Author Topic: Atari 2600 - Additional Fields  (Read 1208 times)

Atari 2600 - Additional Fields
« on: January 07, 2018, 10:20:09 am »
Hi guys,

first thank you and great job on the current progress of your platform.

I'm an Atari 2600 collector and I have some recommendation for your platform:

For Atari 2600 games the rarity rating from atariage has been established as a standard. I would like to have an extra flag for each game that represents the rarity rating (Simple Number from 1 to 10).  See details here:

I'm also missing the option to select the condition: e.g. Sealed/NIB, Mint or damaged (label torn, etc)
The release date shown on the inventory like imdb Title (date).
Cartridge Type: (Atari Black, Beveled, M-Network, HES, etc)
Label: Classic, Special, Whitelabel, SALU
Label Type: Picture, Text, Special
Also Distributor would be nice to be visible on the collection page.

Not sure if I should add everything into the "notes" field :D

Upload of custom picture should also be possible for "pro" users. :)

Also I think the checkboxes are like 1980. There could be some more color and make it easy to spot the current collection status by color:

I have made a raw layout, the bottom shows the legend:

Not sure if this makes sense, but I guess this would be very nice features. Currently I'm not convinced to use this platform to track my whole collection.

I'm happy to help with the design and/or open for any discussion!

Thanks again!


Edit: Adjusted the title

Re: Atari 2600 - Additional Fields
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2018, 02:27:18 pm »
While I understand the desire for such additional input fields (I found my way here from Atariage myself), I think it would be ultimately a poor choice for this website, for one simple reason- this isn't an Atari collection site. It's an everything site. Some of the things you want are applicable across the board, but most simply aren't. Concerns about cartridge type & label variations are all but exclusive to Atari collecting. Devoting specialized fields for this information would divert time & resources from the larger database, as well as breaking uniformity across consoles.

The Atari collectors around here have already found ways to deal with some of these things. Label/publisher variants are noted under separate listings. For example, here's the Adventure listings:

Text label-
Sears Text label-
Sears Picture label-

Oddly, there's no standard picture label, but there is this generic listing: So, a quick user edit would fix that up.

Basically, you can set up seperate listings for every physically different release, then use the 'notes' field to write down any specialized info you'd want, like the AA rarity and release year. You'd probably be done tweaking your listings to your liking well before any sitewide coding changes could be finished.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 02:31:46 pm by hoshichiri »