in this dream situation, I'd focus mostly on just Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, and new games mostly, with a side collection for certain PC games.

Re: Winning the Lottery (video game edition)
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2018, 09:12:47 pm »
I believe that lottery wins are rigged, either your on some list, or not. I used to know a man who would play everyday. One time in all the hundreds lottery tickets he purchased he won $50.00 and this man used the winnings to buy more lottery tickets. in fact this man spent $50.00 a day almost on lottery tickets and won only part of what the tickets cost him.

On the other hand there was this women who won every single day. She had a book of mathematical numbers that if you understand when the pre numbers come out you can win. she won all the time while the man would spend all of his money on scratch offs or occasional numbers and almost everyone was a dud for this man and every other man I lived with in the home.

This women had a cheat book that had all the coming numbers in different time frames I highly doubt she was psychic or lucky she was a cheater, but won just about every day.

She would cheer (thank you Jesus) every single day and brag of her winnings
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 09:14:58 pm by oldgamerz »
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